Fréttablaðið - 20.03.2005, Síða 26

Fréttablaðið - 20.03.2005, Síða 26
Hrafnistuheimilin Lausar stöður Hrafnista Reykjavík Iðjuþjálfun aðstoðarmaður. Lausar eru tvær stöður aðstoðarmanns iðjuþjálfa. Um er að ræða framtíðarstarf, dagvinna, starfshlutfall samkomulag. Æskilegt að viðkomandi hafi reynslu af að vinna með fólki, hafi gaman af handavinnu, kostur að geta spilað á hljóðfæri. Tilvalið fyrir einstaklinga sem ætla í iðjuþjálfanám. Uppl. gefur Steinunn Þorsteinsdóttir s: 585-9529 Hrafnista Hafnarfirði Óskum eftir að ráða. Sjúkraliða. - vaktavinna, starfshlutfall samkomulag. Aðhlynning. - vaktavinna, starfshlutfall samkomulag. Uppl. gefur Alma Birgisdóttir s: 585-3101 Hrafnista Víðinesi Óskum eftir að ráða. Sjúkraliði. Fullt starf, vaktavinna. Íbúð á staðnum. Uppl. gefur Kristjana Arnardóttir s: 863-8802 og 894-8476 Hrafnista Vífilsstöðum Óskum eftir að ráða. Starsfólk í aðhlynningu. Starfshlutfall samkomulag. Uppl. gefur Ingibjörg Tómasdóttir s: 599-7011 og 664-9560 Sumarafleysingar – skólafólk Hrafnistuheimilin óska eftir starfskröftum ykkar í sumar. Þroskandi og gefandi störf með góðu fólki. Frumkvæði, fagmennska, jákvæðni og hlýlegt viðmót er það sem skiptir okkur máli. Hægt er að sækja um störf á heimasíðu Hrafnistu: The U.S. Embassy Reykjavik is seeking individual for the position of Office Manager in the Regional Security Section. This position is only open to U.S. Citizens. Work hours are 30 hours a week. The incumbent acts as the primary contact within the Reg- ional Security Section. The incumbent prepares reports, drafts communication cables and provides administrative support to the Regional Security Officer (RSO) by managing and account- ing for all travel and operational funds; managing all stocks and installed equipment and all administrative operations for the Regional Security Section. Additionally, the incumbent manages various Embassy programs under the supervision of the RSO An application form (OF-612) and a copy of the complete position description with a more complete list of duties and responsibilities is available from the Human Resources Office. This form (OF-612) or a current resume or curriculum vitae that provides the same information as an OF-612; plus any other documentation (e.g., essays, certificates, awards, copies of degrees earned) that addresses the qualification requirem- ents of the position as listed above should be submitted to: Human Resources Office Attention: Ragnar Ingibergsson, American Embassy, Laufasvegur 21, 101 Reykjavik Contact number: 562-9100 ext. 2285 or e-mail to: QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED NOTE: To ensure complete consideration all applicants must address each selection criterion detailed below with specific and comprehensive information supporting each item. 1. U.S. Citizenship and eligibility for a secret security clearance is required. 2. High School diploma (or Icelandic equivalent) is required. 3. Level 4 (Fluency) in both written and spoken English is required. 4. Three years experience in an office environment with duties that include program administration, computer application usage, customer service and equipment management are required. 5. Formal training in use of Microsoft Word, Excel and Outlook and experience using Microsoft Windows-based computers is required. 6. The ability to work effectively and tactfully in a loosely structured, fluid and collegial workplace environment is required. For further information visit the Embassyís web site at U.S. EMBASSY REYKJAVIK, ICELAND VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Kranamaður á bílkrana Stálsmiðjan ehf. auglýsir eftir kranamanni á bílkrana. Upplýsingar gefur Óskar í síma 552 4400 & 660 3535. Atvinna í boði Starfskraftur óskast til starfa í efnalaug. Þarf að geta unnið sjálfstætt. Upplýsingar í síma 893-6190. 6 ATVINNA



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