Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1991, Page 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1991, Page 1
The lcelandic Weekly Lögberg Stofnað 14. janúar 1888 Heimskringla Stofnað 9. september 1886 Editor’s Award This sketch was sent in by Dan Eliasson, 11 years old, from Win- nipeg, Manitoba. He writes, “My picture is a picture of Window Peeper peeping in on Candle Snatcher stealing a candle.” Dan will receive a Special Editor’s Award of a copy of The Backward Brothers by Peter Eyvindson. Kate Czeranko Christopher Finnbogason Efin Sólveig Ingólfsson Númer 44 Number 44 Inside this week: Free Spirit — That's Erika! An inten/iew with Erika MacPherson.........pages 2 & 3 Reading, Writing and Self-Management by Eiaine Sigurdson.................................5 A Misguided Christmas Card, by Kristiana Magnusson......9 An lcelandic Child's Christmas in Winnipeg by Agnes Bardal Comack..............................10 The Long Gift, by Paul A. Sigurdson...................15 105. Árgangur 105th Year Publications Mail Registration No. 1667 Föstudagur 13. desember 1991 Friday, 13 December 1991 Jolasveinar drawing contest winners We congratulate our winners and sincerely thank all the children for their participation. Your drawings will be on display at the Lögberg-Heimskrinlga Open House on Saturday, December 14, and mailed to you following that event. Last year, the editor and Ray and Barbara Gíslason, who are responsible for the layout and look of our paper, had great difficulty deciding between the many beautiful drawings of the jólasveinar, received as entries in our drawing contest. This year, to make the judging procedure a little less painful, the children were asked to submit only one drawing on an 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of paper. We also decided to award prizes in three age categories, and asked artist Erika MacPherson to do the judging. The winner of the $25.00 prize in the 11-13 age category is Kate Czeranko (top right photo), the granddaughter of Olga and the late Dave Egilson. Kate is 12 years old and lives in Langruth, Manitoba. Her drawing of Kertasníkir is featured on page 20. The winner of the $15.00 prize in the 7-10 age category is Christopher Finnbogason (right centre photo) of Warren, Manitoba. Christopher is 8 years old and his drawing of Bjúgnakrækir (Sausage Stealer) was featured on page 2 of our December 6th issue. This year’s winner of $10.00 in the 6- and-under age category is Elín Sólveig Ingólfisson (rightlowerphoto) from Red Deer, Alberta. Elín is 6 years old and her drawing depicts all thirteen Jólasveinar on page 20. H.K.D. Give the gift that entertains and informs! Give an Icelandic friend or relative a year’s subscription to Lögberg- Heimskringla, the oldest ethnic newspaper in Canada Make someone happy and help keep our Icelandic Heritage alive!



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