The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 107

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 107
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 431 Chlorellaceæ. Chlorella ellipsoidea Gern. Gerneck 1907, p. 250, Taf. XI, fig. 45— 51. Boye Petersen 1915, p. 331, Tab. II, flg. 27-30. Puymaly 1924, p. 207, Pl. IV, fig. 14-21. Chlorococcum murorum Brand et Stockmaver 1925, p. 329. Taf. 11, flg. 1-10. N. W. Icel. 261 — S. Icel. 286, 395. That Chlorella ellipsoidea Gern. and Chlorococcum murorum are one and the same species seems to me quite obvious. The descriptions of the two species agree exactly except for a slight difíerence in the dimensions of tlie cells. The dimensions in this species being on the whole very variable according to the age and development of the cells, we can hardly attach anj7 great importance to this difference. Another and considerably more difficult question is that of the correct name of the species. Brand has tentatively referred it to the old genus Chloro- coccum (Fries) Grevillc emend. Brand is possibly right in his present- ment of the various conceptions of the genus through the ages, but we have no absolute certainty of Brand’s view being correct, and he has undoubtedly made a mistake in placing the Xanthoria-alga in the same genus under the name Chlorococcum sociabile. This alga belongs quite decisively to another genus, nay probably to another family, or it is even remoter still. The two species differ both in the structure of the cell, especially the appearance of the chromatophore, and in the mode of reproduction. Hence I prefer the current name of Chlorella ellipsoidea. In the two íirst-mentioned samples from Iceland it grew on wood- work, this being probably its habitual habitat. Puymaly has moreover found it on tree-trunks and fungi (1 c.). Brand has found it on stones and walls (1. c.). In Iceland I have likewise found well-developed spe- cimens on walls (sample 395). Chlorella rugosa Boye P. n. sp. Chlorella cellulis ellipsoideis vel ovalibus; membrana cellularum adultarum plus minus rugosa, chlorozincico jodurato coerulescente; chloro- phora singula parietali sine pyrenoide. Bipartitionibus repetitis 4—8 cel- lulæ intra membrana materna oriuntur, una sæpe major quam ceteræ. Cellulis vegetativis lat. 2,4—6,6/4, long. 4,5—11 /4; sporangiis lat. 6,4—7,s/<, long. 7,9—15,4/4 (v. s.). Fig. 35, 36. Hab. Ad ligna vetusta. W. Icel. 326, 349. This species shows great resemblance to Chlorella li- china Chod. (1913, p. 92, lig. 83—86), but differs from this species especially by the absence of pyrenoid in the chro- matophore. Oil is often seen in the cells, but not starch. “ In the young cells the wall is thin and smooth, later it grows more or less papillose, sometimes over its entire Fig. 35. surface, sometimes only in certain portions of it. The walls Chlorella seem to consist of cellulose and colour strongly violet with From^sampíe chlor-zinc-iodine. Reproduction occurs by bipartition of the 349. (x 1200).
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The Botany of Iceland

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