The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 100

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 100
424 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN comijxa dispar and C.Naegeliana distinct. In grovvths of these plants I have often found it very difficult to ascertain whether or not pyrenoid was present, and one gets the impression that the pyrenoid may be entirely absent, e. g. in young cells, even if it is quite plainly present in older cells of the same species. Hence I think that one should not attach too much importance to this character. Puj'maly (1. c.) would identify Gloeocyslis vesiculosa Nag. which is the type of the genus with Coccomyxa Naegeliana (Art.) Wille, 1) because, according to Nágeli’s own statement, it has been found growing on damp beams and stones, 2) because he thinks he can demontrate from the figures (Nageli 1849 Taf. IV F) that the cells do not multiply by siinple cell division in three directions but by autospore formation. If these considerations are correct, since stratified and »eingeschachtelten« gelatinous sheaths are not unknown in the true Coccomyxa species (C. Corbierei Wille 1910, p. 302), it is no longer possible to íind any decisive difference between the two genera. Puymaly’s explanation does not, however, seem to me quite convincing. If it is really Coc- comyxa Naegeliana Naegeli has described, it is incomprehensible that he should have drawn only round cells, the great majority of the cells in this species being oblong or fusifortn, neither does Puymaly’s assertion that reproduction in G. vesiculosa is an autospore formation seem to me convincing. No original specimen of Nðgeli’s plant being probably in existence, it will be impossible to get to the bottom of the matter, hence I am of opinion that we rnust for the present maintain tlie generic name Coccomyxa for the following more closely investigated species: C. Naegeliana (Art.) Wille, C.dispar Sehmidle, C. Corbierei Wille, C.litlo- ralis (Hansg.) Wille, C. nalans (Chod.) Schmidle. Common to all these species are the often oblong cells, though spherical cells may quite occasionally be found. Possibly there exist true Gloeocystis species with a stratiíied gelatinous sheath and simple cell-division in three directions in accord with Nágeli’s diagnosis. To these perhaps belong e. g. C. oli- vacea Boye P. (1914, p. 324) and Gloecystis gigas (Kutz.) Lagerh. Printz is evidently of the same opinion, for in Engler et Prantl, Die natúrlichen Pflanzenfamilien 2. Aufl. he refers the two genera to diflerent families, viz. Gloeocystis to Tetrasporaceœ and Coccomyxa to Pleu rococcaceœ. Coccomyxa dispar Schmidle. Schmidle 1901, p. 20, Tab. I, íig. 6—25. Boye Petersen 1915 p. 323. S. Icel. 276. The spccies was originally found by Schmidle on mosses in pine forests. I myself have observed it on very diverse substrata in Denmark, thus on mosses in bogs, on rocks, stumps of trees, bark, and soil. In Iceland I found it on a paling in Reykjavík. Apatococcus lobatus (Chod.) Boye P. n. comb. Pleurococcus lobatus Chodat 1902, p. 284, lig. 199. Boye P. 1915, p. 321, Tab. I, lig. 5—10. Pleurastrum lobatum Printz 1921, p. 21, Pl. VI, fig. 156—200. Apatococcus vulgaris Brand 1925, p. 348, fig. 40—53. S. Icel. 276, 286.
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The Botany of Iceland

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