Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1991, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1991, Blaðsíða 2
2'# Lögbe'rcf-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13. deáember 1991 Free Spirit TThíðrft EEirilCkði By Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttír “There’s a young woman of Icelandic descent who is very interestcd in taking Icelandic lessons at the Scandinavian Centre. She lives quite close to you, and do you think she can get a ride with you to the classes?” asked a mutual friend on the phone. “Her name is Erika. You’ll like her and she’ll be calling you soon,” said my friend before hanging up. Half a year passed and I never heard anything from Erika, but finally she did call. “Hi, I’m Erika. I’ve been very busy lately, but now I’m ready to take Icelan- dic.” By this time I had become very curious to meet Erika MacPherson. We had run an article in the L-H about her brother, Arne, who is an Edmonton- based actor, so, I felt I knew a little bit about her already. We arrangcd that she would come to my house cvery Thursday night, and ride with me to the classes. And one night, there she was, all bundled up at my door, again saying, “Hi, I’m Erika.” This was my fírst introduction to Eríka’s humour, which she has in abundance. She is also very intelligent and possesses a certain teasing wit. After classes Erika would sometimes come in for a cup of hot chocolatc and a chat. Oncc, as I was standingat my stove pouring cocoa for all of us ladling with a very small cup into largcr ones; Erika watched mc for a while and then began opening drawcrs. “What arc you looking for?” I asked. “Wcll I don’t know, maybc something smaller to pour that cocoa with—a small tea- spoon, or a thimblc perhaps.” This was my first introduction to Erika’s humour, which she has in abundance. She is also very intelligent and possesses a cer- tain teasing wit. “This is a nice place,” she said about my apartment. “Maybe I can come here earlier on Thursdays and take showers. Wc don’t have a shower where I live,” she said laughing. “Hey, by all means,” I said, but she never did. Erika lives at the newly-founded St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre, lo- cated at the Guest House of the former Trappistmonastery in St. Norbcrt, Mani- toba. The building is huge, isolated, and surrounded by a beautiful prairie land- scape. What Erika and her friends, Shane Stewart and Louise Loewen, have been workingtowards, forquiteafcwyears, is creating a community-orientcd artistic group. Thcy fcel that the Centre is an opportune setting for exchange between practicing artists and community mem- bers, and they want to provide a rural setting for the Winnipeg arts commu- nity. They have already planned the Art- ists-in-Rcsidence program, which they feel is the foundation for the St. Norbert Arts and Cultural Centre. The purpose of the program is to bring together contem- porary professional artists of different disciplines to foster a creative commu- nity atmosphere. The artists will be in- vited for terms ranging from a weekend to four months. The participating artists will facilitate workshops, classes, com- munity art projects, collaborative pieces, or utilize their skills to contribute to the administration ofthe centre. The accom- modations and studios, workshop, class and performance spaces for the par- ticipatingartistsare the rooms that once ho used guests of the former monastery, and are ideal for personal study in a communal environ- ment. Erika, who is the Centre’s assistant project co-ordi- nator and an artist in residence, says they want to pro- vide participants with a healthy envi- ronment in which to createartandfos- ter cross-discipli- naiy discourse and collaboration. “Art will be produced from the artists’ im- mcdiate cnviron- ment—where they eat, sleep and inter- act. It’s an all-inclusive lifestyle thing,” she says. When Erika was asked about her ed u- cation and how she became involved with the Centre, she said it was a long story. “I was born in Seattle, but brought up in Edmonton and Canmore, just out- side Banff. My parents, Lorne and Lillian MacPherson, are both lawyers. My mother is a Law librarian at thc Univer- sity of Alberta and my father is an inde- pendent film producer. I attcnded a numberofartschools, suchas, forexam- ple, Fort San School for the Arts in Continued on page 3 III 1 !! 11 I É! ;i: i! s: 1! I SUBSCRIBERS SALES SCORE CARD NEW SUBSCRIPTIONS Given or Sold by Bertha Hallson of Winnipeg (subscription extended free for another year) WELCOME TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS: Mr. & Mrs. Steve Solvason, White Rock, B.C. Mrs. Thetma Erlendson, White Rock, B.C. Mr. & Mrs. Denis Hallson, Winnipeg, MB, NEW SUBSCRIBERS TO DATE ...............v.....................................■:.................................................‘“"‘.."““T ■ ...l Lösbers-Heimsskrinsla 1 SUBSCRIPTIONS !!! I NOW, You can enjoy Lögberg-Heimskringla free for one year ■ when you help us in our search for new subscribers. B It's very simple. Just sign up three new L-H subscribers. Send their names, mailing addresses, and cheques, to the L-H B office at 699 Carter Ave., Winnipeg, MB, R3M 2C3. All cheques should be payable to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. When the three new subsriptions are processed, we'll extend yours B by one full year to thank you for your help. (Note: Offer expires Dec. 31, 1991) PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖQBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Telephone: 284-5686 New Office Hours: Tuesday through Thursday lOa.m. - 3 p.m. PRESIDENT: Robert V. Oleson EDITOR: Huida Karen Daníelsdóttir VICE PRESIDENT: Gordon Thorvaldson TREASURER: Gordon Thon/aldson SECRETARY: Valdine Scrymgeour BOARD MEMBERS: Neil Bardal, Lloyd Christianson, Linda Collette, Tom Oleson, Sigurlin Roed, Valdlne Scrymgeour, Barbara Sigurdson, Ray Gislason REPRESENTATIVES: Dawn Rothwell, Rose Clyde, Helga Sigurdsort, Baldur Schaldemose REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Þjóöræknisfélag íslendinga Umboösmaöur blaösins á íslandi Hafnarstræti 20 101 Reykjavik, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 Graphic Desígn: Barbara Gíslason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $35.00 per year + GST ín Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - AH donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax deductible undor Canadian Laws. 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