Lögberg - 05.02.1948, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg - 05.02.1948, Blaðsíða 8
LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 5. FEBRÚAR, 1948 X Ur borg og bygð íslenzkir sjúklingar, sem liggja á sjúkrahúsum hér í borginni, eða aðstandendur þeirra, eru vinsamlega beðnir að síma Mrs. C. Ólafson, Ste. 1 Ruth Apts., Maryland St., Phone 30 017, ef æskt er eftir heimsókn eða ís- lenzku blöðunum. Birt að tilstuðlan Djákna- nefndar Fyrsta lút. safn. ♦ Fulltrúanefndarkosning Ice- landic Good Templars of Winni- peg fer fram á Hecklu-fundi þann 9. febrúar næst komandi. Eftirfarandi stúkusystkini eru í vali: Beck, J. T.; Bjarnason, Guðm.; Butler, Mrs. Emma; Eydal S.; Gíslason H.; Isfeld, F.; Isíeld, H.; Johannson Mrs. G.; Magnússon, Arny; Magnússon Vala; Matt- hews, Mrs. S. ♦ The Annual meeting of the Jon Sigurdson Chapter IODE, will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Isfeld, 668 Alverstone St. on Thursday eve., Feb. 5th at 8 o’clock. ANY! - co'It IQc Dress IU "Cellotone" Dry Cleaned Dye it NO W ! Dyed the Darker Shades’. At Any Perth Carry and Save Store or Called for and Delivered Phone 37261 Perth’s Gjafir til Sunrise Lutheran Camp Eftirfylgjandi gjöfum hefir verið framvísað af Mrs. Láru Burns, Winnipeg. í hjartfólginni minningu um systir hennar Miss Ingu Johnson: Frá: Mrs. Oddny Kristjanson, Mountain, Miss Magnea Kristj- anson, Mountain, Mr. og Mrs. Sig. Kristjanson, Mountain; Mr. og Mrs. M. Goodmundson, Garð- ar; Miss Guðrún Johannsson, Saskahoon. — Als $30.00. — Með- tekið með innilegu þakklæti. Mrs. Anna Magnússon Box 296, Selkirk, Man. ♦ Þeir Guðmundur Magnússon og Dóri Holm frá Gimli voru nýlega staddir hér í borginni. Mr. og Mrs. Sveinn G. Kristj- ánsson frá Elfros, Sask., hafa dvalið hér í borg um hríð; kom Mrs. Kristjánsson hingað til að leita sér lækninga og fékk góða bót meina sinna; þau hjónin héldu af stað heimleiðis í lok fyrri viku. ♦ Mrs. Krist. Erlendson frá Foam Lake, Sask., sem dvalið hefir hér í borg hjá dóttur sinni um hríð, er nýlögð af stað vest- ur. — \ Mr. Oddur H. Oddson bygg- ingameistari frá Vancouver, er nýlega kominn hingað að vestan og dvelur um hríð hjá systur sinni að 1125 Spruse Street hér í borginni. ♦ Athygli skal hér með leidd að því, að Men’s Club Fyrstu lút- ersku kirkju, heldur kvöldverð- arfund í samkomusal kirkjunnar kl. 6.30 þann 17. þ. m. Flytur þar ræðu Dean J. W. G. M. Mc Ewen við landbúnaðarháskólann, nafn kunnur fræði- og mælskumaður. ♦ ísafirði 29. jan. ’48. Kæri ritstjóri! Óska vinsamlega aðstoðar yð- ar til að komast í bréfasamband við Vestur-íslending, pilt eða stúlku á aldrinum 16—17 ára. — Með beztu kveðju og fyrirfram þakklæti, Kristján Sleinsson Aðalstræti 42, Isafirði, Iceland. MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Ensk messa kl. 11 f. h. — ís- lenzk messa kl. 7e. h. — Börn, sem ætla að sækja sunnudaga- skólann, eru beðin að mæta í kirkjunni kl. 12,15. — Ávarp og söngur. Séra Eiríkur Brynjólísson. We pray that this may be a very happy NEW YEAR for you and yours, — HAPPY in all your relationships and undertakings. We thank you for all your court- esies and considerations during the past year, and bespeak a con- tination of your cordial friend- ship as we pledge you ours. Our New Year’s “Picnic” will be on Sundáy January 25th. Wel- come! But for February we would like to set the date here and now for the 29th, Leap Year Day. Maybe there will be some “proposals” on that day! As we have gone over again the 300 or more cards we re- ceived during the holidays (most- ly from you all), we enjoyed very much your many and var- ious greetings, and appreciated the good wishes conveyed by all. (I have one confession to make on the quiet however, i.e. one good friend enclosed with a card 2 crisp greenbacks to help defray the expenses of these letters. In opening so many envelopes, we f a i I e d to make a note of this senders name and are ashamed that we cannot send a personal “thank-you”. But believe us, we are gratefull to you whoever you are! Please forgive us.) Lúterska kirkjan í Selkirk Sunnudaginn 8. febrúar. — Ensk messa kl. 11 árd. — Sunnu- dagaskóli kl. 12 á hádegi. — Is- lenzk messa kl. 7 síðdegis. Allir boðnir velkomnir. S. Ólafsson. ♦ Gimli prestakall Sunnudaginn 8. febrúar. — Messa að Mikley kl. 2 eftir há- degi. — Allir boðnir velkoronir. Skúli Sigurgeirson. ♦ Árborg-Riverton prestakall 8. febrúar. Riverton: — Ensk messa kl. 2 eftir hádegi. B. A. Bjarnason. from Honolulu to San Francisco with a broken arm. He had been stationed in Japan. He is now re- cuperating at the Oak Knoll Navy Hospital in Oakland. Our ICELANDIC