The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 105

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 105
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 429 Tréboux advocates the conception that the relationship between the fungus and the alga in a lichen is one of simple parasitism, especi- ally on the ground that the alga thrives far better in the open than as a gonidium. However, this view does not seem to meet the case in Iceland where lichens thrive well while free living algæ are practically unknown, and we cannot entirelj7 dismiss the idea that the algæ enjoy no inconsiderable protection from the fungus against the difficult climatic conditions. Trochiscia hirta (Reinsch) Hansg. Boye Petersen 1915, p. 325, Tab. II, flg. 21-24. West 1904, p. 203, fig. 82 G. H. Acanthococcus hirtus Reinsch 1886, p. 240? Pleurococcus vestitus Lagerheim 1882, p. 78? — — Wittr. et Nordst. Alg. exsicc. No. 446? N.Icel. 216 — N.W. Icel. 261 — S.Icel. 275,292 — Vestmannaeyjar 400. The present species has previously been mentioned by me (1. c.) and on comparing the Icelandic material with my samples from Denmark I have found the closest agreement. I liave again compared my material with Wittr. et Nordst. No. 446, but with the specimens in this sample the agreement is not quite satisfactory, the spines on the surface of the cells being considerablj7 coarser here than in the Icelandic and Danisli samples I have had under observation. In the small table below I give the dimensions of the cells. Wittr. et Nordst. Nr. 446 Sample 292 from Iceland Sample 216 from Iceland From Denmark: Dyrehaven Diameter of cells 13—15,4,« 15,4—24,2 /i 20 /i 23 /i Number of spines in 10 /i abt. 4 7—10 abt. 9 abt. 9 Length of spines abt. 2 /i 5D 7 00 ö abt. 0,6 /i abt. 1 /« While I have found cells both in the Icelandic and the Danish material in which the numerous chromatophores could be plainly seen, this was not the case with the exsiccatum. Hence I am not quite certain of the identity of these forms though I cannot conclusivelj7 show that they are not variations due to difference of life conditions. The main point here is how far the form in Wittr. et Nordst. is furnished with one or several chromatophores, and whether or not there are pyrenoids. Further investigations may perhaps clear up this poinl. In Denmark I have found the species on woodwork, tree-trunks, and thatched roofs. In Iceland I have also collected it from woodwork (261, 292), but likewise on large stones, especially in places protected against intense desiccation. (216, 275, 400). Oocystaceæ. Keratococcus bicaudatus (A. Braun) Boye P. n. comb. Dactvlococcus bicaudatus A. Br. in Rab. Fl.eur. alg. Sect. III, 1868, p. 47.
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The Botany of Iceland

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