Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 12.02.1999, Side 16
14.00 Þetta er þlnn dag'ir með Benny Hlnn. 14.30LÍI I Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 15.00
Boðskapur Central Baptlst kirkjunnar. (The Central Message) Ron Phlllips. 15.30 Náð til
þjóðanna (Possesslng the Natlons) með Pat Francls. 16.00 Frelsiskallið (A Cali To
Freedom). Freddle Fllmore prédlkar. 16.30Nýr sigurdagur með Ulf Ekman. 17.00 Samveru-
stund. Bein útsendlng. 18.30 Elím. 18.45 Bellevers Chrlstlan Fellowshlp. 19.15 Blandað
etni. 19.30 Náð tll þjóöanna með Pat Francls. 20.00 700 klúbburlnn. Blandað efnl frá CBN
fréttastöölnni. 20.30 Vbnarljós. Bein útsending. 22.00 Boðskapur Central Baptist klrkjunn-
ar. (The Central Message) Ron Phlllips. 22.30 Loflð Drottln (Pralse the Lord). Blandað efni
frá TBN sjónvarpsstöðinni. Ýmslr gestir.
mánudagur 15. febrúar 1999
09.00 Morgunsjónvarp barnanna.
Leikþættir: Háaloftið, Lalli lagari, Valli vinnu-
maður og Söngbókin. Sunnudagaskólinn.
Prúðukrílin (1:107). Arthúr (13:30). Kasper
(22:26). Pósturinn Páll (6:13).
10.30 Skjáleikur.
13.00 Anton og Kleópatra (Anthony
and Cleopatra). Leikrit Williams Shakespeares t uppfærslu
15.50 Hektor ratar heim (Heckís Way Home). Kanadísk fjöl-
skyldumynd frá 1995 um ellefu ára dreng og hundinn hans
sem lenda í ýmsum ævintýrum. Leikstjóri: Michael Scott.
17.20 Táknmálsfréttir.
17.30 Heimsbikarmót í skíðaíþróttum. Bein útsending frá fyrri
umferð í svigi karia í Vail f Kólóradó.
18.30 Stundin okkar.
19.00 Geimferðin (30:52) (StarTrek: Voyager).
19.50 Ljóð vikunnar.
20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður.
20.30 Heimsbikarmót í skíðaíþróttum. Bein útsending frá sein-
ni umferð í svigi karla í Vail í Kólóradó.
21.05 Sunnudagsleikhúsið. Dagurinn í gær (1:3). Hversdag-
sævintýri með glæpsamlegu og gamansömu fvafi. Textað
á síðu 888 í Textavarpi.
21.35 Sönn íslensk sakamál (4:6).
22.05 Helgarsportið.
22.30 Biðillinn (Frieren). Norsk sjónvarpsmynd frá 1996. Jack,
sérvitur einfari um fertugt, og Susanne, sem er nýfarin frá
manni sínum með ungan son þeirra með sér, búa f sama
fjölbýlishúsi. Leikstjóri: Eirik Nilssen Breyn.
23.30 Ljóð vikunnar.
23.35 Útvarpsfréttir.
23.45 Skjáleikurinn.
Fíllinn Nellf.
Össi og Ylfa.
Sögur úr Broca-stræti.
sm-2 k
09 55
10.20 Skólalíf.
10.45 Dagbókin hans Dúa.
11.10 Heilbrigð sál í hraustum líkama (3:13) (e) (Hot Shots).
11.35 FrankogJói.
12.00 Sjónvarpskringlan.
12.30 íþróttlr á sunnudegi.
16.00 *if Besta litla hóruhúsið (Texas (Best Little Whorehou-
se in Texas). Skemmtilegur söngleikur með Burt Reynolds
og Dolly Parton f aðalhlutverkum. Leikstjóri: Colin Higgins.
18.00 Gerð myndarinnar You’ve Got Mail.
18.30 Glæstar vonlr.
19.00 19>20.
19.30 Fréttir.
20.05 Ástir og átök (Mad About You).
20.35 Fornbókabúðin. Steingrímur á fullt af börnum með enn
fleiri konum og tekur föðurhlutverkið mjög alvarlega. En
lögreglustörfin ganga þó fyrir öllu og þegar skyldan kallar
hlaupa Bjöm og Rögnvaldur að undir bagga Stöð 2 1999.
21.10 60 mínútur.
22.00 ** Anna Karenina. Klassfsk ástarsaga Leo Tolstoys um
rússneska aðalskonu sem þorir að ganga veg ástarinnar f
stéttskiptu 19. aldar þjóðfélagi. Aðalhlutverk: Alfred Molina,
Sean Bean og Sophie Marceau. Leikstjóri: Bernard Rose.
