The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 81

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 81
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 405 f. 2. E. Icel. L. 40, L. 92, L. 121 — N. Icel. L. 179, L. 253 — N. W. Icel. L. 268 — W. Icel. L. 307, 309a, 321 - S. lcel. L. 295, L. 353, 381. f. 3. E. Icel. 41, L. 68 — N. Icel. L. 184, 217, 218, L. 241. f. 4. Vestmannaeyjar L. 399, L.401, L. 408, L. 409. f. 5. Vestmannaeyjar L. 399, L. 400, L. 408. f. 6. E. Icel. 69. Thus, taken as a whole, the species lias been found in nearly all parts of the country and in very diverse localities, in the highlands as well as the lowlands, on mineral ground as well as on ground more or less rich in manure near human habitations, and íinally also at the hot springs. Of the individual formæ f. 1 and f. 2 are the commonest, they often occur together and in just as diverse localities as the species as a whole. F. 3 was found parth7 on damp rock, partly near hot springs; but it is not certain whether these localities are its peculiar habitat. F. 4 and f. 5 were only found on the rocks on the shore of the Vestmannaeyjar, at a considerable height (20—50 m) above the sea, it is true, though not quite beyond its influence perhaps. The rocks were inhabited bj' numerous sea birds whose droppings no doubt contributed to produce the special life conditions in this place. Sl § É CLd í 1 il C= i ! CC: CT: §§ c== cgf % i, e C3 Fig. 24. Pinnularia inter- media Lgst. a, f. 1; b, c, f. 2; d, f. 3; e, f. 4; f,f. 5; g, f. 6. (X 1200). Pinnularia interrupta W. Sm. f. minor n. f. Fig. 25. N. Icel. 215, 218 — W. Icel. 338 — S. Icel. L. 364, L?295. L. 22—30/t, br. 4,8—6//, str. 14 in 10/t. Valve linear, rostrate-subcapitate, apical area narrow, transapical fascia present The striæ radiate in the middle, converging strongly at the apices. Approaches P. subcapitata from which, however, it differs distinctly by its finer, more radiate, and converging striation. Especially it shows close affinity to iV. Hilseana Janiscli (A. S. Atl. T. 45, fig. 65), which is referred by Cleve (Syn. II, p. 75) to P. subcapitata. Stockmayer (1909 p. 85) has likewise found specimens intermediate between P. interrupta and P. subcapitata. The occurrence of such intermediate forms was already mentioned byCleve (Syn. II p. 76). 4 of the above-mentioned samples were collected near hot springs, the 5th (No. 295) on the »hlað« by a farm. Fig. 25. Pinnularia interruplu W. Sm. f. minor n. f. (X 1200). Pinnularia lata Bréb. var. Rabenhorstii Grun. Cl. Syn. II, p. 81. Grun. 1860, p. 515, Pl. IV, f. 13. E. lcel. 24, L. 68, L. 69, L. 70, L. 129 - S. Icel. 294. The Botany of Iceland. Vol. II. 27
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The Botany of Iceland

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