Christmas Service on December 28th. was a huge success as far as the con- gregation and its participation were concerned. The “Eftir Messu Kaffe” Party seemed also to have been enjoyed by all. It was a real Christmas Day for us. Altho the faces of a few “under- standing” Icelanders of the Com- munity were missed, we know that more would have attended had circumstances permitted. If were not there, be assured that you were missed. — If you were there, your presence was doubly appreciated on that day! — How about our EASTER Service in the English language? On December 29th, Mrs. Geo. Brown (Olive) was again rushed to the Franklin Hospital, S.F. as she had been just one year ago. We are happy to report that she has safely weathered this attack and returned home on January 7th. to supervise the job that George has undertaken of re- modelling and renovating their new home at 422 London St. A News-Letter in Lieu of a Personal Visií: Newsletter on the lcelanders In Northern California TUTTUGASTA OG NÍUNDA ÁRSÞING Þjóðræknisfélags íslendinga í vesturheimi verður haldið í Good Templara húsinu við Sargení Avenue í Winnipeg, 23.. 24. og 25. febrúar. 1948. ÁÆTLUÐ DAGSKRÁ: 1. * Þingsetning 2. Ávarp forsela 3. Kosning kjörbréfanefndar 4. Skýrslur embættismanna 5. Skýrslur deilda 6. Skýrslur milliþinganeínda 7. Útbreiðslumál _ 8. Fjármál 9. Fræðslumál 10. Samvinnumál 11. Útgáfumál 12. Kosning embæltismanna 13. Ný mál 14. Ólokin störf og þingslit Þing verður sett kl. 9.30 mánudagsmorguninn 23. febrúar, fundir til kvölds. Um kvöldið heldur Icelandic Canadian Club almenna samkomu í Fyrstu lútersku kirkju á Victor Street Á þriðjudaginn verða þingfundir bæði fyrir og eftir há- degi. Að kvöldinu heldur deildin Frón sitt árlega Islend- ingamót í Fyrstu lútersku kirkju á Victor Street. Á miðvikudaginn halda þingfundir áfram og eftir hádegið þann dag fara fram kosningar embættismanna. — Að kvöldinu verður almenn samkoma í Fyrstu Sambands- kirkju á Banning Street. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2. febrúar, 1948. Philip M. Péiursson, vara-forseti Halldór E. Johnson, rilari. Our attention was recently called to an unusual e v e n t of considerable proportions which was pulled off at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oli Johnson of S.F. on December 12th. A h o s t of Marion’s and Oli’s Scotch friends staged a surprise arrival to warm up the home of t h e s e Newly- weds. We are told that even Bagpipes and Scotch Reels en- livened the occasion. What a rollicking time must have been enjoyed by all! ! ! On December 16th, Ray Brown (son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. S. Brynjolfson) suffered a crushed foot while at work and was rush- ed to the French Hospital on Geary St., S.F. He is now re- covering but will have to be for some time yet at the hospital under medical observation and will probably have to undergo a couple of operations and some grafting. Cheer up, Ray, you’ll make. the grade with Helen bat- ting for you! On S u n d a y December 21st William Frederick Walkemeyer III was baptized at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walkemeyer of S.F. His other grandmother, Ingibjörg Kristofersdottir of Reykjavik, Iceland arrived for the occasion. Mrs. Erla Walkemeyer together with little William is planning to spend a few months this spring at the home of her sister in Col- orado. Her mother has already left these parts for Colorado, but expects to return later this year. On December 26th, Robert Johnson, U.S. Marine, son of Mrs. Grace Johnson was flown This letter should report a list- ing of all the New Year’s parties that w e r e held around in our Community during the Holiday Season. But not having such a list, we mention only one which we had to miss. The invitation which invited us to a “Smörgas- bord” at 5p.m. on New Year’s Day also assured us t h a t we w o u 1 d be missed if we didn’t come. We thank Mr. and Mrs. Sid Edwards. We are sure that all present enjoyed the Smörgas- bord with all its trimmings! We alone were the losers, but we’ll make up for it the next time you invite us, Johnny! On Tuesday evening January 13th. Dr. K. S. Eymundson enter- tained Dr. and Mrs. Fred Thor- lakson of Seattle, Washington together with a number of friends at the Town House, Lake- side. Later in the evening the guests were further regaled with music and refreshments at the h o m e of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Downie. (The only fly in the ointment was that Walter was a bit under the weather with an a 11 a c k of the Flu. He has re- covered by now and is