Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti - 01.05.1947, Blaðsíða 15

Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti - 01.05.1947, Blaðsíða 15
BRETLAND OG ISLAND, Maí, 1947 Ransomes One-Man Tractor ICELANDIC AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION, 1947 AT the end of next month the lcelandic Agricultural Ex- hibition will be staged in Reykjavik. It will be held in a large Park on the south side of the town, the exhibits will be displayed inside a large hall and the Park grounds will be used for demonstration purposes. This is the first Agricultural Show which has been held in lceland since 1921, and has been instigated by the lceiandic National Agricultural Com- mittee. Every factor concerning Agricul- ture is behind it, the University, the Agricultural Schools, Agricultural Societies, various private Societies, importers of Agricultural imple- ments, etc. The President of the Committee is Mr. Bjorni Asgeirsson, Minister of Agriculture; there are flve other members beside the President. The Exhibition will aim to give a comprehensive view of the agri- cultural position of lceland and will be divided into various sections— machinery, tools, sheep-rearing, gar-: dening, home handicrafts, housing and building, nursery and market £ Saiopian Cow-stall with single quick release fastening. gardening, the meat trade, the breed-sj ing of fur yielding animals, dairy produce, soil preparation and forestry. It will thus be not only a display of' modern machinery (and it is sincerely hoped a very large percentage will be British) but also demonstrations will be given by foreign salesmen or lcelanders who have studied Agri- cuiture and Agricultural machines in Europe and North America. Demon- strations will be given on how to handle and rear live stock; a subject in which lcelandic farmers could teach many other nations a few points. The Exhibition will also describe the various industries dependent on general farming. Great interest is being shown in lceland over this coming Exhibition and arrangements have been made for transport (by road and air) from all parts of the Island to bring the farmers into Reykjavik. It is esti- mated that over one-third of the population of iceland will attend this Exhibition, for the lcelander is very much akin to ourselves and greatly loves his good earth and the many things he can gather from it. British manufacturers, who will be more than welcome should they decide to display their machines and tools at this Exhibition, should apply to the National Agricultural Show, Kirkjustraeti 10, Reykjavik, who will send them all the necessary information by return of post. The Agricultural Committee are producing an attractive catalogue covering the various sections and exhibitors and a small number of pages is being reserved for adver- tising. Any British manufacturer wishing to have information con- 15


Brezk-íslenzk viðskipti

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