The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 109

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Qupperneq 109
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 433 Stichococcus bacillaris Nag. Nageli 1849, p. 76, Tab. IV, G. N. Icel. 243 — W. Icel. 349 — S. Icel. 287, 395. In Denmark this species grows on various substrata, but especially on the bark of living trees and on wood, and bj' preference in places with very subdued light, e. g. in dense woods. In Iceland it is of much rarer occurrence which is perhaps due to the fact that suitable habitats are not common here. In the birch woods the light may possibly be too strong for it, and all woodwork is as a rule exposed to the light and wind in Iceland. I have only found it in four localities, viz. 1) in a cave formed by the action of the waves by the shore near Húsavík (243), 2) on a fence pole at Möðruvellir in Kjós, and 3) on a telegraph pole at Borgarnes, in both the latter cases quitc near the ground, and finally 4) on the lower part of the wall of the old factory near Reykjafos. Prasiolaceæ. Prasiola Ag. The taxonomy of the genus Prasiola has long been a matter of controversy and the discussion is hardly closed yet. The tendency has in the main been towards assembling the numerous forms described according to two lines. In the first place it has been recognised that each species could occur in a íilamentous form (Hormidium), a band- shaped form (Schizogonium), and a flat expanded form (Prasiola). To these may be added a Pleurococcus-like form, often confused with Pleuro- coccus vulgaris Men., thus by Chodat (1909), and by Brand (1925). In this way the numbcr of genera has heen reduced to one, viz. Prasiola. In the second place various authors havc realised that several of the species established cannot, in fact, be distinguished from each other, and so nowadays abt. 4—5 aérial species are taken into account. Even the justification of certain of these species is sometimes questioned, just as also the various authors do not quite agree as to what characters should be employed to distinguish them. I shall not here enter more fully into the extensive literature, but refer the reader to the thorough researches of Imháuser (1889) and Brand (1914), who cite the litera- ture then available. Prasiola crispa (Lightf.) Men. Brand 1914, p. 308. Schizogonium crispum Gay 1891, p. 86. — murale — — - 87. — radicans Chodat 1909. E. Icel. 14, 15, 40, 77, 78, 92, 112, 114, 121, 131 — N. Icel. 135, 161, 162, 172, 173, 185, 196, 197, 216, 217, 242, 252 - N.W.Icel. 261, 268 — W. Icel. 297, 298, 307, 309a, 325 — S. Icel. 275, 282, 283, 287, 295, 352, 372, 381 — Vestmannaeyjar 408, 409. Above I have only given a few of the numerous synonyms of this species; the reader will be able to find the rest from the citations given. After it had been established by Imháuser’s investigations that the Hormidium forms were merely imperfectly developed Prasiolæ, Gay thought nevertheless (1. c.), that two aérial forms could be distinguished, which
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The Botany of Iceland

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