Færöernes Kundgörelsessamling - 31.03.1941, Page 12
corresponding foreign exchange
permit has been granted.
6. The Government of the United
Kingdom shall be kept constantly
informed of the position of foreign
exchange funds earned by Faroese
In the event of a surplus of for-
eign exchange aceruing to the Før-
oya Banki or Sjovinnubankin, the
Føroya Banki will at the request
of the Government of the United
Kingdom re-sell against sterling to
the British authorities any sums
in foreign exchange previously
made available by the latter so far
as the surplus will permit. In com-
puting the amount to be repaid
under this provision, account shall
be taken of any payment made to
or by residents in the Faroe Is-
lands in sterling which carries with
a right of conversion into the cur-
rency in question through a regi-
stered or special account or other-
7. The rate of exchange of the
Faroe Islands Kroner is fixed at
22.40 kroner for one pound ster-
ling. No change in this rate shall
be made without prior agreement
between the contracting parties.
8. In order to give the fullest ef-
fect to these arrangements and in
order that the Faroe Islands may
enjoy the fullest facilities in the
use of sterling which they will re-
ceive by virtue of them, the Go-
vernment of the United Kingdom
shall take the necessary measures
to ensure that the Faroe Islands
shall be treated as a member of
the sterling area for the purposes
of the Defence (Finance) Regula-
tions, 1939.
9. In this Agreement the expres-
sion „sterling area“ shall have the
meaning assigned to it by the De-
fence (Finance) Regulations, 1939:
provided that, if the Government
of the United Kingdom shall at any
time amend the definition of the
sterling area in force for the pur-
poses of such Regulations, such
amendment shall apply to the de-
finition of the sterling area for the
purposes of the Agreement as from
the date of the notification to that
effect from the Government of the
United Kingdom.
10. These arrangements shall take
effect immediately and shall remain
in force until the termination of
the war between the United King-
dom and Germany and they shall
continue in force there after sub-
ject to ~one month's notice of ter-
mination from either contracting
mellem den britiske Regering og
Administrationen paa Færøerne om
Regulering af de financielle For-
hold mellem Storbritannien og
1. Et engelsk-færøsk Udvalg paa
tre Medlemmer skal oprettes i
Thorshavn med det Formaal at
yde Vejledning med Hensyn tilden
færøske Handel og Valutastillingen
og bistaa med Hensyn til Gennem-
førelsen af nærværende Overens-
2. Myndighederne paa Færøerne
skal indføre kvantitativ Begræns-
ning af Import af Varer af enhver
Art fra alle Lande, saaledes at der
gennemføres de under en Krigs-
situation uundgaaelige Restriktioner.
Det tilstræbes i videst muligt Om-
fang at fremskaffe Færøernes For-
syninger indenfor disse Rammer
fra britiske Kilder. Hvor dette ikke
er muligt, vil den britiske Regering
stille den nødvendige fremmede
Valuta til Raadighed for færøske
Importører paa samme Vilkaar som
for britiske Importører under be-
hørig Hensyntagen til, om fremmed
Valuta paa det paagældende Tids-
punkt eller senere maatte være
disponibel hos Personer bosat paa
3. Fremmed Valuta vil ikke blive
stillet til Raadighed alene paa Grund
af fordelagtige Priser uden Hen-
syntagen til de relative Vanskelig-