23.45 Lausnargjaldið (e) (Ransom). Aðalhlutverk: Mel
Gibson, Rene Russo og Gary Sinise. Leikstjóri: Ron
Howard. 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börnum.
01.45 Dagskrárlok.
t Skjáleikur.
11.00 Hnefaleikar - Oscar de la
Hoya (e). Útsending frá hnefaleikakeppni í
Las Vegas í Bandaríkjunum. Á meðai þeir-
ra sem mætast eru Oscar de la Hoya og
Ike Quarley frá Ghana.
13.50 Enski boltinn . Bein útsending frá leik f 5. umferð ensku
15.55 Spænski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Barcelona og
Real Madrid í spænsku 1. deildinni.
17.55 Golfmót íEvrópu (Golf European PGAtour 1999).
18.50 19. holan (Views on golf).
19.25 ítalski boltinn. Bein útsending frá leik Udinese og Fiorent-
ina í ítölsku 1. deildinni.
21.25 ítölsku mörkin.
21.45 Á evuklæðum (Delta of Venus). Hér segir frá bandarfskri
konu í París á upphafsámm seinni heimsstyrjaldarinnar.
Hún er að skrifa ástarsögu og elskhugi hennar, útgefandi
og vinir hvetja hana til að sitja fyrir á evuklæðum. Leikstjóri:
Zalman King. Aðalhiutverk: Audie England, Eric Da Silva
og Marek Vasut. 1995. Stranglega bönnuð börnum.
23.25 Ráðgátur (14:48) (X-Files).
00.10 •, * Skotmarkið (Prime Target). Kostuleg kvikmynd um tvo
gjörólfka náunga sem takast á hendur stórhættulegt ferða-
lag þvert yfir Bandaríkin. Leikstjóri: David Heavener. Aðal-
hlutverk: Tony Curtis, Isaac Hayes, David Heavener og
Roberl Reed. 1991. Bönnuð börnum.
01.35 Dagskrárlok og skjálelkur.
06.00 **** Strætið (La Strada). 1954.
08.00 *** Kæru samlandar (My Fellow
WJUllT/ Americans). 1996.
Vjlljf 10.00 ?> Fylgdarsveinar (Chasers).1994.
12.00 ■ *í Perez-fjölskyldan (The Perez
pamj|y) 1995
14.00 Fylgdarsveinar.
16.00 Kæru samlandar.
18.00 Strætið.
20.00 Perez-fjölskyldan (e).
22.00 * í kyrrþey (Silent Fall). 1994. Stranglega bönnuð börn-
00.00 *** Trufluð tilvera (Trainspotting). 1996. Stranglega
bönnuð bömum.
02.00 í kyrrþey.
04.00 Trufluð tilvera.
12:00 Með hausverk um helgar.
16:00 Já, forsætisráðherra. 6. þáttur.
16.35 Allt f hers höndum. 11. þáttur.
17:05 Svarta naðran. 6. þáttur.
17:35 Bottom. 6. þáttur.
19:00 Dagskrárhlé.
20:30 Allt í hers höndum. 12. þáttur.
21:05 Eliott systur. 4. þáttur.
22:05 Dýrin mín stór & smá. 6. þáttur.
6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the
Best 13.00 Greatest Hits Of... 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @
five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour 19.00 VH1 Hits 20.00 The VH1
Album Chart Show 21.00 Bob Mills’ Big 80's 22.00 Pop-up Video 22.30 Talk
Music 23.00 Greatest Hits Of... 0.00 Vh1 Country with Tamara Beckwith 1.00
American Classic 2.00 VH1 Late Shift (THE TRAVEL CHANNEL) 12.00
Caprice's Travels 12.30 Tales From the Flying Sofa 13.00 Holiday Maker! 13.15
Holiday Maker! 13.30 Australian GourmetTour 14.00 The Flavours of Italy 14.30
Secrets of India 15.00 Antarctica Alive 16.00 Go 2 16.30 Across the Line - the
Americas 17.00 Written in Stone 17.30 The People and Places of Africa 18.00
Australian Gourmet Tour 18.30 On Tour 19.00 Caprice's Travels 19.30 Tales
From the Flying Sofa 20.00 Travel Live 20.30 Go 2 21.00 Antarctica Alive 22.00
Secrets of India 22.30 Across the Line - the Americas 23.00 On Tour 23.30 The
People and Places of Africa 0.00 Closedown
NBC Super Channel
5.00 Market Watch 5.30 Europe Today 8.00 Market Watch 13.00 US CNBC
Squawk Box 15.00 US Market Watch 17.00 Europe Tonight 18.00 US Power
Lunch 19.00 US Street Signs 21.00 US Market Wrap 22.30 Europe Tonight 23.30
NBC Nightly News 0.00 CNBC Asia Squawk Box 1.30 US Market Wrap 2.00
Trading Day 4.00 US Business Centre 4.30 Lunch Money
7.30 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship in Sweden 8.00 Cross-Country
Skiing: World Cup in Seefeld, Austria 10.00 Alpine Skiing: World Championships
