Atlantica - 01.05.2007, Page 75

Atlantica - 01.05.2007, Page 75
74 a t l a n t i c a How to Drive in Iceland A relatively large percentage of foreign tourists in Iceland travel around the country by car. Conditions in Iceland are in many ways unusual, and often quite unlike that which foreign driv- ers are accustomed to. It is thus very important to learn how to drive in this country. We know that the landscapes are beautiful, which naturally draws the attention of the driver away from the road. But in order to reach your destination safely, you must keep your full attention on the driving. This article is intended to point out the main dan- gers of driving in Iceland, especially the unusual ones that may come as a complete surprise to foreign drivers. THE SPEED LIMIT IN POPULATED AREAS IS USUALLY 50 KM/HR. Speed limit signs are usu- ally not posted unless the limit is other than 50 km/hr. It is often 60 km/hr on thruways, but in residential areas it is usually only 30 km/hr. The main rule on highways is that gravel roads have a speed limit of 80 km/hr and paved roads 90 km/ hr. Signs indicate if other speed limits apply. A COMMON PLACE FOR ACCIDENTS TO OCCUR ON RURAL ROADS IS WHERE A PAVED ROAD SUDDENLY CHANGES TO GRAVEL. Drivers often do not reduce speed before the changeover, and consequently lose control. Loose gravel on road shoulders is also the cause of a great number of accidents. When driving on gravel roads – which are often quite narrow – it is important to show caution when approaching another car coming from the oppo- site direction by moving as far to the right as is safely possible. BLIND HILLS – where lanes are not separate – can be very dangerous, and should be approached with caution. There are also many blind curves in Iceland that require skillful navigation. ON THE RING ROAD ARE MANY SINGLE- LANE BRIDGES and the rule is that the car clos- est to the bridge has the right of way. However, it is always wise to stop and assess the situation, by attempting to see what the other driver plans to do. IN ICELAND, YOU CAN EXPECT LIVESTOCK TO BE ON OR ALONGSIDE THE ROAD. Usually this means sheep, but sometimes horses and even cows can block your way. This is the case all over the country, and can be very dangerous. Sometimes a ewe will be on one side of the road and her lambs on the other. Under these condi- tions – which are very common – it is advisable to expect the lambs or the sheep to run to the other side, where the ewe is. IN ICELAND, DRIVERS AND PASSENGERS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO WEAR SEATBELTS, regardless of the type of vehicle or where they are seated. Studies of fatal accidents in recent years have shown that a large majority of those who lost their lives did not have their seatbelts fastened. Wearing seatbelts is especially important due to the nature of accidents in Iceland: many of them involve vehicles driving off the road and rolling. In such accidents, seatbelts often mean the difference between life and death. It should be noted that children must wear seatbelts or be in car safety seats, depending on their age and maturity. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO OPERATE A VEHICLE IN ICELAND AFTER CONSUMING ALCOHOL and violators can expect stiff penal- ties. ICELANDIC LAW REQUIRES THAT VEHICLE HEADLIGHTS BE ON AT ALL TIMES, day and night, when driving. OFF-ROAD DRIVING IS STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. Such driving results in serious damage to sensitive vegetation, which may take nature decades to repair. Foreign travelers requiring information regard- ing road and driving conditions should visit the Public Road Administration’s website at It should be noted that the Road Traffic Directorate has produced a video for foreign drivers, which covers all the points mentioned here. The video can be viewed on the Directorate’s website, Photo Páll StefánSSon icelanda a message from the icelandic ROadS adMiniSTRaTiOn. SpecIal promotIon
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