happily b a c k a t work.) Dr. and Mrs. Thorlakson were enroute to a Medical Convention at Los An- geles on the 19th. We hope they will stop off again on their re- turn trip. On January 16th. a number of friends surprised Sigridur Brandson and Frank Wolf who had gone off to Reno on January 6th. to be married. This party was at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Brown of S.F. where these friends m a d e merry with the Newlyweds. Congratulations! On Sunday afternoon January 18th. we were very pleasantly surprised by the arrival of Misses Laufey and Vala Melsted, our Icelandic nurses from Santa Rosa, and their Mother, Mrs. Johanna Melsted of Vancouver who is spending the w i n t e r months with her daughters. They have promised to come again on February 29th. You all must meet them. We have just learned that the mother of Fred Thorinson, S.F. passed on to her Eternal Reward suddenly on Friday January 16th. at Everrett, Washington. Our deepest sympathies go out to the bereaved. Are any of you planning a trip to Iceland by plane this summer? If so, make application for your tickets NOW and save money as all fares go up after March lst. A reservation made now at pres- ent rate is good for six months after the new rates go into effect and is not binding i.e. you may cancel such a reservation with- out loss should circumstances prevent your going. This is in- formation received from Mr. G. R. Paulsson of New York, Man- ager of Viking Travel Service. He will be glad to correspond with you. We are looking forward to our next date with you —• February 29th. — Keep open Please let us know how you would like to celebrate East- er on Mar. 28. Again, best wishes for a very Happy New Year. Very sincerely, Rev. and Mrs. S'. O. Thorlaksson Minnitt BETEL í erfðaskrám yðar The Swan Manufaoíuring Compony Manufacturers of SWAN WEATHER STRIF Halldor Methusalems Swan Eigandi 281 James St. PUone 22 641 TIL KAUPENDA LÖGBERGS og HEIMSKRINGLU Frá því var nýlega skýrt í báðum íslenzku blöðunum vestan hafs, að verð æfiminninga, sem færu yfir 4 ein- dálka þumlunga, yrði framvegis reiknað 20 cents á þumlunginn; þetta er að vísu ekki mikill tekju auki, en þetta getur dregið sig saman og korflið að dálitlu liði. Fyrir samskotalista reiknast 50 cents á þumlunginn. Aðrar auglýsingar kosta 70 cents eindálka þumlungur. THE COLUMBfA PRESS LIMITED THE VIKING PRESS LIMITED *■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ KAUPENDUR LÖGBERGS OG HEIMSKRINGLU Á ISLANDI Gerið svo vel að senda mér sem fyrst greiðslu íyrir yfirstandandi árgang, kr. 25.00 fyrir hvort blað. Dragið ekki að greiða blöðin. Það léttir innheimtuna. Æskilegt að gjaldið sé sent í póstávísun. Þeir sem eiga ógreidda eldri árganga, eru vinsamlega beðnir að snúa sér til mín. BJÖRN GUÐM UNDSSON HOLTSGATA 9, REYKJAVIK ManiÍoJta ÍÍVuib HOUSE SPARROW — English Sparrow Passer domesticus Male: striped with chestnut and black on back; crown and broad bar from eye to shoulders, slate; cheeks and below, white with extensive black throat and breast patch. Female: general dull olive or dirty white below; back streaked with olive and brown; a white wing-bar. Distinctions—Black bib and throat of the male is char- acteristic also the prominent white wing bars. Females have an olive suggestion unstreaked below. Field Marks—Characteristic notes and chirrups. Nesting—Nests are great bulky untidy masses of straw and grasses. Their tendency to fill down-spouts and load with litter every projecting architectural feature of buildings makes them objectionable. Distribution—Originally in Europe and Asia. Now found throughout North America. Originally introduced to America as a caterpillar des- troyer. Being a bird of cities and barnyards most of its activities are in localities where there is plenty of food of non-insectivorous character: garbage, waste and grain. In the autumn they make excurteions in large flocks into the country to visit the fields usually after harvest when waste grain is abundant but occasionally before and thus cause considerable loss. The House Sparrow drives.other birds away by three methods: monopolizing the food supply; occupying their nesting places and by quarrelsome and pugnacious habits. Economic Status—Without doubt the introduction of the House Sparrow into America was a mistake. In this country, removed from natural checks to keep it under control, it has increased beyond reason and though its objectionable features have increased, its commendable ones have not. This space conlributed by The Drewrys Limited MD 198



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