Atlantica - 01.06.2006, Side 13

Atlantica - 01.06.2006, Side 13
12 AT L A N T I CA THE BEST THING SINCE, UM… Demand for emergency canned goods is high in Japan, a country waiting on pins and needles for the next big earthquake to hit. Now a vocational center in Nagoya has created canned bread, which stays light and fresh for up to three years. The bread is baked by physically disabled residents of the Nagoya Light House Kowa Dormitory, and provides a major portion of the residents’ income. With the enthusiastic name Pan Desuyo! (This Is Bread!), this canned confection comes in three flavors: chocolate chip, raisin & fruit, and coffee. It’s sure beats Spam and baked beans while waiting for the apocalypse. SOLD! Regular eBay is nice and all, but if you’re like us at Atlantica, you end up getting caught up in the bid and land yourself a pair of baby blue suede roller skates from Canada that don’t even really fit. The online shopping forum’s new service, eBay express, now offers a panacea to bad purchases that were more fun to win than to own. eBay express has the same exhaustive cornucopia of goods to choose from that the original does, but you buy your mortar mixer or Prada sunglasses in a single swipe of your virtual credit card. No muss, no fuss. UNDEROOS FOR GROWNUPS Down with minimalism: you’re not fooling anybody if you think your titanium isn’t flashy. When it comes to big expensive computers, why not just go for it? For a little over USD 2,500 you can take a trip down memory lane and set yourself up with a loaded Superman Returns Special Edition laptop by Alienware. They’re big, they’re blue, and they come with a certified guarantee to turn heads in any Starbucks. Only 350 of the laptops are going to be released in anticipation of the Superman Returns movie this July, so get your cape on and get going, big guy. 009 airmail Atlantica 406 .indd 12 23.6.2006 11:22:31
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