The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 114

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1928, Side 114
438 JOHS. bove petersen: the aérial algæ of iceland When I visited the same locality in 1914, I found similar condi- tions. A small stream flows out by the meadow, the mouth of which has become funnel-shaped owing to the strong tides, with an enormous bed in proportion to its volume of water. On the sloping sides grew V. sphœrospora, forming connected, somewhat tufted growths on the muddy bottom. During high tide these growths will be ílooded with salt water. (Fig. 1, p. 357). In the same way it grew in a small stream cutting the littoral meadow, and in a depression with otherwise naked clayey bottom, in both places under such conditions that it must be flooded with salt water at high tide. The species must be designated as a halophilous species, hardly growing much above high water mark. Vaucheria terrestris Lyngb. Heering 1907, p. 160. N. W. Icel. 264. I have only met with this species in one place, viz. on a road near Isafjörður. As in Denmark (Boye Petersen 1915, p. 349), so also in Iceland it seeins to be of rarer occurrence than V. hamata. RHODOPHYCEÆ. Rhodochorton islandicum Rosenv. Kolderup Rosenvinge 1900, p. 61. H. Jónsson 1911, p. 119. This species I have mentioned on p. 363, and I have nothing to add.
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The Botany of Iceland

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