in Vail Valley, USA 11.00 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship in Sweden 11.30
Luge: World Cup in Nagano, Japan 13.00 Tennis: ATP Toumament in San Jose,
USA 14.30 Biathlon: Worid Championships in Kontiolahti, Finland 16.00 Alpine
Skiing: World Championships in Vail Valley, USA 17.00 Luge: Natural Track
Wortd Cup in Aurach, Austria 17.30 Stock Car: Super Indoor Stock-Car in Paris-
Bercy, France 19.00 Xtrem Sports: YOZ MAG - Youth Only Zone 20.00 Trial:
Indoor World Cup in Barcelona, Spain 21.00 Boxing: Intemational Contest 22.00
Football: Eurogoals 23.30 Tractor Pulling: Indoor Event in Zwolle, Netheriands
VERSION) 6.55 Love Conquers All 8.30 Love Conquers All 10.00 Love
Conquers All 11.35 The Man from Left Field 13.10 Getting Out 14.45 Reason for
Living: The Jill Ireland Story 16.20 Laura Lansing Slept Here 18.00 The
Christmas Stallion 19.35 Impolite 21.10 Naked Lie 22.40 Diamonds are a Thief’s
Best Friend 0.15 The Man from Left Field 1.50 Reason for Living: The Jill Ireland
Story 3.25 Father 5.05 Laura Lansing Slept Here
Cartoon Network
5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 Blinky Bill 6.00 The Tidings 6.30 Tabaluga
7.00 Sylvester and Tweety 8.00 Dexter's Laboratory 9.00 I am Weasel 10.00
Animaniacs 11.00 Beetlejuice 12.00 Tom and Jerry 13.00 Scooby Doo 14.00
Freakazoid! 15.00 The Powerpuff Girls 16.00 Dexter’s Laboratory 17.00 Cow and
Chicken 18.00 The Flintstones 19.00 Tom and Jerry 19.30 Looney Tunes 20.00
Cartoon Cartoons 20.30 Cult Toons 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo
22.00 The Powerpuff Giris 22.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken
23.301 am Weasel 0.00 Scooby Doo 0.30 Top Cat 1.00 The Real Adventures
ofJonny Quest 1.30SwatKats 2.00lvanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00
Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga
BBC Prime
5.00 The Leaming Zone 6.00 BBC World News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30
Noddy 6.40 On Your Marks 6.55 Blue Peter 7.20 Out of Tune 7.45 Ready,
Steady, Cook 8.15 Style Challenge 8.40 Change That 9.05 Kilroy 9.45Classic
EastEnders 10.15 Songs of Praise 11.00 Rick Stein’s Taste of the Sea 11.30
Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55
Prime Weather 13.00 Wildlife 13.30 Classic EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.40 Style
Challenge 15.05 Prime Weather 15.10 Noddy 15.20 On Your Marks 15.35 Blue
Peter 16.00 Out of Tune 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 BBC World News 17.25 Prime
Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 Classic EastEnders 18.30 Raymond’s
Blanc Mange 19.00 A Week in with Patricia Routledge 20.00 A Week in with
Patricia Routledge 21.00 BBC World News 21.25 Prime Weather 21.30 The
House Detectives 22.00 Top of the Pops 2 22.45 O Zone 23.00 Mr Wroe's Virgins
0.00 The Leaming Zone 0.30 The Leaming Zone 1.00 The LeamingZone 1.15
The Leaming Zone 1.30 The Leaming Zone 1.45 The Leaming Zone 2.00 The
Leaming Zone 3.00 The Leaming Zone 3.30 The Leaming Zone 4.30 The
Leaming Zone (NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL) 11.00 Sex and Greed:
Animal Attraction 11.30 Sex and Greed: Sex, Lives and Holes in the Skies 12.30
Sex and Greed: the Sea Elephants Beach 13.00 Sex and Greed: the Polygamists
14.00 Mysterious Worid: Myths and Giants 14.30 Mysterious World: Mystery of
the Maya 15.00 The Urban Gorilla 16.00 Explorer 17.00 Sex, Lives and Holes in
the Skies 18.00 Mysterious World: Myths and Giants 18.30 Mysterious World:
Mystery of the Maya 19.00 Elephant Island 19.30 Hong Kong Jitters 20.00 Tigers
of the Snow 21.00 Nature’s Fury 22.00 Lost Worlds: Who Built the Pyramids?
