EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.07.1941, Blaðsíða 23
Em Em
Navy’s New Super Dive Bomber
Here is the Navy’s new super dive bomber, claimed to be the best in the world, shown in flight over Buífalo,
N. Y. Built by the Curtiss-Wright Aircraft Corp., the two-place all-metal craft is powered by a 1,700
horsepower engine. Constructed to operate from an aircraft carrier, it carries its bombs within the fuse-
lage rather than under its belly or wings, thus reducing the wind resistance. Experts say its speed will
approximate 350 miles an hour.
OPM Consultant Canadian Envoy in Washington
Bartley Whiteside, supervisor of States, is shown with Canadian charge d’aífaires Merchant Mahoney
training at Wright Aeronautical fs 'eft the state department after a call on Secretary of State
Corp., of Paterson, N. J., has been Corde11 Hul1- The call was prelimmary to the formal presentation of
appointed training-within-industry credentiais by the new envoy. :
consultant for the Office of Produc-
tion Management by Sidney Hill-
man, associate director-general of
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