Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.05.1994, Side 10
10 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 6. maí 1994
and Shield
One name in particular
towers above others
in the long struggle
for independence, the name
of the Speaker of Parliament,
Jón Sigurðsson, 1811 - 1879.
referred to as “the son of
Iceland, its pride, sword and
It will be long remembered
when the King’s representa-
tive at the time, Count
Trampe, brought a draft pro-
posal for a constitution for
Iceland that would in effect
have made Iceland a perma-
nent part of Denmark.
Famous are the words, “Vér
mótmælum allir”, or we all
protest, spoken when the
Count abruptly closed the
meeting with the people’s rep-
resentatives, August 10, 1851,
so well depicted in a painting
by Gunnlaugur Blöndal.
Jón Sigurðsson spent a
good part of his life in
Denmark, effectively working
towards better things for
Iceland. He was denied being
in the country during the mil-
lennium celebrations of 1874
when Christian IX, the first
King to visit Iceland, came to
the country.
Jón Sigurðsson died; Dec.
7, 1879. Nine days later, Dec.
16, his wife, Ingibjörg
Einarsdóttir, passed away.
Their remains were brought to
Iceland for a state funeral in
Reykjavík, May 5, 1880.
It was only fitting that the
day chosen for the founding of
the republic should be Jón
Sigurðsson’s birthday, June 17.
Community Places
Building for Tomorrow
The Community Places Program helps nonprofit
organizations to improve quality of living within their
communities. Using lottery revenues, the program
provides funding support for the upgrading,
construction or acquisition of sustainable buildings and
other facilities that provide lasting, long-term benefits
to community residents.
Under Community Places, grants of up to 50 per cent
of eligible project costs, to a maximum of $50,000, are
available to recreational, cultural, heritage and other
nonprofit community organizations in Manitoba.
For more information or an application package,
please contact the Community Places Office in
Winnipeg at 945-0502. Outside Winnipeg,
call toll-free 1-800-894-3777.
Manitoba AUCUST 30, 1994
Culture, Heritage
and Citizenship ’>7
The famous painting by Gunnlaugur Blöndal of “Þjóöfundurinn" 1851.
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dreeiings jrom tKe Mottifoba Gpverntnenf
Gary Filmon
Harold Gllleshammer
Minister of Culture,
Heritage and Citizenship
Minister responsible for
It is our pleasure to extend the warmest
greetings of the government and people of
Manitoba to the lcelandic community as you
prepare to celebrate the 50th anniversary of
lceland’s Independence.
Manitobans are privileged to enjoy a rich
ethnocultural diversity. People from around the
world have come together to form, build and
strengthen our province, and our nation. For over
100 years, the lcelandic heritage has been an
integral part of this dynamic process.
We are very proud of Manitoba’s close and
valued ties with lceland. This anniversary is an
excellent opportunity for Manitobans of all origins
to join in celebrating these cherished bonds.
We hope this celebration of the 50th
anniversary of lceland’s Independence is a happy
and exciting opportunity to explore Manitoba's
lcelandic heritage.