EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Blaðsíða 16

EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Blaðsíða 16
16 Em Em Director of Commerce Carroll L. Wilson (right) is con- gratulated by Secretary of Com- merce Jesse Jones after Wilson took the oath of office ín Washing- ton as director of the bureau of foreign and domestic commerce. The bureau is in the commerce de- partment. "HOUNDS OF SPRING" YOU'RE TELLING ME! ..... By WILLIAM BITT--— .. Central Press Writer A FLYING FISH, we read, can remaln !n the air 30 soc- onds. Having had a good look in t’nat time at the warships, submarines and mine Iayers cn the surface, it probably seenis loag enough. ( I ! Nazis Blame Gseat Britain— headíine. That’s not a heail- line, says Gi anJyeppy Jenkms, that’s a habit. ! ! ! What can be done, ftsks a baseball magnate, to m>vke the game more ponular in some ciiies? Might try eltmlnating last place. ( I ! The British R. A. P. now has airplano types caiied the Hurri- cane and the Tomado. And the British sincerely hope, as far as the Nazis are concerned, it’s an ill wind. ! ! ! What the Balkans nééd, Za- dok Dumkopi thinks, is ð lot oi signs on their r.orthern fron- tiers reading, "No Road” — and printed in German. ! ! • Tho Big Bipper, says an as- tronomer, is moving away from us. And just when the world needs so badly something to cool it off. ! ! ! One-lhird of draftees turned down by the army were rejected because of bad teeth. What’s this—a direct challenge to tooth* paste ad wilters?


EM EM : monthly magazine

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