Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.09.1992, Blaðsíða 9
Fjallkona’s Speech
Following is the speech given by Gwen Cronshaw
to the lcelandic Festival at Gimli, August 1 - 3,1992
t is a great honour for me today to passed.
Ibe representing Mother Iceland as
your Fjallkona in this, the chosen
land, of your forefathers. I speak with
gladness and pride in what you, and
they, have accomplished in adding to
the mosaic of your country, Canada. It
is an especial honour in that this is the
year of your 125th birthday.
When your forefathers cmigrated
from Iceland in the 1870’s, it was in
the belief this new country would pro-
vide abundance and opportunities for
all. This was not realized immediately;
nor for all. Hardships such as illness,
poverty, isolation and language prob-
lems were encountered. So in those
early years and especially in what was
called the 12 Year Republic in New
Iceland, the Icelanders were a cohe-
sive group. Their newspaper, Framfari,
advised them to become Canadians
and with the integration of the
Republic into the province of
Manitoba, your forbears wholeheart-
edly embraced their status as
Canadians. They have entered into
every waik of life and you have done
likewise, contributed and left worth-
while footsteps where you have
A case in point is that the practice
of the Fjallkona appearing in the flesh
was first started in 1924 by North
American Icelanders in Winnipeg and
Blaine, Washington. She was brought
back to Iceland by the people of
North America and the first one to
appear in person was at Þingvellir in
1939. Nowadays she makes a brief
appearance on Independence Day and
recites a poem. For Icelanders in
Iceland there is no need to re-iterate
the values of their culture and heritage
because they live it. However you, the
descendents of Iceland, must con-
sciously practice it at events such as
As you celebrate your country’s
125th birthday, you should be aware
that your heritage is doubly rich
because it is combined from two
lands. It has been said “Heritage is a
gift from God, it is a gift from the past,
culture and faith mixed, we can hon-
our it or lay it aside.”
You are indeed honouring your
heritage. I am heartened to see a great
resurgence in promoting your cuiture
and heritage. I commend the Festival
.... -
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Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 25. september 1992 • 9
Committee for today’s celebration, a
long standing and valued tradition
bringing you together from far and
wide to share your ethnicity.
Lögberg-Heimskringla, your news-
paper, thrives and is an important link
to maintain ties between you and also
with Iceland.
Thc Icclandic National League,
with its clubs and affiliates, is again
becoming stronger and constantly
developing new ideas to encourage
greater interest in maintaining your
I see that classes in the teaching of
the Icelandic language are flourishing.
A yearly Children’s Languagc and
Cultural Camp is held; it is important
that the children are not deprivcd of
the knowledge of their roots.
Thc Chair of Icelandic Studics at
the University of Manitoba is unique
and one of which you may well be
proud; it is vital that scholars have the
opportunity to learn and pass on their
The Canada Iceland Foundation
with its many scholarships, encourages
the pursuits of the language, culture
and heritage.
Perhaps most beneficial in strength-
ening ties is meeting your countrymen
from Iceland. So today, as you wander
about in this lovely park, seize the
opportunity and welcome these
Icelandic voices. Even if you don’t
speak the same tongue, the language of
friendship is always understood.
I have named only a few of the
ways in which you arc keeping alivc
your Icelandic heritage. As so many of
you havc already found out, this study
and involvcment can only add richness
and a furthcr dimension to your lives.
When this year of the joyous cele-
bration of Canada’s 125th birthday has
passcd, your countrymen in Iceland,
and all over the world, hope and pray
that Canada will emerge always united
in its aspirations for the future.
\ v»» /l
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For more info please phone Johanna Wilson - 453-2538,
Dora Sigurdson - 783-2723 or Dee Dee Westdal - 475-8064
A supplement is now in preparation to include any veterans unfortunately
missed. Please cali us with any information you can provide.