The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 94

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 94
418 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN The dimensions of the specimens found range within the following limits: L. 11— 24/í, br. 2,2—2,8 /t, str. more than 30, carinal dots 11—15 in 10/t. The species, which has not previousty been found in Iceland, seems predominantlj' terrestrial there, though it does not grow iu verj' dry localities. Nitzschia microcephala Grun. Cl. et Grun. Arct. Diat. p. 96. V. Heurck Syn. Pl. 69, flg. 21. W. Icel. L. 337. This peculiar small species has hitherto only been known from Europe (Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark). It was not found in any great number in the sample. Nitzschia perpusilla Ilabh. Cl.und Grun. Arct. Diat. p. 99. Van Heurck Syn. Pl. 69, flg. 8. E. Icel. 85 — N. lcel. L. 135. The species has not previously been found in Iceland, and on the whole little is known as to its distribution and occurrence. Hence it is difficult to form any opinion as to whether it lives chiefly as a ter- restrial or as an aquatic species. Nitzschia sinuata (W. Sm.) Grun. Cl. und Grun. Arct. Diat. p. 82. Van Heurck Syn. Pl. 60, fig. 11. E. Icel. 85, 92, 99. 0strup found it in Iceland in 26 samples from fresh water, hence it is evidently in the main a hydrophilous species. Nitzschia thermalis Kútz. var. minor Hilse. Cl. und Grun. Arct. Diat. p. 78. Van Heurck Syn. Pl. 59, fig. 22. N. Icel. 133. Found in a dried up ditch south of Akureyri among pronouncedly terrestrial species. Nitzschia vermicularis (Kútz.) Grun. var. terrestris Boye P. n. var. E. Icel. L. 8. Valva recta lineari in media parte paululum con- stricta, apicibus protractis; long. 50—55 /t, lat. 4,5 /t, striis transversis delicatissimis punctis carinalibus 6—8 in 10 /z. E facie connectivali visa sigmoidea. Fig. 31. I only found this form of N. vermicularis in one of the samples I examined, and it may perhaps belong to that kind of small forms which several investigators have found on earth. (Boye Petersen 1915, Bristol 1920, p. 40, Beger 1927, p. 391). The frequently elongated carinal dots are a peculiar feature of this form. Fig.31. Nitzschia oermicularis (Kutz.) Grun. var. icrrestris n. var. (X 1200).
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The Botany of Iceland

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