22.30 Lost Worids: lce Tombs of Siberia 23.00 Lost Worlds: Pompeii 0.00 On the
Edge: Filming Through the Arctic Night 1.00 Nature's Fury 2.00 Lost Worids:
Who Built the Pyramids? 2.30 Lost Worlds: lce Tombs of Siberia 3.00 Lost
Worlds: Pompeii 4.00 On the Edge: Filming Through theArctic Night 5.00 Close
8.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing Adventures 8.30 The Diceman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man
9.30 Walker's World 10.00 Eco Challenge 9711.00 Best of British 12.00 State of
Alert 12.30 Wortd of Adventures 13.00 Air Ambulance 13.30 Disaster 14.00
Disaster 14.30 Beyond 2000 15.00 Ghosthunters 15.30 Justice Files 16.00 Rex
Hunt Specials 16.30 Walker’s Worid 17.00 Wheel Nuts 17.30 Treasure Hunters
18.00 Animal Doctor 18.30 Secrets of the Deep 19.30 The Elegant Solution
20.00 Nick’s Quest 20.30 The Supematural 21.00 Chasers of Tomado Alley
22.00 TheAndes 23.00 Test Flights 0.00 Ughtning 1.00Treasure Hunters 1.30
Wheel Nuts 2.00 Close
5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 11.00 MTV
Data 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 Hitlist UK 18.00 So 90’s 19.00
Top Selection 20.00 MTV Data 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 Superock 1.00
TheGrind 1.30NightVideos
Sky News
6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 News on
the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.30 Your Call 15.00 News on the Hour 16.30
SKY World News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline
20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour
21.30 SKY Worid News 22.00 Primetime 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS
Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY World News 2.00 News on
the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Showbiz
Weekly 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 The Book Show 5.00 News on the Hour
5.30 CBS Evening News
5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Best of Insight 6.00 CNN This Moming 6.30
Managing with Jan Hopkins 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 World Sport 8.00
CNN This Moming 8.30 Showbiz This Weekend 9.00 NewsStand: CNN & Time
10.00 World News 10.30 World Sport 11.00 Worid News 11.15 American Edition
11.30 Biz Asia 12.00 Worid News 12.30 Pinnacle Europe 13.00 World News
13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 World Report 14.00 Worid News 14.30 Showbiz This
Weekend 15.00 World News 15.30 Worid Sport 16.00 Worid News 16.30 The
Artclub 17.00 NewsStand: CNN & Time 18.00 World News 18.45 American
Edition 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Worid Business Today 20.00 World News 20.30
Q&A 21.00 Worid News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ World
Business Today 22.30 World Sport 23.00 CNN World View 23.30 Moneyline
Newshour 0.30 Showbiz Today 1.00 Worid News 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Q&A
2.00 Larry King Live 3.00 Worid News 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 Worid News
4.15 American Edition 4.30 World Report
5.00 The Golden Arrow 6.30 The Secret Partner 8.00 Son of Lassie 9.45 A
Tale of Two Cities 12.00 The Thin Man 13.30 Until They Sail 15.15 Hotel Paradiso
17.00 The Secret Partner 19.00 It Happened at the World’s Fair 21.00 No Guts,
No Glory: 75 Years of Award Winners 22.00 Casablanca 0.00 The Best House
in London 1.45 Dirty Dingus Magee 3.30 Village of the Damned
Animal Planet
07.00 Pet Rescue 07.30 Harry’s Practice 08.00 The New Adventures Of Black
Beauty 08.30 Lassie: That Boy And Girl Thing 09.00 The Blue Beyond: A New
Horizon 10.00 Pet Rescue 10.30 Rediscovery Of The World: South Afrlca 11.30
Wild Rescues 12.00 Australia Wild: Sperm Wars 12.30 Anlmal Doctor 13.00
Animal X13.30 Ocean Wilds: Caribbean 14.00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer:
Keepers Of The Camargue 14.30 Australia Wild: Year Of The Gagaudji 15.00 It's
A Vet’s Life 15.30 Human / Nature 16.30 Harry’s Practice 17.00 Jack Hanna’s Zoo
Life: Zoomat/Mexico 17.30 Animal Doctor 18.00 Pet Rescue 18.30 Australia
Wild: Spirits Of The Forest 19.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19.30
Lassie: Friends Of Mr Cairo 20.00 Rediscovery Of The World: Cuba 21.00
Animal Doctor 21.30 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin: Great Smoky Mountains
22.00 Wild At Heart: Hippos Of Uganda 22.30 Emergency Vets 23.00 The Rat
Among Us 00.00 Breed All About It: Afghan Hounds 00.30 Emergency Vets 01.00
Zoo Story
Computer Channel
7.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chlps With
Everyting 18.00 Leaming Curve 18.30 Dots and Queries 19.00 DagskrBrlok
17.30 700 klúbburinn. Blandaö efni frá CBN fréttastöðinni. 18.00 Þetta er þinn dagur
með Benny Hinn. 18.30 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 Boðskapur Central Bapt-
ist kirkjunnar með Ron Phillips. 19.30 Samverustund. (e) 20.30 Kvöldljós. Ýmsir
gestir. 22.00 Lrf í Orðlnu með Joyce Meyer. 22.30 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny
Hinn. 23.00 Líf í Oröinu með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord).
