Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 30.12.1998, Qupperneq 18

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 30.12.1998, Qupperneq 18
þriðjudagur 5. janúar 1999 SJÓNVARPIÐ 11.30 SKjáleikurinn. 16.45 Leiðarljós. Bandarískur myndaflokk- ur. 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringl- an. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Árstíðirnar í Berjagerði (1:4). 18.30 Fyrsti snjórinn (The First Snow of Winter). 19.00 Nornin unga (14:26) (Sabrina the Teenage Wifch II). Bandarískur myndaflokkur um brögð ungnornarinnar Sabr- inu. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. Fjölbreyttur dægurmálaþáttur þar sem fjall- að er um mannlif heima og erlendis, tónlist, myndlist, kvik- myndir og íþróttir. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Deiglan. Umræðuþáttur á vegum fréttastofu. 21.20 lllþýði (1:6). (Touching Evil). Breskur sakamálaflokkur um sveit lögreglumanna sem er sérþjálfuð til að taka á skipu- lagðri glæpastarfsemi og eltast við síbrotamenn. Aðalhlut- verk: Robson Green, Nicola Walker og Michael Feast. 22.20 Titringur. Umsjón: Súsanna Svavarsdóttir og Þórhallur Gunnarsson. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Handboltakvöld. Umsjón: Samúel ðrn Erlingsson. 23.40 Auglýsingatfmi - Víða. 23.50 Skjáleikurinn. 13.00 Chicago-sjúkrahúsið (16:26) (e) (Chicago Hope) 13.45 Lífverðir (2:7) (e). (Bodygu- ards). 14.40 Listamannaskálinn (e). (South Bank Show) í þætti Listamannaskálans i dag er lsm-2 rætt viö fjölhæfa breska leikarann John Mills sem leikið hefur í fjölda kvikmynda og á sviði. 15.35 Bræðrabönd (1:22) (e) (Brotherly Love). 16.00 llli skólastjórinn. 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.45 í Sælulandi. 17.10 Simpson-fjölskyldan. 17.35 Glæstar vonir. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.30 Nágrannar. 19.00 19>20. 19.30 Fréttir. 20.05 Ekkert bull (7:13) (Straight Up). 20.35 Handlaginn heimilisfaðir (4:25) (Home Improvement). 21.05 Þorpslöggan (11:17) (Heartbeat). 22.00 Fóstbræður (6:8) (e). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 ikiirie Rósahöllin (e) (Roseland). Hugljúf mynd um fólk á ólíkum aldri með margs konar bakgrunn sem á það allt sameiginlegt að stunda Rósahöllina, frægan danssal í New York. Sögurnar eru þrjár og segja frá Waltz, Hustle og Peabody. Waltz fjallar um ekkju sem kynnist lífinu upp á nýtt þegar hún kynnist miðaldra ekkli. Hustle fjallar um óvenjulegan ástarþríhyrning og Peabody fjallar um dansfé- laga sem þrá það eitt að vinna Peabody danskeppnina. Aðalhlutverk: Geraldine Chaplin, Teresa Wright og Lou Jacobi. Leikstjóri: James lvory.1977. Bönnuð börnum. 0.30 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 18.00 Dýriingurinn. (The Saint). 18.50 Sjónvarpskringlan. 19.05 Dekurdýr (e) (Pauly). Gaman- þáttur um Paul Sherman, ungan mann sem alinn er upp við allsnægtir. Móðir hans er látin og faðirinn, sem er auðugur fasteignajöfur, hefur það hlutverk að koma einkasyninum til manns. 19.30 Ofurhugar (Rebel TV). Kjarkmiklir íþróttakappar sem bregða sér á skíðabretti, sjóskíði, sjóbretti og margt fleira. 20.00 Brellumeistarinn (21:21) (F/X). 21.00 Anastasía (Anastasia). Víðfræg mynd um ástir og örlög. Rússneskir útlagar í París áforma að hafa fé af enska þjóðarbankanum. Aætlun þeirra felst í að fá unga stúlka, Anastasíu, til að þykjast vera eftirlifandi dóttir Rúss- landskeisara. Takist það getur hún gert tilkall til mikilla auð- æfa. Og á meðan áætlunin er undirbúin frekar fara útlag- arnir að trúa því að Anastasía sé raunverulega dóttir keis- arans. Leikstjóri: Anatole Litvak. Aðalhlutverk: Ingrid Berg- man, Yul Brynner, Helen Hayes, Akim Tamiroff og Martita Hunt. 1956. 22.45 Enski boltinn (FACollection). Svipmyndir úr leikjum Chel- sea. 23.45 Óráðnar gátur (e) (Unsolved Mysteries). 00.55 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 Stúlknaskólinn (Belles of St. Trinians). 1954. 08.00 ‘38. 1986. 10.00 Tunglskin (Mojave Moon). 1996. 12.00 Stúlknaskólinn. 14.00 ‘38. 16.00 Tunglskin. 18.00 í gíslingu (Ransom). 1975. Bönnuð börnum. 