The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 72

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 72
396 JOHS. BOYE PETEHSEN kind1). It may seem remarkable that I only have it from E. Iceland and the Vestmannaeyjar. This, however, is presumably due to accident, most of my collections of algæ from rocky vvalls and dripping rocks originating from these two parts of the country. Thus there can hardly be any doubt that this species is a true aérial alga whose habitat is chiefly among mosses and on more or less damp rocks. It seems able to withstand rather strong desiccation, while apparently it requires little nitrogenous nourishment (Kolkwitz und Marsson 1908, p. 517, oligosaprobe). Navicula perpusilla Grun. var. Flotowii (Grun.) Boye P. n. comb. N. Flotowii Cl. Svn. I, p. 132. Van Heurck Svn. Pl. 14, íig. 41. Van Heurck Types Nr. 148. E. Icel. 68, 85, L. 99, L. 128. If we compare the diagnoses of N. Flotowii and N. perpusilla in Cleve (1. c.) we are struck bv the slight difference between them. Also the two flgures which Grunow himself has given of the two species in Van Heurck’s Synopsis show great resemblance to each other. No one has therefore been in doubt that they were very closely allied. An examination of the two preparations in Van Heurcks Types (Nos. 212 and 148) has, however, convinced me that the resemblance is even more pronounced than could be inferred from the descriptions and illustra- tions, hence I liave thought it right to reduce N. Flotowii to a variety of N.perpusilla, and we might perhaps even with justice go so far as to include the two species within one. The chief difference stated by Grunow and Van Heurck, (Syn. p.106, Traité p.226) viz. that N.Flolowii is said to be joined into long bands, whereas this it not the case with N. perpusilla, cannot very well be given as a character as it has often been seen tliat the samc species has occurred in chains as well as se- parately. In Van Heurck, Types No. 148 both ,V.perpusitla and N. Flo- towii are found. which, strangely enough, is not pointed out in the corresponding text. In all the samples from Iceland in which I found var. Flotowii, typical Navicula perpusilla were also present. Naviculœ bacillares Cl. Navicula pseudobacillum Grun. Cl. Syn. I p. 137. V. Heurck Syn. Pl. 13, flg.9. E. Icel. 14. Only a single specimen observed. The species is hardly a true aérial species. Navicula terrestris Boye P. Boye Petersen 1915, p. 288, fig. 7, 8. E. Icel. 129 — N. Icel. L. 138, L. 253. ‘) Thus it is evidcntly not by accident that Van ileurck, in Types No. 148, whlch contains the spccies in grcat <piantity, gives as its hahitat >entre les uious- ses d’un rochcr«.
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The Botany of Iceland

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