Blandað efni frá TBN sjónvarpsstöðinni. Ýmsir gestir.
6.00 Breakfast in Bed 9.00 Pop-up Video 10.00 Something for the Weekend
12.00 Ten of the Best 13.00 Greatest Hits Of... 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 The
Clare Grogan Show 15.00 Talk Music 15.30 VH1 to 1 16.00 Lovers Weekend
20.00 The VH1 Album Chart Show 21.00 The Kate & Jono Show 22.00 Greatest
HitsOf... 23.00 VH1 Spice 0.00 Greatest Hits Of... 1.00 Storytellers 2.00 VH1
Late Shift (THE TRAVEL CHANNEL) 12.00 Oceania 12.30 Reel Worid 13.00
Adventure Travels 13.30 The Flavours of Italy 14.00 Gatherings and Celebrations
14.30 Voyage 15.00 Great Australian Train Joumeys 16.00 Of Tales and Travels
17.00 Oceania 17.30 Holiday Maker! 17.45 Holiday Maker! 18.00 The Flavours
of Italy 18.30 Voyage 19.00 Destinations 20.00 Go 2 20.30 Adventure Travels
21.00 Of Tales and Travels 22.00 The Flavours of France 22.30 Holiday Maker!
22.45 Holiday Maker! 23.00 Secrets of India 23.30 Reel World 0.00 Closedown
NBC Super Channel
5.00 Asia in Crisis 5.30 Working with the Euro 6.00 Randy Morrisson 6.30
Cottonwood Christian Centre 7.00 Hour of Power 8.00 Working with the Euro
8.30 Asia This Week 9.00 US Squawk Box Weekend Edition 9.30 Europe This
Week 10.30 Working with the Euro 11.00 Super Sports 15.00 US Squawk Box
Weekend Edition 15.30 Asia This Week 16.00 Europe This Week 17.00 Meet the
Press 18.00 Time and Again 19.00 Dateline 20.00 Tonight Show with Jay Leno
21.00 Late Night With Conan O'Brien 22.00 CNBC Super Sports 0.00 Squawk
Box 1.30 US Squawk Box Weekend Edition 2.00 Trading Day 4.00 Working with
theEuro 4.30 Lunch Money
7.30 Rally: FIA World Rally Championship in Sweden 8.00 Bobsleigh: Worid
Championships in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy 9.00 Cross-Country Skiing: Worid
Cup in Seefeld, Austria 10.00 Biathlon: Worid Championships in Kontiolahti,
Finland 11.30 Bobsleigh: Worid Championships in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy 12.30
Cross-Country Skiing: Worid Cup in Seefeld, Austria 13.30 Luge: Worid Cup in
Nagano, Japan 14.30 Cycling: Mediterranean Tour La Provence, France 15.30
Biathlon: Worid Championships in Kontiolahti, Finland 17.00 Bobsleigh: World
Championships in Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy 17.30 Alpine Skiing: World
Championships in Vail Valley, USA 18.30 Tennis: ATP Toumament in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates 20.00 Car on lce: Andros Trophy at Stade de France, St
Denis, France 20.30 Alpine Skiing: World Championships in Vail Valley, USA
21.30 Alpine Skiing: Worid Championships in Vail Valley, USA 22.00 News:
SportsCentre 22.15 Rally: FIA Worid Rally Championship in Sweden 22.45
Athletics: Ricoh Tour - IAAF Indoor Meeting in Birmingham, Great Britain 0.00
Rally: FIA World Rally Championship in Sweden 0.30 Close SONDAG 14 FEB-
8.25 Tidal Wave: No Escape 10.00 Month of Sundays 11.45 Love Affair 13.15
Made for Each Other 14.55 My Favourite Brunette 16.25 You Only Live Twice
18.00 Shadows of the Past 19.35 Love Conquers All 21.10 Love Conquers All
22.40 Love Conquers All 0.15 Love Affair 1.45 Made for Each Other 3.20
Crossbow 3.45 You Only Live Twice 5.20 Shadows of the Past
Cartoon Network
5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 The Magic Roundabout 6.00 The Tidings
6.30 Blinky Bill 7.00 Tabaluga 7.30 Sylvester and Tweety 8.00 The Powerpuff
Giris 8.30 Animaniacs 9.00 Dexter's Laboratory 10.00 Cow and Chicken 10.30
I am Weasel 11.00 Beetlejuice 11.30 Tom and Jerry 12.00 Valentoons Weekend
