Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Síða 72

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Síða 72
80 The Case of »Hernilds kvæði« text of »Hernilds kvæði,« also from Fugloyarbók, numbering elements that are common to each text and bracketing those that are not.9 »Hermundur illi« (1) King Atli and Earl Sigur are brothers who rule Saks- land. (2) Earl Sigur has two sons; (3) the elder Heiðrikur is a coward, (4) whereas the younger Hermundur is very pugna- cious and (5) kills many of King Atli’s men. [(A) Atli sees the results of the carnage and goes to Earl Sigur and tells him that Hermundur may be hanged if he keeps it up. Sigur then talks to his wife, but nothing helps. Atli tells his daughter Halga and says that she may choose how Her- mundur is to die. Instead, Halga advises her father to exile him, which the king does that very day. Hermundur says to the king that he would like to have him by the neck. Her- mundur then goes to Halga and asks her to remember him kindly. She, however, reproaches him for the trouble he has caused, to which he retorts that if she had been a man he would have killed her. But he is upset by her words and leaves the country on his ship. Halga uses runes to force a reluctant old man Haki to find Hermundur. Hermundur sights Haki’s boat and asks how Halga is faring. Haki re- ports that she misses him but has engaged herself to a knight named Hergeiri. Hermundur returns to Saksland and swears Haki to secrecy. Everyone is at church for the wedding, so Hermundur disguises himself in women’s clothes. The wed- ding party returns, and Halga’s handmaiden Beyða (also Hergeiri’s sister) is suspicious of the disguised Hermundur. The newly married couple retires, and Hermundur hides in their bedroom. He kills Hergeiri, but (6) Beyða sees this and (7) tells everyone what has happened. (8) King Atli orders his capture, and (9) the king’s men throw him with difficulty into a dungeon, where he is given neither food nor drink. [(B) Halga sends him food, and then] (10) sends
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