Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Qupperneq 71

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Qupperneq 71
The Case of »Hernilds kvæði« 79 Hermundur, the son of an earl, is very pugnacious (cN: he has killed one of his own brothers) and is therefore out- lawed by the king. He falls in love with Halga, the king’s daughter. By magic means Halga gets a messenger to tell Hermundur that her father wants her to marry another man. Hermundur returns and attends the wedding (F, cN: in disguise). — F: He kills the bridegroom. Hermundur is cap- tured and imprisoned, and Halga sends word of this to his father. He urges his son Eirikur, regarded as a coward, to act, and Eirikur succeeds in releasing his brother. Hermundur kills the king and marries Halga while Eirikur marries her handmaiden. — N: Hermundur kills the bridegroom (cN: who is a brother of his). When the king tries to capture him, Hermundur defeats him and forces him to give him his daughter.7 »Hernilds kvæSi,« of which we have only one text from the Faroes, has been summarized as follows: Earl Atil has two sons. The elder, Aksal, is a weakling, while the younger, Hernild, is a keen fighter. He kills many men, and lady Elin, the daughter of a count, sees this. She urges her father to capture and kill Hernild. Hernild puts upp a brave resistance but is eventually thrown into Earl Atil tells Aksal that although he is such a coward he must at least free his brother. Aksal sets out, kills many of the count’s men, releases his brother and takes him home. Earl Atil and his two sons set out against the count. They kill him and his men. Hernild also defeats a witch. He then takes Elin by force and makes her marry him.8 Looked at this way, these two ballads do not seem at all similar, but when the Faroese variants of »Hermundur illi,« especially the one from Fugloyarbók (CCF 66 D), are compared with »Hernilds kvæði,« some remarkable similarities are re- vealed. To facilitate this comparison I have analyzed the Fugloyarbók text of »Hermundur illi« and the single extant
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