21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 The Powerpuff Girls 22.30
Dexter's Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23.30 I am Weasel 0.00 Scooby
Doo 0.30TopCat 1.00 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 1.30SwatKats
2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties
4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga
BBC Prime *
5.30 The Leaming Zone 6.00 BBC Worid News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 On
Your Marks 6.45 Playdays 7.05 Camberwick Green 7.20 Monty the Dog 7.25
Growing Up Wild 7.55 Blue Peter 8.20 Run the Risk 8.40 O Zone 9.00 Top of
the Pops 9.30 Style Challenge 10.00 Ready, Steady, Cook 10.30 All Creatures
Great and Small 11.30 It Ain’t Half Hot, Mum 12.00 Style Challenge 12.25 Prime
Weather 12.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 13.00 Nature Detectives 13.30 Classic
Eastenders Omnibus 14.30 Waiting for God 15.00 Jonny Briggs 15.15 Blue Peter
15.40 Run the Risk 16.00 Smart 16.30 Top of the Pops 2 17.15 Antiques
Roadshow 18.00 Bergerac 19.00 Looking for Mr Perfect 19.40 Man Seeks
Woman 20.30 Truly Madly Single 21.10 The Uver Birds 21.40 Solo 22.10
Singletons 22.45 Songs of Praise 23.20 Top of the Pops 0.00 The Leaming Zone
0.30 The Leaming Zone I.OOTheLeamingZone 1.15TheLeamingZone 1.30
The Leaming Zone 1.45TheLeamingZone 2.00 The Leaming Zone 3.00 The
Leaming Zone 3.30 The Leaming Zone 4.30 The Leaming Zone (NATIONAL
GEOGRAPHIC CHANNEL) 11.00 Extreme Earth: Asteroids - Deadly Impact
12.00 Nature’s Nightmares: the Tree and the Ant 13.00 Survivors: Miracle at Sea
14.00 Channel 4 Originals: Avalanche 15.00 Natural Bom Killers: Yellowstone -
Realm of the Coyote 16.00 Shipwrecks: Lifeboat - by Invitation Only 16.30
Shipwrecks: Lifeboat - not a Cross Word Spoken 17.00 Nature's Nightmares: the
Tree and the Ant 18.00 Channel 4 Originals: Avalanche 19.00 Sex and Greed:
Animal Attraction 19.30 Sex and Greed: Sex, Uves and Holes in the Skies 20.30
Sex and Greed: the Sea Elephants Beach 21.00 Sex and Greed: the Polygamists
22.00 Mysterious World: Myths and Giants 22.30 Mysterious World: Mystery of
the Maya 23.00 The Urban Gorilla 0.00 Explorer 1.00 The Polygamists 2.00
Mysterious Worid: Myths and Giants 2.30 Mysterious Worid: Mystery of the Maya
3.00 The Urban Gorilla 4.00 Explorer 5.00 Close
8.00 Walker’s World 8.30 Walker's World 9.00 Ghosthunters 9.30
Ghosthunters 10.00 Inside the Octagon: The MG Story 11.00 State of Alert 11.30
Top Guns 12.00 What If? 13.00 The U-Boat War 14.00 The Specialists 15.00
Weapons of War 16.00 Test Rights 17.00 Flightline 17.30 Coltrane’s Planes and
Automobiles 18.00 Wolves at Our Door 19.00 The Supematural 19.30 Creatures
Fantastic 20.00 The Unexplained 21.00 Lost Treasures of the Yangtze Valley
22.00 Three Gorges 23.00 Hoover Dam 0.00 Discover Magazine 1.00Justice
Files 2.00Close
5.00 Kickstart 9.00 European Top 20 10.00 Love Song Weekend 11.00 Love
Sucks 12.00 Love Jams 14.00 Love Song Weekend 15.00 Hitlist UK 17.00 News
Weekend Edition 17.30 Artist Cut 18.00 So 90's 19.00 Most Selected 20.00 MTV
Data 20.30 Singled Out 21.00 MTV Live 21.30 Celebrity Deathmatch 22.00
Amour 23.00 Base 0.00 Sunday Night Music Mix 3.00 Night Videos
Sky News
6.00 Sunrise 9.30 Business Week 10.00 Sunday Wrth Adam Boulton 11.00
News on the Hour 11.30 The Book Show 12.00 SKY News Today 13.30 Fashion
TV 14.00 SKY News Today 14.30 Showbiz Weekly 15.00 News on the Hour
15.30 Week in Review 16.00 News on the Hour 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News
