Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Blaðsíða 101

Fróðskaparrit - 01.01.1979, Blaðsíða 101
Marine Seismic Investigation 109 (Tarling and Gale 1968). Some of the sediments are probably tuffaceous (Waagstein and Rasmussen 1975). The lower sediment unit attains a thickness of roughly 2 km in the vicinity of Sandoy and SuSuroy Banks according to gravity (Bott and Watts 1971) and seismic evidence (Korsa- kov 1974). The sediments of the upper unit are supposed to be of Quaternary age. The Faeroese ice sheet probably reached the 400 m depth contour to the southeast of the Faeroe Islands (Waagstein and Rasmussen 1975). The large areas of poor seis- mic penetration on the eastern sedimentary shelf are therefore probably covered by glacial drift. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the Geological Survey of Green- land for the opportunity to make the survey around the Faeroe Islands. We also wish to thank all on board »Dana« for good cooperation. One of the authors, P. H. Nielsen, acknowledges a grant from »Statens Naturvidenskabelige Forskningsrad«. REFERENCES Bott, M. H. P. 1975: Structure and evolution of the north Scottish shelf, the Faeroe block and the intervening region. In Woodland, A. W. (ed.): Petroleum and the continental shelf of north west Europe, v.l, Geo- logy, Applied Science Publ., England, pp. 105—113. Bott, M. H. P., Sunderland, ]., Smith, P. ]., Casten, U. and Saxov, S. 1974: Evidence for continental crust beneath the Faeroe Islands. Nature, Lond., v. 248, 202—204. Bott, M. H. P. and Watts, A. B. 1971: Deep structure of the continental margin adjacent to the British Isles. In Delany, F. M. (ed.): ICSU/ SCOR symposium on East Atlantic continental margins 1970, Inst. Geol. Sci. Rept. 70/14, 89—109. Dobinson, A. 1970: A magnetic survey of the Faeroe Bank. Ph. D. thesis, part 2, University of Durham, 72 p. Fleischer, U., Holzkamm, F., Vollbrecht, K. and Voppel, D. 1974: Die Struktur des Island-Fároer-Riickens aus geophysikalischen Messungen. Deutsche Hydrograph. Zeitschrift, v. 27, 97—113.
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