20.00 Barnapían (The Babysitter). 1995. Stranglega bönn- uð börnum. 22.00 Saklaust fórnarlamb (Murdered Innocence). 1994. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 í gíslingu. 02.00 Barnapían. 04.00 Saklaust fórnarlamb. Dagskrá óákveðin VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best: Omd 13.00 Greatest Hits Of...: Status Quo 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @ five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour with Toyah Willcox 19.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 Bob Mills' Big 80's 22.00 Paul Weller Uncut 23.00 VH1 Spice 0.00 Storytellers - Bonnie Raitt 1.00 Jobson’s Choice 2.00 VH1 Late Shift TRAVEL 12.00 The Great Escape 12.30 Earthwalkers 13.00 Travel Live 13.30 Far Flung Floyd 14.00 The Fiavours of Italy 14.30 Adventure Travels 15.00 Trans-Siberian Rail Joumeys 16.00 Go Portugal 16.30 A Fork in the Road 17.00 Reel World 17.30 Thousand Faces of Indonesia 18.00 Far Flung Floyd 18.30 On Tour 19.00 The Great Escape 19.30 Earlhwalkers 20.00 Holiday Maker 20.30 Go Portugal 21.00 Trans-Siberian Rail Joumeys 22.00 Adventure Travels 22.30 A Fork in the Road 23.00 On Tour 23.30 Thousand Faces of Indonesia 0.00 Closedown Eurosport 9.00 Alpine Skiing: Men’s World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 10.15 Cross- Country Skiing: World Cup in Otepaa, Estonia 11.45 Alpine Skiing: Men's World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 12.00 Alpine Skiing: Men's World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 13.00 Ski Jumping: World Cup - Four Hills Toumament in Bischofshofen, Austria 14.30 Cross-Country Skiing: World Cup in Otepaa, Estonia 16.30 Alpine Skiing: Men’s World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 17.30 Ski Jumping: World Cup - Four Hills Tournament in Bischofshofen, Austria 19.00 Boxing: Tuesday Live Boxing 21.30 Rally: Total Granada Dakar 99 22.00 Football: Euro 2000 Qualifying Rounds 0.00 Rally: Total Granada Dakar 99 0.30 Close HALLMARK 3.15 Crossbow 3.40 Blue Fin 5.10 Nightscream 6.35 Passion and Paradise 8.10 Joe Torre: Curveballs Along the Way 9.35 Scandal in a Small Town 11.10 Father 12.55 Hot Pursuit 14.30 Crossbow 14.55 A Christmas Memory 16.25 Blue Fin 18.00 Nightscream 19.30 For Love and Glory 21.05 Hands of a Murderer 22.35 Passion and Paradise 0.10 Hot Pursuit 1.45 A Christmas Memory Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30lvanhoe 6.00 The Fruitties 6.30Tabaluga 7.00 Power Puff Girls 7.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 8.00 Sylvester and Tweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 The New Fred and Bamey Show 9.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 10.00 Cow and Chicken 10.30 Johnny Bravo 11.00 Animaniacs 11.30 Beetlejuice 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.30 Road Runner 12.45 Sylvester and Tweety 13.00 Popeye 13.30 Droopy 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 The Jetsons 15.00 Taz-Mania 15.30 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 16.00 Power Puff Girls 16.30 Dexter's Laboratory 17.001 am Weasel 17.30 Cow and Chicken 18.00 Tom and Jerry 18.30 The Flintstones 19.00 Batman 19.30 The Mask 20.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 20.30 Beetlejuice 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 Power Puff Girls 22.30 Dexter's Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23.30 I amWeasel 0.00 Scooby Doo 0.30TopCat 1.00 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 1.30 Swat Kats 2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 The Learning Zone 6.00 BBC World News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! 6.45 Growing Up Wild 7.15 Earthfasts 7.