The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 111

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Síða 111
THE AERIAL ALGÆ OF ICELAND 435 points out (1914, p. 297) that P. crispa is a saprophytic species that only attains its full developraent where there is plenty of organic matter. Helgi Jónsson, too, mentions (1898, p. 360) that the species is very widespread in Iceland in places abounding in manure. I have found very large thalli of this species, thus in sample 121 (earth, Seyðisfjörður) where one specimen had a diameter of 5 cm when fuily extended. Prasiola furfuracea (Fl. dan.) Men. Imháuser 1889, p. 266, 287 Heering in Pascher, Siisswasserflora Heft. 6, p. 57. E. Icel. 113 — S. Icel. 353 — Vestmannaeyjar 406. This species differs from the preceding one by its thalli which as a rule are much smaller and attached to the substratum by a more or less distinct stalk-like part, while the Hormidium forms are very slightly developed. Thus typically developed it occurred on stones in fences round a couple of farms, and on rocks below bird-cliffs on the Vestmannaeyjar. Pujrmaly maintains (1924, p. 230) that P. leprosa Kutz. is a species quite distinct from P. farfaracea, while most modern authors following Imháuser regard the two species as identical. He refers certain pleuro- coccoid forms from chalk cliffs to Prasiola leprosa, amongst others Pleurococcas calcarius Boye P. (1915, p. 320). It is probably right that this species must be regarded as a stage of a Prasiola, a possibility which I already referred to in 1915. But I cannot see that Puymaly has pointed out characters by which pleurococcoid stages of the different Prasiola species may he distinguished from each other, and when these stages alone occur in a growth without further developmental stages, I think it is impossible at the present juncture to say what species jrou have hefore you. Such a pleurococcoid form I have found on stones near the shore on the Vestmannaeyjar (sample 405). H. Jónsson states (1903, p. 354) that he has found P. furfuracea in several places along the shores of Iceland on rocks, often in company with P. stipitata. Chætophoraceæ. Pseudendoclonium submarinum Wille. Wille 1901, p. 29, Taf. III, fig. 101-134. Wille 1910, p. 282. Vestmannaeyjar 404, 405. The species was originally described by Wille from Dröbak in Norway where it formed coatings on breakwater stakes and other wood- work in and near salt water, which macroscopically greatly resembled Pleurococcus layers. Later on Wille found the species near Trondhjem in Norway (1906, p. 17) and in France (1910, p. 282). It has besides been observed bjr Helgi Jónsson (1903, p. 358), in Iceland, (E. lcel. Djupivogur) and by F. Collins in North America. In all these localities it grew on woodwork, Wille, however, found it on the brick walls of an aquarium in F'rance.
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The Botany of Iceland

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