Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.09.1992, Blaðsíða 8
8 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 25. september 1992
Christmas Gift Package
ICemorY Lore
Magnús Einarsson
Memory Lore
Featuring 332 examples of Icelandic
traditional poetry and other bound
language including children's rhymes,
rigmaroles, riddles and prayer verses,
as well as adult lore such as dance and
drinking songs, poems, proverbs and
(ISBN 0-660-14004-7)
Canadian Museum Musée canadien
Oral Narratives
A selection of 175 Icelandic-Canadian
oral narratives containing folktaies,
legends, memorates, humorous
anecdotes, tall tales and simple
accounts of daily life.
(ISBN 0-660-12921-3)
Give these unique
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Icelandic lore
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Call (819) 776-8387 today
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Price: $29.95 each.
(Additional 7% GST is applicable to Canadian
orders. Plus add shipping costs of 10% inside
Canada and 20% outside Canada. All orders
must be prepaid. Price may change without
notice. Please make cheque or postal order
payable to the Receiver General for Canada.)
Mail Order Services
Publishing Division
Canadian Museum of Civilization
100 Laurier Street
P.O. Box 3100, Station B
Hull, Quebec
J8X 4H2
by David Arnason
Review quotes:
'.. .highly chimerical in its crafty fusion of
spooky elements and dangerous intrigue.'
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“...ample evidence thatMr. Amason, already
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Order Now
by David Arnason
through your favourite bookstore
ISBN 0-88922-312-2; 320pp; $15.95 paper
Icelandic River Saga
This 847 page history of
New lceland and many of its
pioneer families includes
many previously unknown
stories, facts, and rare
A collector’s item, the first
and only edition is now
almost sold out.
“I have received my copy of lcelandic River Saga and there are no words
that can possibly describe how pleased I am with it!... a literary gem.”
H.C., White Rock BC
“My non-lcelandic, Welsh husband is deeply into it, loving every word ...”
F.M., South Pasadena, California
“Thanks beyond measure for the wonderful job done of capturing the life
and spirit of our people ...” E.B.S., Manhasset, New York
“I am pleased to inform you that your book lcelandic Rlver Saga has been
awarded a medal...” Manltoba Historlcal Society
Only a very limited number of this publication are still available: $55 Cdn or $48 US (if mailed to U.S., add $5 for postage & handling)
The Icelandic Herltage
Discover your lcelandic herltage —
the land of your ancestors and their intriguing history,
superstitions and customs, family life and lifestyles -
through the richly illustrated pages of this special,
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are topics ranging from traditional lcelandic work habits
to the North African pirate raids on lceland, from lce-
land ‘s witchcraft trials to love and marriage customs.
"... I am sure (The lcelandic Heritage) will become a major - or even the major -
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English language ... “ D.P., Whitehall House, Cumbrla, England
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give it just the right historical tone ... as the island must have seemed, to those of a
century ago about to leave it forever, as my mother and father did ...” C.S.S.,
Bellingham, Washlngton
“... a delightful book which is a welcome addition to any library shelf.” R.V.O., The
Free Press
$32 Cdn or 29 US (adresses in USA add $2 postage & handling)
Also available for family historlans and prospective travellers:
Icelandic maps
- a series of nine special sectional maps
of each region of lceland, showing in
detail the landmarks, topography, and
farmsteads (with names) which enable
family researchers and prospective
visitors to pinpoint and retrace ancestral
farmsteads in lceland.
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Available for SW (Southwest), MW (Midwest), NW, MN, NE, ME, SE, MS,
and Central lceland: $16 Cdn. or $14 U.S. (if mailed in U.S. add $1 postage)
Also available, detailed travellers’ map of lceland and many detailed district
maps. Request further information.
Saga Publications & Research
‘Eyrarbakki lcelandic Heritage Centre’
c/o Nelson Gerrard
Box 925, Arborg, MB., Canada ROC OAO
ph. 1 - (204) - 378-2758
WAlYri:i> IOK PUKCIIASE - Old lcelandic photographs, documents, letters, artifacts, etc., forthe Eyrarbakki
lcelandic Heritage Centre now being established as an interpretive and research centre near Hnausa on Lake Winnipeg, where visitors to
‘New lceland’ can ‘touch base’ with the lcelandic heritage. This centre is a private initiative which will include interpretive displays of lcelandic
artifacts, an lcelandic genealogical library and research facility, and lcelandic photo and document archives. Please contact the above.