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.15 Style Challenge 8.40 Change That 9.05 Kilroy 9.45 Classic EastEnders 10.15 Holiday Reps 11.00 Italian Regional Cookery 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can’t Cook, Won’t Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Nature Detectives 13.30 Classic EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.40 Style Challenge 15.10 Prime Weather 15.15 Wham! Bam! Strawberry Jam! 15.30 Growing Up Wild 16.00 Earthfasts 16.30 Nature Detectives 17.00 BBC World News 17.25 Prime Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 Classic EastEnders 18.30 Home Front 19.00 Agony Again 19.30 2 point 4 Children 20.00 Dangerfield 21.00 BBC World News 21.25 Prime Weather 21.30 Gardens by Design 22.00 Soho Stories 22.40 The Sky at Night 23.00 Casualty 23.50 PrimeWeather 0.00 The Leaming Zone 0.30 The Learning Zone 1.00TheLearning Zone 2.00 The Learning Zone 3.00 The Leaming Zone 3.30 The Leaming Zone 4.00 The Learning Zone 4.30 The Learning Zone NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 19.00 Nepal: Life Among the Tigers 19.30 Among the Baboons 20.00 Nature's Bite: the Serpent's Delight 20.30 Nature's Bite: Snakebite! 21.00 Nature's Bite: Piranha! 21.30 Nature’s Bite: Bear Attack 22.00 Nature's Bite: Realm of the Alligator 23.00 Nature’s Bite: Teeth of Death 0.00 The Shark Files: African Shark Safari 1.00 Close Discovery 8.00 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures 8.30 The Diceman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man 9.30 Walker’s World 10.00 Divine Magic 11.00 Battle for the Skies 12.00 State of Alert 12.30 World of Adventures 13.00 Charlie Bravo 13.30 Disaster 14.00 Disaster 14.30 Beyond 200015.00 Ghosthunters 15.30 Justice Files 16.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing Adventures 16.30 Walker's World 17.00 Connections 2 by James Burke 17.30 Jurassica 18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Hunters 19.30 Beyond 2000 20.00 Great Escapes 20.30 Quantum 21.00 Trailblazers 22.00 Antarctica 23.00 Firepower 2000 0.00 Titanic Discovered 1.00 Connections 2 by James Burke 1.30 Ancient Warriors 2.00Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 NonStopHits 11.00 MTV Data Videos 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 The Lick 18.00 So 90’s 19.00 Top Selection 20.00 MTV Data Videos 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 Altemative Nation I.OOTheGrind 1.30 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY World News 11.00 News on the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.00 News on the Hour 14.30 Your Call 15.00 SKY News Today 16.00 News on the Hour 16.30 SKY World News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY World News 22.00 PrimeTime 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00Newsonthe Hour 1.30SKYWorldNews 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 The Book Show 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 CBS Evening News 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 Showbiz Weekly CNN 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Insight 6.00 CNN This Morning 6.30 Moneyline 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 World Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 8.30 Showbiz Today 9.00 Larry King 10.00 World News 10.30 World Sport 11.00 World News 11.30 American Edition 11.45 World Report - ‘As They See It' 12.00 World News 12.30 Fortune 13.00 World News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 Biz Asia 14.00 World News 14.30 Showbiz Today 15.00 World News 15.30 World Sport 16.00 World News 16.30 World Beat 17.00 Larry King 18.00 World News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 World News 19.30 World Business Today 20.00 World News 20.30 Q&A 21.00 World News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ World Business Today 22.30 World Sport 23.00 CNN World View 23.30 Moneyline Newshour 0.30 Showbiz Today 1.00 World News 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.00 World News 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 World News 4.15 American Edition 4.30 World Report TNT 5.00 Private Potter 6.30 The Adventures of Quentin Durward 8.15 The Canterville Ghost 10.00 For Me and My Gal 11.45 Kim 13.45 Katharine Hepbum: All About Me 15.00 Song of Love 17.00 The Adventures of Quentin Durward 19.00 The