on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 The Book Show
21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 Showbiz Weekly 22.00 Primetime 23.30 Week in
Review 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the
Hour 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 Business Week 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30
The Book Show 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 Global Village 5.00 News on the
Hour 5.30 CBS Evening News
5.00 Worid News 5.30 Inside Europe 6.00 World News 6.30 Moneyline 7.00
WoridNews 7.30 World Sport 8.00 Worid News 8.30WoridBusinessThisWeek
9.00 World News 9.30 Pinnacle Europe 10.00 Worid News 10.30 Woríd Sport
11.00 World News 11.30 News Update/7 Days 12.00 World News 12.30
Moneyweek 13.00 News Update/Worid Report 13.30 World Report 14.00 Wortd
News 14.30 CNN Travel Now 15.00 World News 15.30 World Sport 16.00 World
News 16.30 Your Health 17.00 News Update/ Larry King 17.30 Larry King 18.00
Worid News 18.30 Fortune 19.00 World News 19.30 World Beat 20.00 World
News 20.30 Style 21.00 World News 21.30 The Artclub 22.00 Worid News 22.30
Worid Sport 23.00 CNN World View 23.30 Global View 0.00 World News 0.30
News Update/7 Days 1.00The WoridToday 1.30DiplomaticUcense 2.00Larry
KingWeekend 2.30 Larry King Weekend 3.00 The Worid Today 3.30 Both Sides
with Jesse Jackson 4.00 Worid News 4.30 Evans, Novak, Hunt & Shields
5.00 The Doctor's Dilemma 6.45 Green Dolphin Street 9.15 The Little Hut 11.00
Random Harvest 13.15 Tribute to a Bad Man 15.00 The Courtship of Eddie’s
Father 17.00 Come Fly With Me 19.00 The Gazebo 21.00 Gone with the Wind
1.00 Two Loves 3.00 Shoot the Moon
Animal Planet
07.00 It's A Vet's Life 07.30 Dogs With Dunbar 08.00 Animal House 08.30 Harry's
Practice 09.00 Hollywood Safari: Blaze 10.00Animal Doctor 10.30 Animal Doctor
11.00 Horse Whisperer: From New Explorers 12.00 Human / Nature 13.00
Sunday Safarl 14.00 Animal Weapons: Chemicals & Speed 15.00 Horse Tales:
Canadian Mounties 15.30 Going Wild With Jeff Corwin: Louisiana 16.00 The
Blue Beyond: A New Horizon 17.00 Hollywood Safari: Underground 18.00
Animal Doctor 18.30 Pet Rescue 19.00 The Platypus 01 Australia 19.30 Swift
Foxes Wlth Cleo Smeeton 20.00 Premiere Reach Out And Touch A Dolphin 21.00
Animal Weapons: Armed To The Teeth 22.00 Emergency Vets 22.30 Emergency
Vets 23.00 Crocodile Hunter: Reptiles Of The Deep 00.00 Rediscovery Of The
World: Papua New Guinea 01.00 Lassie: Lassie Is Missing
Computer Channel
17.00 Blue Chip 18.00 St@art up 18.30 Global Village 19.00 DagskrÐrlok
11.30 Skjáleikurinn.
15.00 Alþingi.
16.20 Helgarsportið.
16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light).
17.30 Fréttir.
17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarps-
17.50 Táknmálsfréttir.
18.00 Dýrin tala (6:26) (Jim Henson’s Animal Show).
18.30 Ævintýri H.C. Andersens (10:52) (Bubbles and Bingo in
Andersen Land).
19.00 Ég heiti Wayne (19:26) (The Wayne Manifesto). Ástralsk-
ur myndaflokkur um 12 ára strák sem setur sjáifum sér
skýrar Iffsreglur.
19.27 Kolkrabbinn.
20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður.
20.40 Kóngur í ríki sínu (4:5). Haukur Halldórsson listamaður.
Haukur Halldórsson teiknar, málar, sker út og ásatrúin
skiþar stóran sess í lífi hans, trúardýrkun sem getur orsak-
að hamskipti - eins og áhorfendur fá að kynnast.
21.05 Til æðstu tignar (4:4) (L'Allée du roi). Franskur mynda-
fiokkur sem segir frá stúlku sem er yfirgefin af foreldrum
sínum en giftist seinna Sólkonunginum, Loðvik fjórtánda.
