The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 83

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 83
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 407 307, 309 a, 338) in places where the presence of abundant organic nourishment is probable, and likewise several times near hot springs (samples 215, 217, 321, 3(54), but whether these finds give any reliable picture of the life conditions under which it thrives best seems to me doubtful. P. molaris shows great resemblance to small forms of P. Brelnssonii, but in the latter the striation is strongly di- and convergent, whereas, in the small forms of P. molaris the striation is almost parallel. Two such small specimens are shown in fig. 26. Fig. 26. Pinnularia molaris Grun. (X 1200) Pinnularia muscicola Boye P. n. sp. Valva lineari, levissime capitata, long. 9,5 fi, lat. 2,3 fi, striis 18 in 10 fi, parallelis; area apicali angusta. Fig. 27. Fig' 27' Pinnularia E. Icel. 123. muscicola n-sp. This small species I only found in one of the samples (X 1200). jiere ,jea][ but I also found it in some of the samples of soil which Mr. Molholm-Hansen brought home to me. This proves that the species occurs on earth in several places in Iceland. Pinnularia parva (Grcg.) Cl. var. Lagerstedtii Cl. f. interrupta n. f. A. Schm. Atl. Pl. 44, flg. 57? Fig. nostr. 28. Vestmannaeyjar 401, L. 408, 409, 410. Pinnularia parua var. Lagerstedtii was first described t)y Lagerstedt (1873, p. 26, Tab. II, fig. 4) as Navicula parvula from Spitzbergen and Beeren Eiland where it was found on »earth and mos- ses«. Cleve (Syn. II, p.87) referred it to Pinnularia parva as a variety, and this is no doubt correct. The species P. parva has as a rule the short marginal striæ uninter- rupted all the way round, but occasionally there occur forms having an interruption in the middle either on one or both sides. Var. Lagerstedtii has likewise as a rule no interruption of the striæ. The specimens found on the Vestmannaeyjar had, however, all such a trans- apical fascia, and I have therefore thought it right to term them f. interrupta. The largest specimens showed transition to the typical P. parva, their apices being slightly capitate (Fig. 28 a). Within the f. interrupla may perhaps also be included a »fraglich« form (A. Schm. Atl. 1. c.). On measuring the figure I find the following dimensions: L. 25 /u, br. 6 fi, str. 10 in 10/< P. parva var. Lagerstedtii shows the following range of dimensions: L. 25—35 fi, br. 5—8,8/<, str. 8—10 in 10 fi. It will thus be seen that the form in A. Schmidt Atl. shows excellent correspondence of dimensions with this variety. Hustedt has a figure representing a form which he calls P. intermedia (1924, Taf. 21, fig. 10), but which cer- tainly cannot belong to this species, but must be called P. parva v. Lager- Fig 28. Piniiularia parva (Greg.) Cl. var. Laijerstedlii Cl. f. interrupta n f. (X 1200). 27
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The Botany of Iceland

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