Last Time I Saw Paris 21.00 36 Hours 23.15 The Asphalt Jungle 1.30 The Biggest Bundle of Them All 3.30 The Petrified Forest Animal Planet 07:00 Pet Rescue 07:30 Harry's Practice 08:00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 08:30 Lassie: Poster Pup 09:00 Animal X 09:30 Ocean Wilds: Galapagos 10:00 Pet Rescue 10:30 Rediscovery Of The World: Lilliput In Antarctica 11:30 It’s A Vet's Life 12:00 Australia Wild: Hello Possums 12:30 Animal Doctor 13:00 Going Wikd With Jeff Corwin: Los Angeles 13:30 Wild At Heart: South African Elephant 14:00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer: Turtles In The Soup 14:30 Australia Wild: Cat Wars 15:00 Breed All About It: Border Collies 15:30 Human / Nature 16:30 Harry's Practice 17:00 Jack Hanna's Zoo Ufe: DenverZoo, Colerado 17:30 Animal Doctor 18:00 Pet Rescue 18:30 Australia Wild: Uzards Of Oz 19:00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19:30 Lassie: Rush To Judgement 20:00 Rediscovery Of The World: New Zealand 21:00 Animal Doctor 21:30 Totally Australia: A Fresh View 22:30 Emergency Vets 23:00 The Last Paradises: Kanha 23:30 Animal Detectives: Parrots 00:00 All Bird Tv 00:30 Emergency Vets Omega 11.00Samverustund. Bein útsending. 14.00 Þetta er þlnn dagur með Benny Hinn. 14.30 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 15.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist kirkjunnar. 15.30 Náð til þjóðanna með Pat Francis. 16.00 Frelsiskallið með Freddie Filmore. 16.30 Nýr sigurdagur með Ulf Ekman. 17.00 Samverustund. 17.45 Elím. 18.00 Kærleikurinn mikilsverði; Adrian Rogers. 18.30 Believers Christian Fellowship. 19.00 Frá Krossinum; Gunnar Þorsteinsson. 19.30 Náð til þjóðanna með Pat Francis. 20.00 700 klúbburinn. 20.30 Vonarljós. Bein út- sending. 22.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist-kirkjunnar. 22.30 Lofið Drottin. Blandað efni frá TBN. miðvikudagur 6. janúar 1999 08.45 Heimsbikarmót á skíðum. Bein útsending frá fyrri umferð í svigi karla í Kranskja Gora í Slóveníu þar sem Kristinn Björnsson er á meðal keppenda. e rtmxi 10.00 Skjáleikurinn. SJuOiVAKrlU 11.40 Heimsbikarmót á skíðum. Bein útsending frá seinni umferð í svigi karla í Kranskja Gora. 12.45 Skjáleikurinn. 16.25 Handboltakvöld. Endurtekinn þáttur frá þriðjudagskvöldi. 16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Myndasafnið. Endursýndar myndir úr morgunsjónvarpi barnanna. 18.30 Nýjasta tækni og vísindi. Umsjón: Sigurður H. Richter. 19.00 Andmann (13:26) (Duckman). Bandarískur teiknimynda- flokkur um önd sem er einkaspæjari en verður sífellt fyrir truflunum við störf sín. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 Víkingalottó. 20.45 Mósaík. Umsjón: Jónatan Garðarsson. 21.30 Laus og liðug (22:22). (Suddenly Susan II). Bandarísk gamanþáttaröð. Aðalhlutverk: Brooke Shields. 22.00 Nýi presturinn (10:12) (Ballykissangel III). Breskur myndaflokkur. Leikstjóri: Richard Standeven. Aðalhlutverk: Stephen Tompkinson, Tony Doyle og Niall Toibin. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Heimsbikarmót á skíðum. Samantekt frá keppni í svigi karla í Kranskja Gora í morgun. 23.40 Skjáleikurinn. 13.00 Meistararnir (e) (D2: The Mt/ /7777/7 n Mighty Ducks) Gamanmynd fyrir alla M ) ///T/æ fjölskylduna um lögfræðinginn Gor- Æw U/UL/ £. deon sem er mikill keppnismaður í við- skiptum og þolir illa að tapa. Hann er tekinn ölvaður undir stýri og dæmdur til að vinna í þágu samfélagsins. Hann fær það verkefni að þjálfa íshokkílið. Aðalhlutverk: Emilio Estevez og Michael Tucker. Leikstjóri Sam Weisman.1994. 14.45 Ein á báti (18:22) (e) (Party of Five). 15.35 Bræðrabönd (2:22) (e) (Brotherly Love). 16.00 Brakúla greifi. 16.25 Bangsímon. 16.50 Spegill, spegill. 17.15 Glæstar vonir (Bold and the Beautiful). 17.40 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Beverly Hills 90210. 19.00 19>20. 19.30 Fréttir. 20.05 Rýnirinn (21:23) (The Critic). 