Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Side 56

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Side 56
64 Anthropological and Genetic Studies of the Faroese ARCHES Figure 2. Finger prints showing the three principal pattern types: arches, loops and whorls. loops and whorls are given in Figure 2. There are various sub- types of arches and whorls, and loops are divided into ulnar or radial depending on their orientation (radial loops are those which open towards the thumb; ulnar loops those which open away from the thumb). Finger prints were collected from 297 Faroese, 156 males and 141 females. Fingers were numbered right (R) and left (L). I (thumb) to V. Analysis revealed that the Faroese resemble other populations in basic dermatoglyphic characteristics. Arches were most commonly found on R II (17.2 °/o of individuals had an arch on their right index finger) and L II (17.5 °/o) and there was a similarly high frequency on L III (16.8 °/o). Whorls were most frequent on R and L I (28.0 % and 18.9 °/o respectively) and R and L IV (33.0 °/o and 23.6 °/o respec- tively). R and L V bore ulnar loops with a frequency of about 90 °/o each. In common with other populations, the Faroese women show a higher frequency of arches and lower fre- quencies of whorls and radial loops than their menfolk. When overail pattern type frequencies are compared to those of other North Atlantic populations the Faroese in the study sample
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