Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1996, Blaðsíða 12

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.1996, Blaðsíða 12
12 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13, desember 1996 /Zetters Continued from page 4 ■ I think the paper is getting better all the time. I hope it will always be a paper which represents the Icelandic com- munity throughout North America. Carol Bjarnason North Vancouver, BC ■ It would be refreshing to read about the Falcon Athletic Clubs ( male and female). It was a very popular club utilizing the Goolie Hall for activities. The females doing pyramids in Sargent Park was a real sight to behold. The girls were excellent at this. I have never known of any other athletic Club doing pyramids. That house on Alverstone was real history but there is a lot more out in the city of Winnipeg. “Where have all the Icelanders gone?” Elsie Sigurdson Gallagher, Langley, BC ■ Those lessons in teaching how to read and speak the Icelandic language, were very interesting and very easy to understand. Now is there any chance of having them repeated? I speak for myself and my little ones are really interested. Thank you. Wilma Sigurgeirson Austfjord Riverton, MB ■ The only change I would like to see is more news from Iceland. About half a page inside the paper; about three to 10 lines only for each news, in very condensed form; — like short brief headlines. No need to have news from yesterday — news from last week or last month would be just fine, — news about the economy etc. P.S. I saw something in L-H about a “Stone from Mars.” Please find herewith a letter which I sent to several U.S. Newspapers! Með bestu kveðjum, Tryggvi Helgason, Grand Prairíe, Texas, U.S.A. ■ The latest “discovery” by NASA “scientists” of a stone from the planet Mars containing some indication about the beginning of life on Mars some four billion years ago, will probably be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records as the greatest scientific foolery of the twentieth century. Or, maybe not! I remember now, that NASA-scientists” were in Antarctica rock-climbing in the famous Antarctic Alcoo-Ice Rocks when they slipped and fell down through the Ozone Hole and landed head first on a red rock. When they stood up they saw many little green men all around them. The NASA team recognized.of course instantly that those men were from Mars. When they took a closer look they saw a note attached to the rock. They were lucky that it was in English and not in Martish because NASA needs 20 billion more dollars to finish the last chapter in the translation of Martish into English. The note read: Mars Anno 26,547 (we count our years since we first landed on Planet Allavega; that is what you call Earth.) To NASA scientists from M.A.S.A. ( Mars Air and Space Agency) We decided to send to you from our Mars Museum a four billion year old stone with an indication of how life started on Mars so you can compare this to what you can find on your Earth. Yours truly, B. Scienceson, President of Mars, The Green House, District of Marzipan PS. Ifnot delivered please retum to Mars, a retum Martage is guaranteed. Yours, B.S. ■ On the other hand the following will demonstrate the appropriate method of dealing with this alleged “discovery” of theirs. The American taxpayers know that all this rhetoric about a stone knocked from the surface of Mars and flying around in space for 18 million years until landing in Antarctica is nothing more than pure nonsense, stupidness and witless- ness; a NASA trick to get Congress to pour more money into an overblown and unnecessary bureaucracy. Furthermore there must be a cheaper way for the taxpayers than the gargantuan NASA budget to allow some men to have “scientifíc delirium tremens. “ The right answer from Congress is to close down NASA and Presidential Candidate Mr. Bob Dole should promise the taxpayers and the whole nation as such, that when he becomes president he will instantly abolish NASA. By doing this he will make more sensible and truthful his own promise to balance the federal budget, and thereafter he can give all space activity (except the military side of it) to the private sector which will, most likely, do everything a lot better and a lot cheaper. Tryggvi Helgason, Arlington, Texas. ■ I was delighted when I received my first edition, as a surprise gift from my brothers, and look forward to the next issue each time. Keep up the good work. Katrin Svala Daly Beltsville, MD ■ I would like to see “News from Iceland” or something from the Lögberg-Heimskringla and put it in The Interlake Spectator. This might encourage others to subscribe to the Lögberg- Heimskringla. Anything put into The Interlake Spectator would have to be on a positive note. Please bring back the English and Icelandic match words. Tell us more on the farming and the fishing that goes on in Iceland. What are prices on products in Iceland that we take for granted in Canada? Bjorn Bjornson, Ashern, MB ■ In “The Alcohol Question” in the September 20 issue, Kevin Johnson speaks of the work of Alexander the Great as forming “a principle strand in the culture of the Occident.” I don’t quibble, but this is the third time I have noticed Kevin using the noun “principle” when he meant the adjective “principal.” A dictionary might help clarify the dif- ference. Henry S. Bjornsson Seattle, WA ■ The paper is great as it is, although there could be more about our farm families around Eddystone. Mrs. Metta Johnson could be a great help. I come from a large family and all live around Eddystone. Reykjavík and Narrows areas. Just a thought. Fjola Mailman Eddystone AUTO PARTS LTD. 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