20.40 Afarkostir (1:2) (Seesaw). Fyrri hluti hörkuspennandi framhaldsmyndar um hjónin Morris og Val Price sem lenda í þeim ósköpum að dóttur þeirra er rænt. Hjónin ganga að afarkostum mannræningjanna og selja fyrirtæki sitt til að geta greitt uppsett lausnargjald. Aðalhlutverk: David Suchet, Geraldine James, Amanda Ooms og Neil Stuke. Leikstjóri George Case.1998. 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 íþróttir um allan heim. 23.40 Meistararnir (e) (D2: The Mighty Ducks). 1994. 1.25 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 18.00 Gillette-sportpakkinn. 18.25 Golfmót í Bandaríkjunum (PGA US 1998). 19.25 ítalski boltinn.Bein útsending frá leik AC Milan og Juventus í ítölsku 1. deildinni. 21.25 ítölsku mörkin. 21.45 Rétt skal það vera (PCU). Líf nemendanna við há- skólann í Port Chester er oft ansi skrautlegt. Skólakrakk- arnir eru eins ólíkir og þeir eru margir og af því leiðir að at- gangurinn á heimavistinni vill stundum fara úr böndunum. Tom Lawrence er nýkominn í skólann og hann á eftirminni- lega námsdvöl fyrir höndum. Leikstjóri: Hart Bochner. Að- alhlutverk: David Spade, Jeremy Piven, Chris Young og Megan Ward. 1994. 23.05 Lögregluforinginn Nash Bridges (6:18) (Nash Bridges). Myndaflokkur um störf lögreglumanna í San Francisco í Bandaríkjunum. Við kynnumst Nash Bridges sem starfar í rannsóknardeildinni en hann þykir með þeim betri í faginu. Aðalhlutverk: Don Johnson. 23.50 Tvífarinn (Striking Resemblance). Ljósblá mynd. Strang- lega bönnuð bömum. 01.35 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 Ulfur í sauðargæru (Mother, May I Sleep With Danger). 1996. Bönnuð börnum. 08.00 Töfrar vatnsins (Magic in the Wa- ter). 1995. 10.00 La Bamba. 1987. * 12.00 Endalokin. (The End). 1978. 14.00 Ace Ventura: Náttúran kallar (Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls). 1995. 16.00 Töfrar vatnsins. 18.00 Endalokin. 20.00 Ace Ventura: Náttúran kallar. 22.00 - Donnie Brasco. 1997. Stranglega bönnuð börn- um. 00.00 La Bamba. 02.00 Úlfur í sauðargæru. 04.00 Donnie Brasco. Dagskrá óákveðin VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best: Lionel Richie 13.00 Greatest Hits Of...: Texas 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebóx 17.00 five @ five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour with Toyah Willcox 19.00 VH1 Hits 21.00 Bob Mills’ Big 80’s 22.00 The VH1 Classic Chart 23.00 Behind the Music 0.00 The Nightfly 1.00Around&Around 2.00 VH1 LateShift TRAVEL 12.00 Dream Destinations 12.30 A-Z Med 13.00 Holiday Maker 13.30 The Flavours of France 14.00 The Flavours of Italy 14.30 Voyage 15.00 Scandinavian Summers 16.00 Go Greece 16.30 Ridge Riders 17.00 The Great Escape 17.30 Caprice's Travels 18.00 The Flavours of France 18.30 On Tour 19.00 Dream Destinations 19.30 A-Z Med 20.00 Travel Live 20.30 Go Greece 21.00 Scandinavian Summers 22.00 Voyage 22.30 Ridge Riders 23.00 On Tour 23.30 Caprice's Travels 0.00 Closedown NBC Super Channel 5.00 Market Watch 5.30 Europe Today 8.00 European Money Wheel 13.00 CNBC’sUS Squawk Box 15.00 US Market Watch 17.00 Europe Market Wrap 17.30 Europe Tonight 18.30 US Power Lunch 19.00 US Street Signs 21.00 US Market Wrap 22.00 Europe Tonight 23.00 The Edge 23.30 NBC Nightly News 0.00 CNBC Asia Squawk Box 1.30 US Market Wrap 2.00 Trading Day 4.00 US Business Centre 4.30 Lunch Money Eurosport 9.00 Alpine Skiing: Men's World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 10.00 Ski Jumping: World Cup - Four Hills Toumament in Bischofshofen, Austria 11.00 Rally: Total Granada Dakar 99 11.30 Alpine Skiing: Men’s World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 11.45 Alpine Skiing: World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 12.30 Ski Jumping: World Cup - Four Hills Toumament in Bischofshofen, Austria 14.30 Snowboard: FIS World Cup in Avoriaz, France 15.00 Tennis: ATP Toumament in Doha, Qatar 17.00 Alpine Skiing: Men's World Cup in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 17.30 Ski Jumping: World Cup - Four Hills Toumament in Bischofshofen, Austria 19.00 Football: Intemational Tournament of Maspalomas, Spain 19.30 Football: International Toumament of Maspalomas, Spain 21.30 Rally: Total Granada Dakar 99 22.00 