Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.09.1992, Blaðsíða 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.09.1992, Blaðsíða 4
4 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 25. september 1992 The Blasted Badger That Badgered Me It was late in the month of May — A-berry picking I went one day. I Iooked for a patch in the grass so green, And found the biggest berries I had ever seen. And they were delicious, both luscious and sweet. The very bcst you could ever eat. You could not wish for a finer treat. The sun was already high in the sky. The temperature was not excessively high. In the air you could feel a gentlc breeze That rustled a little the leaves on the trees. I chanced to look up for a moment’s pause; The wide expanse I looked across Oh! what a beautiful day it was. I was crouched in the grass and busily picking, Every now and again my fingers lick- ing; When all of a sudden some creature did spit In my face! I did not like it a bit. And he bared his teeth — he was threatening me! What hc had in mind I did not wait to see. I picked myself up and away I went, And ran so fast, soon my legs were spent. Rut, Oh! to havc left those berries That, to this day, I Iament. Translation of “SOFNAR LÓA" When the Golden Plover Sleeps The golden plover falls asleep, Ere narrow, long lights o’er the firth subside; Tranquility reigns o’er the ocean deep, And a hush o’er thc forests and waters abides. Translations by Sigrun S. Palsson lcelandic for Beginners CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Eight letters and two cassettes. Study material for those who want to study lcelandic on their own is also available, a book and a cassette. We send study materiaJ all over the world. The lcelandic Correspondence College Nóatún 17 - Pósthólf/Post Box 5144 - 125 Reykjavík, lceland Sími/Tel,: 354-1-629750 Fax: 91-629752 Books of Iccland Each book contains beautiful pictures with texts in English, German and French" □ Iceland Country I (size: ca. 21 x 28 cm) surface mail at US *12M □ Iceland Nature D (size: ca. 21 x 28 cm) surface mail at US $1200 □ Iceland Resouces ID (size: ca. 21 x 28 cm) surface mail at US ‘1200 * □ Mývatn (size: ca. 15 x 21 cm) surface mail at US *9°°* □ Skaftafell (size: ca 15 x 21 cm) surface mail at US *9M * □ Iceland Contrasts IV (size: ca. 21 x 28 cm) surface mail at US $1200 * Calendar 1993 □ Iceland Calendar I (size ca. 26.5 x 35 cm) surface mail at US $1200 □ Iceland Today calendar (Snerra) D (size: ca. 21 x 24 cm) surface mail at US $800 □ Iceland Nature calendar III (size: ca. 21 x 24 cm) surface mail at US $900 □ Iceland Super “Nature" calendar IV (size: ca. 35 x 45 cm) surface maii at US $ 1700 □ The Ok) Icelandic Santa Qaus calendar (size: ca. 23 x 34 cm) 14 pages. surface mail at US$ 1200 □ My payment enclosed □ Blll my credlt card □ VISA □ Eurocard/Access/Mastercard | I Exp. date______________ Acct. 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Víkivaki is a fascinating mixture of joy and sorrow, humour and tragedy, folklore and fantasy. It is the music of ice and fire ~ pure lcelandic music. • Outstanding singers and musicians (e.g.: Sigrún “Diddú” Hjálmtýsdóttir, Jóhann Sigurðarson) • Lyrics and information about the songs included • Quintsongs and “Rimur” in the old Viking-fashion (Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson allsherjargoði) • A song played on the ancient instrument “Langspil" • The lcelandic National Anthem. Piease send me Vikivaki ~ Songs from the Saga Island on: dl CD ($19.75 + 3.75 shipment) □ □ Cassette ($14.75 + 3.75 shipment) An instrumental version of Vikivaki on cassette (Melodies in the Midnight Sun) ($14.75 + 3.75 shipment) Number of items Name:_________________________________ Card #______________________________________ □ American Express □ Visa □ Eurocard Exp. Date: Address;________________________________________ Nýmæli sf. Box 7059 - 107 Reykjavík - lceland. ^ Phone: 91 627404 j CEIAND t o d a y llThís excellent videofilm of lceland in the 1990s is an invaluable guíde for all those vvhd vvish to know more about this fascinating land and its peopie. ICFLAND TODAY covers the most important íeatures of a nation as it moves tovvard the 2Ist century, Available in English, I rench and German Price US S 39,00 Please send orders to:



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