Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Side 67

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Side 67
Ballad Composition in Faroese Heroic Tradition: The Case of »Hernilds kvæði« Patricia Conroy. The phenomenon of ballad variation has long fascinated ballad collectors and scholars. Today, most students of Anglo- American and Scandinavian ballad traditions ascribe to the Sharp and Gerould theory of communal re-creation, which posits that it is the very nature of oral ballad texts to change. Gerould proposes that there are two ways in which variation may occur: Often, as has been suggested, singers must have forgotten musical or verbal phrases, and have repaired the gaps as best they could — sometimes admirably and sometimes to the detriment of the ballad. There is reason to believe, how- ever, that other singers have been unable to resist the im- pulse to make alterations even though their memories have been extremely accurate. An old man in Somerset, whom Sharp knew, reproduced words with extraordinary fidelity but varied ‘every phrase of his tune in the course of a bal- lad.’ It was Sharp’s judgement that such musical changes as those made by this man were ‘notning less than inspired in- vention.’ They were obviously introduced because his imagi- nation set him to playing with his themes precisely as the schooled composer develops his material, turning it this way
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