Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Qupperneq 88

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Qupperneq 88
96 The Case of »Hernilds kvæði« Sometime prior to 1854 when Hanus Hanusson from Fugloy compiled his Fugloyarbók, a ballad man, most likely also from one of the northern islands, was inspired by a local variant of the widely sung »Hermundur illi« to compose a new ballad, »Hernilds kvæði.« Even though students of Faroese heroic ballads rarely can operate with anything more definite than a terminus ante quem, such as the one above, there is some reason to believe that »Hernilds kvæði« is of relatively recent composition. The fact that it is found in only one vari- ant, although not proof of youth, speaks rather for than against a short life in tradition. Compare »Hernilds kvæði« in this respect to its source, »Hermundur illi,« which by virtue of its close relationship to the Norwegian »Hermoð Ille« is assumed to belong to the oldest layer of Faroese ballads: this ballad exists in eight variants from all over the Faroe Islands.28 The language of »Hernilds kvæði« also suggests that it is young: eight percent of its rhymes are formed with words that have been borrowed into Faroese from Danish, probably via the rhymes of Danish ballads which became popular in the islands with the publication of Peder Syv’s Et hundrede ud- valde danske viser .... forøgede med det andet hundredc (1695).27 Again, compare this with the variants of »Hermund- ur illi,« none of which contains more than four percent of Danish rhyming words.28 Furthermore, since none of these Danish rhymes in »Hermundur illi« is found in more than one of its major variants, it seems likely that they are all later accretions. The few indices available for assessing the age of a Faroese heroic ballad point to the first half of the nineteenth century as the most likely period during which »Hernilds kvæði« may have been composed.29 There is nothing in »Hernilds kvæði« that sets it apart from other Faroese heroic ballads. Likewise, there is nothing to suggest that its composer was anything other than a member, albeit a very creative one, of some Faroese ballad community on one of the northern islands. A comparison of his ballad and the one he used as his model shows him to be quite unlike the
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