EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Blaðsíða 13

EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Blaðsíða 13
Em Em 13 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R.J.SCOTT Jfirj issv/ Gets Sports Award ClÍEAP lnpiAKS of <JaiA.UA. t IK Sou-lít AMERJOAt BEiiKOU Fl5*l <0 'í'KeSURRAí* oF-fllE vvA'fis.R. By' A MffííoU of -fíÍE.1 R. itANDS I AKD A LoW WtílS<l-E- ^ --fítE FlKUIES -««• A.NSWER1MC -lHE<S£.tW(B AM SKoT WI-íH ARjtoWs £oMETMlH<i OAM BE-IÓLD OP AH ELEPrtAK-l'’* AqE B/ Klí EARS- AH ELEPl(AK-fS EAM BE<;iH <0 FoLD OVER WltEK KE 15 ABOU-T ZZ /EARS oLD - tt£ 15 FULL-4FLOWM AT 2.5, AKD REACrtES ttl? PEAK. oP S<REH4tH AT ABOUT 35 5°X<a p° ,<--e.D Air ‘Service I ^vV^ooVtlX IHSKHIA oF .....\#**$*& PARA4UAV ^>%-TT ð-s.4. 'i'HE OLD HOME TOVVN *egU 5 Pj'tol 0H.*» By STANLEY Flight Lieutenant Jean Paul Des- loges is shown with the Most Cou- rageous Athlete Award of tha Philadelphia sporting writers’ asso- ciation. From Ottawa, Canada, Desloges starred in swimming, la- crosse, baseball and other sports before joining the Canadian air force. He was shot down over Lon- don, losing the sight of one eye. To Aid Hull i OUI5 ice MAN FREEZ.ES /A WHOle meal /a a cake oTce You JUST “THAVN IT OUT AND TrtERE VOU HAVE A COLt> TONÓUE SANÞVJICH, PoTATO SALAD- - BLUE8ERRY P>IE, ICE f CREAM, TEA AMC> A FROZEN TOOTH PICK • SRAHOPAPPT <3ALE W/NDHENNY SOLVES THE HOT WEATHeiR FooD PROBLEM - -ca.r.icHr. itw. M S7»NL»Í .ii..ro ©-15* J A career diplomat and an expert on aífairs in the Near East, G: Howland Shaw, of Massachixsetts, was named Assistant Secretary oí State and will serve as an áid ol Secretary Cordell Huil. ; _


EM EM : monthly magazine

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