Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1968, Qupperneq 94

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - 01.01.1968, Qupperneq 94
94 RIT Á ERLENDUM TUNGUM the country’s native language. Rvík 1966. 82 bls. 8vo. SIGURDSSON, HALLDÓR. BrasUien. A-B ori- entering. Kbh. 1967. 31, (1) bls. 8vo. SIMPSON, COLIN. The viking circle. Denmark. Greenland. Norway. Sweden. Finland. Iceland. London 1967. XV, (1), 366, (1) bls. 40, mbl. 8vo. SKANDINAV KÖLTÖK ANTOLOGIÁJA. Danok. Faeröeriek. Izlandiak. Norvígok. Svédek. Válo- gatta és szerkesztette az elöszót es a jegyzeteket írta Bemáth István. A világirodalom gyön- gyszemei. Budapest 1967. 629, (3) bls. 8vo. SKARD, VEMUND. Norsk sprákhistorie. Bind 1 - til 1523. Scandinavian University Books. Oslo 1967. 171 bls. 8vo. -----II. 1523-1814. [Fjölr.]. Oslo 1967. (2), IV, 108 bls. 4to. SLOVNÍK SPISOVATELU. Dansko. Finsko. Norsko. Svédsko. Island. Nizozemí. Belgie. Zpracoval kolektiv auturu za vedení Ladislava Hegra. Praha 1967. 361, (3) bls. 8vo. SNORRI STURLUSON. Sága o svátem Olavu. Translation: Ladislav Heger. Praha 1967. 307, (1) bls. 8vo. SOMMERFELT, ALF. The importance of struc- ture in the development of Old Norse umlaut and fracture. Prace Filologiczne t. XVIII cz. 1. [Ljóspr. úrtak Oslo 1967]. Bls. 217-221. 8vo. STATISTICAL BULLETIN. Vol. 35. Rvík 1966. 4 nos. (64 bls.) 8vo. STEBLIN-KAMENSKIJ, M. J. Kultura Islandii. Akademija Nauk SSSR. Nautsno - populjam- aja serija. Leningrad 1967. 182, (2) bls., 4 mbl. 8vo. STEINDÓRSSON, STEINDÓR. Notes on the vegetation of roadverges at Akureyri, Northem Iceland. Aquilo, Ser. Botanica. Tom 6. Separ- atus. Painettu 1967. Bls. 183—188. 8vo. STRÖM, FOLKE. Nordisk hedendom. Tro och sed i förkristen tid. Andra upplagan. Scandinavian University Books. Göteborg 1967. (4), 263 bls. 8vo. STUDIA ISLANDICA. íslenzk fræði. Ritstjóri: Steingrímur J. Þorsteinsson. 25. hefti. Anthony Faulkes: Rauðúlfs þáttr. A study. Studia Is- landica 25. Rvík 1966. 92, (4) bls. 8vo. TAYLOR, PAUL BEEKMAN. Heofon riece swealg: A sign of Beowulf’s state of grace. Philological Quarterly, XLII, 1963. [Ljóspr. úrtak. Oslo 1967]. Bls. 257-259. 8vo. — Snorri’s analogue to Beowulf’s funeral. [Archiv fiir das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literatur. Ljóspr. úrtak. Oslo 1957]. Bls. 349- 351. 8vo. THULE. Altnordische Dichtung und Prosa. Band 22. Die Geschichte Thidreks von Bem. Uber- tragen von Fine Erichsen. Neuausgabe mit Nachwort von Helmut Voigt. Diisseldorf-Köln 1967. (3), 485, (16) bls. 8vo. — Band 23. Islands Besiedlung und alteste Ge- schichte. Ubertragen von Walter Baetke. Her- ausgegeben von Felix Niedner. Mit einer Karte von Island. Neuausgabe mit Nachwort von Dr. Rolf Heller. Diisseldorf—Köln 1967. (3), 332, (4) bls., 1 uppdr. 8vo. — Band 24. Geschichten vom Sturlungenge- schlecht. Ubertragen von Walter Baetke. Her- ausgegeben von Dr. Felix Niedner. Neuausgabe mit Nachwort von Dr. Rolf Heller. Diisseldorf- Köln 1967. (3), 367, (3) bls. 8vo. TREECE, HENRY. Vinland the Good. Decorations by William Stobbs. Map by Richard Treece. London 1967. 143, (1) bls. 8vo. TURVILLE-PETRE, E. 0. G. Icelandic. [EOS 1965. Ljóspr. úrtak. Oslo 1967]. Bls. 554-561. 4to. UNEFÁLDT, GÖSTA. Lax í Laxá. Om sportfiske pá Island. Sth. 1967. 196 bls., 4 mbl. 8vo. ÚTVEGSBANKI ÍSLANDS. Annual report and accounts of . . . 1965. Rvík [1966]. 44 bls. 8vo. WHITE FALCON, THE. Vols. V; VII. U. S. Naval Station, Keflavík International Airport 1966. [Pr. í Rvík]. 27; 20 tbl. Fol. VÍGLUNDSSON, ÞORSTEINN Þ„ EIGIL LEH- MANN. Islandsk-norsk ordbok. Islenzk-norsk orðabók. Bergen 1967. XXIV, 382 bls. 8vo. VIKING GODS, THE. Translated from the Swed- ish by Paul Britten Austin. Sth. 1966. 80 bls. Grbr. VILHJÁLMSSON, THOR. Faces reflected in a drop. Translated by Kenneth G. Chapman. Original title: Andlit í spegli dropans. (Cover drawing: Thor Vilhjálmsson). Rvík 1966. 154 bls. 8vo. VRIES, JAN DE. The enigma of the Icelandir,
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