The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 102

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 102
426 JOHS. BOYE PETERSEN Brand has given very weighty reasons (1925, p. 324) for not fol- lowing Wille in calling the present species by Agardh’s name Proto- coccus viridis. There can he no doubt that the íirst to describe the species so well that it was recognisable was Nágeli (1. c.). Hence it is only fair that his specific name should he retained. As, however, the species cannot well be classed in the same genus with Pleurococcus vul- garis Men., I prefer to use the new generic name given it hy Brancl. The species is uncommon in Iceland. It was found in 7 samples in all, and I have nowhere seen such extensive growths as are common in Denmark and other European countries. In Iceland it has been found on woodwork, stones and rocks (400, 408) and in one sample originating from turf at the base of a wall (40). Pleurococcus vulgaris Menegh. Boye Petersen 1915, p. 319 Tab I, fig. 2, 3. N. Icel. 216 — N. W. Icel. 261 - S. Icel. 270, 275, 286, 292. In the above-mentioned samples I have ascertained the presence of a form which is quite in accord with the P. vulgaris mentioned by me in 1915 (1. c.). By the aid of chlor-zinc-iodine I was able to demon- strate pyrenoids in the cells, just as also the dimensions of these were the same as I have stated. According to the data it is doubtful whether this form is identical with the genuine P. vulgaris Men. (Monog. No- stochinearum Torino 1843, p. 30 (cit. after Brand 1925)), and possibly P. vulgaris Boye P. should be given a new name. It has been impossible for me to decide this, since I have had no access either to Meneghini’s original figures or to any orig'inal specimen. Borzi, however, saw an original specimen (1895, p. 207), and ascertained that the chromatophore contained a pyrenoid. Chodat used this to establish the diíference be- tween P. vulgaris Men. and P. vulgaris Nág. (= P. Nðgelii Chod.) (Chodat 1897, p. 117, 1902, p. 279). Later (1909) Chodat formed the opinion that P. vulgaris Men. was a developmental stage of a Prasiola, and Brand thinks so too (1925, p. 338). I have previously described a P. calcarius (1915, p. 320) which Puymaly referred to Prasiola leprosa Kútz. (Puy- maly 1920, p. 189) and which is no doubt identical with the P. vulgaris of Chodat and Brand, or at any rate with a number of the forms which these autliors refer to the species. In my paper (1915) I deflned the difference between P. calcarius and P.vulgaris, the former of which undoubtedly shows afíinity with Prasiola while the latter is evidently different. Neither Brand nor Chodat seem to distinguish between these two forms, and only a closer study of them, coupled with a study of Meneghini’s original text, figures, and specimens will be able to clear up the matter. Myrmecia pyriformis Boye P. n. sp. Cellulis junioribus globosis, diam. 5 p, vel ovalibus, long. 9 p, lat. 5p, Cellulis adultis pyriformihus ad lignum afíixis, long. 16—24 p, lat. 15— 20 ju; membrana chlorozincico jodurato coerulescente, parte exteriore plus minus incrassata. Chromatophoro parietali, pyrenoide instructo. Zoo-
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The Botany of Iceland

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