Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Síða 27

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Síða 27
Land Tenure, Fowling Rights, and Sharing of the Catch 35 more inaccessible puffinries remained under joint ownership. In Vestmanna in 1788 the fowling was divided into halves, so that this activity was run according to the same coopera- tional units as the tending of the sheep. While a hundred years later, in 1873, each hagapartur had its own share of fowling rights irrespective of cooperational sheep-tending. Allocation to individual lots Finally, there are villages in which fowling rights are al- lotted to individual lots in the bøur. The Taxationsprotokol 1873 shows this to be the case in Mykines, Miðvágur (see above for conditons in 1768), Sørvágur and Sandur. Conditions in Mykines have been studied in detail (Nørre- vang 1977). Each lundaland is well demarcated and belongs to individual lots (which may have more than one owner) — whether small or large — in the bøur, but each lot may par- take in the ownership of several lundalond, and one lundaland may belong to several different lots. Danielsen ( in litt.) has found that »crossing-over« between hagapartar is found only when one mørk in the bøur takes part in two hagapartar. The village of Sørvágur displays a similar pattern, but whenever two or more lots are joint owners of the same lunda- land, their shares are given individually in fractions. Thus, two lundalond, viz. Geldingsskor and Lundansskor, are divided into halves, while the islet of Gáshólmur is divided into one half, one third, and one sixth. When ownership of fowling cliffs has been allotted to smal- ler lots, whether bøur or hagi, we find that each lot owns Itmdalond in widely separated parts of the fowling cliffs. On the other hand, this pattern of ownership has as its conse- quence that all four hagapartar on Mykines are represented as owners of individual lundalond. Similar conditions are found in Vestmanna (where the hagi is the owner) and Sør- vágur (the bøur is the owner, as in Mykines). In several villages two patterns of ownership are repre-
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