22.15 Kalda stríðið (1:24) (The Cold War). Bandarískur heimild-
armyndatlokkur um kalda stríðið.
23.05 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir.
23.25 Mánudagsviðtalið. Hallgerður Gísladóttir safnvörður og
Karl Benediktsson landfræðingur, ræða um matarmenn-
23.50 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan.
00.00 Skjáleikurinn.
13.00 Hh Hjarta Klöru (e) (Clara's
» Heart). Hjón sem dvelja á Jamaíku til
Æ OTnn.O að jafna sig eftir að hafa misst dóttur
’l' v (Jf (JfJsína kynnast þeldökkri þjónustustúlku
sem hjálpar þeim að sigrast á sorginni.
Pau fá hana til að gerast ráðskona á
heimili þeirra í Bandaríkjunum en sonur hjónanna, David,
er ekki jafnhrifinn af Klöru. Aðalhlutverk: Whoopi Goldberg.
Leikstjóri: Robert Mulligan. 1988.
14.45 Ally McBeal (16:22) (e).
15.35 Vinir (15:25) (e) (Friends).
16.00 Eyjarklíkan.
16.25 Tímon, Púmba og félagar.
16.50 Úr bókaskápnum.
17.00 Lukku-Láki.
17.25 Bangsi gamli.
17.35 Glæstar vonir.
18.00 Fréttir.
18.05 Sjónvarpskringlan.
18.30 Nágrannar.
19.00 19>20.
19.30 Fréttir.
20.05 Að hætti Sigga Hall (2:12). Sigurður L. Hall bregður sér á
skíði til Madonna de Campiglio á Ítalíu.
20.35 - Þrátt fyrir allt (Once around). Renata fer alvarlega
að hugsa um hjónaband þegar yngri systir hennar giftir sig.
Hún beitir gamlan kærasta sinn þrýstingi en hann
þverskallast við öllum tilburðum hennar. Aðalhlutverk:
Danny Aiello, Gena Rowlands, Holly Hunter og Richard
Dreyfuss. Leikstjóri: Lasse Hallström.1991.
22.30 Kvöldfréttir.
22.50 Ensku mörkin.
23.40 Hjarta Klöru (e) (Clara’s Heart). Leikstjóri: Robert Mullig-
01.25 Dagskrárlok.
Itölsku mörkin.
Ensku mörkin.
í sjöunda himni (e) (Seventh
20.00 Stöðin (20:24) (Taxi).
20.30 Trufluð tilvera (22:31) (South Park). Teiknimyndaflokkur
fyrir fullorðna um fjóra skrautlega félaga. Kyle, Stan, Cat-
man og Kenny búa í fjallabæ. Bönnuð bömum.
21.00 Allt lagt undir (Gambler Playing for Keeps). Hér segir frá
fjárhættuspilaranum Brady Hawkes. Hawkes ætti að vera
mörgum kunnugur en gerðar hafa verið nokkrar myndir um
ævintýri hans. Leikstjóri: Jack Bender. Aðalhlutverk: Kenny
Rogers, Loni Anderson og Bruce Boxleitner.1994.
22.30 Golfmót í Bandaríkjunum (Golf US PGA1999).
23.25 Endurgjaldiö (Payback). Oscar hefur setið 13 ár í fang-
elsi fyrir vopnað rán. Mac, sem er gamall fangi, heitir
Oscari miklu fé ef sá síðarnefndi myrðir fangavörðinn ill-
ræmda, Gully. Þegar Oscar losnar úr fangelsinu fær hann
vinnu á bar sem er í eigu fangavarðarins. Leikstjóri er
Russell Solberg. 1990.Stranglega bönnuð bömum.
00.55 Fótbolti um víða veröld.
01.25 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur.
06.00 Dauðafljótið (e) (Rio Das Mortes). 1970.
08.00 *** Helreiðin (Pathsof Glory). 1957.
10.00 *** i Brostu. (Smile). 1975.
12.00 **** Vlð stjórnvölinn (All the King’s
16.00 Brostu.
18.00 Við stjórnvölinn.
20.00 * Odessa-skjölin (The Odessa File). 1974. Strang-
lega bönnuð börnum.
22.05 ** Undir fölsku flaggi (The Devil’s Own). 1997.
Stranglega bönnuð börnum.
24.00 Dauðafljótið (e).
02.00 Odessa-skjölin.
04.05 Undir fölsku flaggi.
skjás- 1J,
kynnt síðar
nn au
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u mmnri
sunnudagur 14. febrúar 1999
f Ó k U S 12. febrúar 1999