

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2007, Qupperneq 33

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2007, Qupperneq 33
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags miðju lægðarinnar. Að lokum runnu hraun yfir lægðina og jöfn- uðu hana út og stöðuvatnið hvarf með öllu (11. mynd E). SUMMARY Late Miocene sediments at Lake Hreðavatn There are several sedimentary formations present in the north- western and western part of Iceland. These sedimentary forma- tions are separated by thick lava formations. The sediments around Lake Hreðavatn were found to be part of an extensive sedimentary formation traceable over considera- ble distance in western Iceland. The sediments described here compos- ing the formation were found to vary between geographical areas. The sediments around Lake Hreða- vatn accumulated in a lake basin. The basin is believed to have for- med in relation to rift relocation when the Snæfellsnes rift zone gradually "jumped" to its present location. This caused the stratum to break up and severe tilting took place. This resulted in sudden eros- ion in elevated areas and accumula- tion in areas of subsidence. The sediment types of the basin investigated were found to reapp- ear and some were clearly associ- ated with each other. On that basis the sediments were classified into several facies (15), dependent on their characteristic appearance, composition and origin. The facies were controlled by intrabasinal fact- ors as well as external basinal fact- ors, often associated with cata- strophic events like volcanic erup- tions or earthquakes. The facies were defined into facies associ- ations dependent on their intra- relation and deposit type. The associations reflect river channel deposits, organic lacustrine basin plain deposits, clastic basin plain deposits, pyroclastic event deposits, clastic delta deposits and organic delta area deposits. The facies associations were often found to interfinger with each other where the environment changed from deep water to shallower and the volcanic-dominated associations were found to interfinger with several other associations due to their relative wide distribution caused by aerial dispersal before entering the lake. The sediments reflect the opening phase of a small lake, its develop- ment and final closure. The sedi- mentary fill of this ancient lake basin can be divided into three main categories: clastic-dominated, volcanic-dominated and organic- dominated. Þakicir Leiðbeinendum mínum við kandídatsritgerðina, þeim Leifi A. Símonar- syni við Háskóla íslands og Eckart Hákansson við Kaupmannahafnarhá- skóla, þakka ég kærlega fyrir alla ráðgjöf og hjálp meðan rannsókn stóð yfir.10 Snorri Gíslason á mikið inni hjá mér og þakka ég honum kærlega fyrir þá hjálp sem hann veitti mér við vettvangsvinnu sumrin 2000 og 2001 og fyrir alla þá miklu vinnu sem hann lagði í að koma teikningum mínum yfir á tölvutækt form. Jón Eiríksson og Björn S. Harðarson fá þakkir fyrir uppbyggjandi samræður um rannsóknarsvæðið. Birgir Hauksson fær þakkir fyrir veittar upplýsingar um staðhætti við Hreðavatn og gistingu. Grímur Rúnar Friðgeirsson, Halldóra Björnsdótt- ir, Þorbjörg Kristín Jónsdóttir og Jón Már Halldórsson fá þakkir fyrir þá miklu vinnu og tíma sem þau lögðu í að aðstoða mig þegar mest lá við. Heimildir 1. Schwarzbach, M. 1956. Das Vulkangebiet von Hredavatn (West- Island). Neues Jb. Geol. U. Paláontol., Abh. 104,1. Bls. 1-29. 2. Haukur Jóhannesson 1972. Tertíeri jarðlagastaflinn frá Norðurárdal inn Hvítársíðu í Borgarfirði. Óbirt BS-ritgerð. Háskóli íslands, Reykjavík. 57 bls. 3. Haukur Jóhannesson 1975. Structure and petrochemistry of the Reykjadalur central volcano and the surrounding areas, Midwest Iceland. Doktorsritgerð. Háskólinn í Durham. 4. McDougall, I., Kristján Sæmundsson, Haukur Jóhannesson, Watk- ins, N.D. & Leó Kristjánsson 1977. Extension of the geomagnetic polarity time scale to 6.5 m.y.: K-Ar dating, geological and paleomagnetic study of a 3,500-m lava succession in western Iceland. Geological Society of America Bulletin 88.1-15. 5. Khodayar, M. 1999. On the pattern of faults and dykes in Borgar- fjörður, W-Iceland. Jökull 47. 21-44. 6. Khodayar, M. og Páll Einarsson 2004. Reverse-slip structures at oceanic diverging plate boundaries and their kinematic origin: data from Tertiary crust of west and south Iceland. Journal of Structural Geology 26.1945-1960. 7. Kristján Sæmundsson 1967. An outline of the structure of SW-Iceland. Iceland and Mid-Ocean Ridges 38.151-161. 8. Haukur Jóhannesson 1980. Jarðlagaskipan og þróun rekbelta á Vesturlandi. Náttúrufræðingurinn 50. 13-31 9. Moorbath, S., Haraldur Sigurðsson & Goodwin, R. 1968. K-Ar ages of the oldest exposed rocks in Iceland. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 4.197-205. 10. Friðgeir Grímsson 2002. The Hreðavatn Member of the Hreða- vatn-Stafholt Formation and its fossil flora. Óbirt kandídatsritgerð. Háskólinn í Kaupmannahöfn. 219 bls. 11. Haukur Jóhannesson 1982. Yfirlit um jarðfræði Snæfellsness. Árbók Ferðafélags íslands 1982. 151-174. 12. Army Map Service 1949. A.M.S. series C762. Sheet 5521 III. Hjarðar- holt, Iceland, Mýrasýsla, 1:50,000. Washington, D.C. 13. Haukur Jóhannesson & Einar Gunnlaugsson 1979. Jarðhitakönnun fyrir Bifröst í Norðurárdal, Mýrasýslu. Jarðfræðikort af utanverðum Norðurárdal, Mýrasýslu. Orkustofnun Reykjavík. OS79027/JHD11. 14. Königer, S. & Stollhofen, H. 2001. Environmental and tectonic controls on preservation potential of distal fallout ashes in flu- vio-lacustrine settings: the Carboniferous-Permian Saar-Nahe Basin, south-west Germany. í: Volcanoclastic sedimentation in lacustrine settings. White, J.D.I & Riggs, N.R. (ritstj.). Bls. 263-284. 15. Reading, G.H. (ritstj.) 1996. Sedimentary Environments: Process, Facies and Stratigraphy. Blackwell Science. 3 útgáfa. 688. bls. UM HÖFUNDINN ■ Friðgeir Grímsson (f. 1976) lauk BS-prófi í jarðfræði frá Háskóla íslands vorið 1999, kandídatsprófi frá Kaup- mannahafnarháskóla sumarið 2002 og doktorsprófi frá Háskóla íslands í febrúar 2007. Friðgeir hefur aðallega fengist við rannsóknir á míósensetlögum og steingerðum plöntum frá Vestfjörðum og Vesturlandi, einkum með tilliti til þróunar flóru og loftslagsbreytinga. PÓSTFANG HÖFUNDAR/AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES Friðgeir Grímsson fossil@hi.is Raunvísindastofnun Háskólans Öskju, Sturlugötu 7 IS-101 Reykjavík 33
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