Boxing: Intemational Contest 23.00 Ski Jumping: World Cup - Four Hills Toumament in Bischofshofen, Austria 0.00 Rally: Total Granada Dakar 99 0.30 Close HALLMARK 6.40 Passion and Paradise 8.15 For Love and Glory 9.50 Hands of a Murderer 11.25 Lady lce 13.00 The Sweetest Gift 14.35 A Doll House 16.25 Spoils of War 18.00 Lonesome Dove 18.50 Lonesome Dove 19.40 Menno's Mind 21.15 Sacrifice for Love 22.40 The Old Man and the Sea 0.15 Lady lce 1.50 The SweetestGift 3.25 Menno's Mind 5.05 Spoils of War Cartoon Network S.OOOmerandtheStarchild 5.30lvanhoe 6.00 The Fruitties 6.30Tabaluga 7.00Power PuffGirts 7.30 Dexter's Laboratory 8.00SylvesterandTweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 The New Fred and Bamey Show 9.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 10.00 Cow and Chicken 10.30 Johnny Bravo 11.00 Animaniacs 11.30 Beetlejuice 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.15 The Bugs and Daffy Show 12.30 Road Runner 12.45 Sylvester and Tweety 13.00 Popeye 13.30 Droopy 14.00 The Addams Family 14.30 The Jetsons 15.00 Taz-Mania 15.30 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 16.00 Power Puff Girts 16.30 Dexter's Laboratoiy 17.001 am Weasel 17.30 Cow and Chicken 18.00 Tom and Jerry 18.30 The Flintstones 19.00 Batman 19.30 The Mask 20.00 Scooby Doo - Where are You? 20.30 Beetlejuice 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 Power Puff Girls 22.30 Dexter's Laboratoiy 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23.30 I am Weasel 0.00 Scooby Doo 0.30 Top Cat 1.00 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 1.30 Swat Kats 2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 The Learning Zone 6.00 BBC World News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 Cambeiwick Green 6.45 Monty the Dog 6.50 Blue Peter 7.15 Seaview 7.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.15 Style Challenge 8.40 Change That 9.05 Kilroy 9.45 EastEnders 10.15 Topofthe Pops 2 11.00 A Cook’s Tour of France 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Wildlife 13.30 EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.40 Style Challenge 15.05 Prime Weather 15.15 Camberwick Green 15.30 Monty the Dog 15.35 Blue Peter 16.00 Seaview 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 BBC World News 17.25 Prime Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 EastEnders 18.30 Gardens by Design 19.00 Agony Again 19.30 2 point 4 Children 20.00 Buccaneers 21.00 BBC World News 21.25 Prime Weather 21.30 Home Front 22.00 The Cruise Special - Jane Ties the Knot 23.00 Spender 0.00 The Leaming Zone 0.30 The LearningZone I.OOTheLeamingZone 2.00 The Learning Zone 3.00 The Leaming Zone 3.30 The Leaming Zone 4.00 The Leaming Zone 4.30 The Leaming Zone NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 19.00 The Love of Falcons 19.30 Animal Attraction 20.00 Island of the Giant Bears 21.00 Japanese Traditions 21.30 Sumo: Dance of the Gargantuans 22.00 The Art of the Warrior 23.00 On the Edge: the Most Dangerous Jump in the World 23.30 On the Edge: Race for the Palio 0.00 Extreme Earth: Asteroids - Deadly Impact 1.00 Close Discovery 8.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing Adventures 8.30 The Diceman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man 9.30 Walker's Worid 10.00 The Specialists 11.00 Firepower 2000 12.00 State of Alert 12.30 Worid of Adventures 13.00 Chariie Bravo 13.30 Disaster 14.00 Disaster 14.30 Beyond 2000 15.00 Ghosthunters 15.30 Justice Files 16.00 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures 16.30 Walker's Worid 17.00 Connections 2 by James Burke 17.30 Jurassica 18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Hunters 19.30 Beyond 2000 20.00 Arthur C Clarke's Mysterious Universe 20.30 Creatures Fantastic 21.00 Histor/s Mysteries 21.30 History's Mysteries 22.00 Lost Treasures of the Yangtze Valley 23.00 Ferrari 0.00 Raging Planet 1.00 Connections 2 by JamesBurke 1.30 Ancient Warriors 2.00Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 11.00 European Top 20 Best of ‘98 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 Artist Cut 17.30 Biorhythm Snoop Doggie Dog 18.00 So 90's 19.00 Top Selection 20.00 MTV Data Videos 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 The Late Lick 0.00 The Grind 0.30 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY World News 11.00 News on the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.00 News on the Hour 16.30 SKY Wortd News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY World News 22.00 Prime Time 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY World News 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Global Village 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 CBS Evening News 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 Fashion TV CNN 5.00 CNN This Morning 5.30 Insight 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30 Moneyline 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Worid Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 8.30 Showbiz Today 9.00 Larry King 10.00 World News 10.30 World Sport 11.00 World News 11.30 American Edition 11.45 Worid Report - 'As They See It' 12.00 World News 12.30 Business Unusual 13.00 Worid News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 Biz Asia 14.00 World News 14.30 Showbiz Today 15.00 Worid News 15.30 World Sport 16.00 World News 16.30 Style 17.00 Larry King 18.00 World News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 World News 19.30 Worid Business Today 20.00 World News 20.30 Q&A 21.00 World News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ World Business Today 22.30 World Sport 23.00 CNN World View 23.30 Moneyline Newshour 0.30 Showbiz Today 1.00World News 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.00 World News 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 Worid News 4.15 American Edition 4.30 World Report TNT 5.00 Postman's Knock 6.30 The Secret of My Success 8.30 Flipper 10.00 A Night at the Opera 11.30 Moonfleet 13.00 Wife Versus Secretary 15.00 The Tender Trap 17.00 The Secret of My Success 19.00 The Courtship of Eddie's Father 21.00 Lust for Life 23.30 Dirty Dingus Magee 1.15 Hit Man 2.45 Lust for Life Animal Planet 07:00 Pet Rescue 07:30 Hany's Practice 08:00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 08:30 Lassie: Rush To Judgement 09:00 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin: Los Angeles 09:30 Wild At Heart: South African Elephant 10:00 Pet Rescue 10:30 Rediscovery Of The World: Phillippines (Palawan, The Last Refuge) 11:30 Breed All About It: Border Collies 12:00 Australia WikJ: Cat Wars 12:30 Animal Doctor 13:00 Totally Australia: A Fresh View 14:00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer Homs Of A Dilemma 14:30 Australia WikJ: Lizards Of Oz 15:00 All Bird Tv 15:30 Human / Nature 16:30 Harry's Practice 17:00 Jack Hanna's Zoo Life: Nepal 17:30 Animal Doctor 18:00 Pet Rescue 18:30 Australia Wild: Wombats, Bulldozers Of The Bush 19:00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19:30 Lassie: Father And Son 20:00 Rediscovery Of The Worid: New Zealand 21:00 Animal Doctor 21:30 Horse Tales: Star Event 22:00 Going WikJ: Desert Of Mist 22:30 Emergency Vets 23:00 Crocodile Hunter: WikJ In The Usa 23:30 Crocodile Hunters: Sleeping With Crocodiles 00:00 WikJlife Er 00:30 Emergency Vets Omega 17.30 700 klúbburinn. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 18.30 Líf í Oröinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist-kirkjunnar. 19.30 Frelsiskallið með Freddie Filmore. 20.00 Blandað efni. 20.30 Kvöldljós. Ýmsir gestir. 22.00 Líf f Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 22.30 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 23.00 Kær- leikurinn mikilsverði; Adrian Rogers. 23.30 Lofið Drottin. Blandað efni frá TBN. iSUBUJRV' I Ferskleiki er okkar bragð. Austurstræti • Við Faxafen • Kringlan • Esso stöðin Lækjargötu Hafnarfirði • Kaupvangsstræti Akureyri • Vatnsnesvegur Keflavík 22 f Ó k U S 30. desember 1998


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