Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 19.02.1999, Blaðsíða 18

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 19.02.1999, Blaðsíða 18
fimmtudagur 25. febrúar 1999 SJÓNVARPH) 10.30 Alþingi. 16.20 Handboltakvöld. Endursýndur þáttur frá miðvikudagskvöldi. 16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light). 17.30 Fréttir. 17.35 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringl- 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Stundin okkar. Endursýndur þáttur frá sunnudegi. 18.30 Tvífarinn (4:13) (Minty) Skosk/ástralskur myndaflokkur um tvær unglingsstúlkur sem eru nauðalfkar í útliti en eiga sér gerólíkan bakgrunn. 19.00 Heimur tískunnar (19:30) (Fashion File). 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. 20.00 Fréttir, íþróttir og veður. 20.40 ...þetta helst. Spurningaleikur með hliðsjón af atburðum líðandi stundar. Liðsstjórar eru Björn Brynjúlfur Björnsson og Ragnhildur Sverrisdóttir. Umsjón: Hildur Helga Sigurð- ardóttir. 21.15 Jesse (1:13) (Jesse). Bandarískur gamanmyndaflokkur um unga einstæða móður sem fær aldrei frið fyrir syni sín- um, tveimur bræðrum og föður. 21.40 Kastljós. Fréttaskýringaþáttur um innlend og erlend mál- efni. 22.10 Bílastöðin (21:24) (Taxa). Danskur myndafiokkur um litla leigubílastöð í stórborg og frásagnir af bílstjórum og far- þegum sem spegla líf og atburði i borginni. Aðalhlutverk: John Hahn-Petersen, Waage Sandö, Margarethe Koytu, Anders W. Berthelsen og Trine Dyrholm. 23.00 Ellefufréttir og íþróttir. 23.20 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 23.40 Skjáleikurinn. u 13.00 Billy Madison (e). Billy nrnn n Madison á að erfa miljónirnar hans IJ/f/l/mj- Pabba síns en hefur sólundað öllum V* " « sínum tíma í skvísur og vin. Brian Mad- ison segir því syni sínum að liklega taki aðstoðarforstjórínn og aulinn Eric Gordon við rekstri fyrir- tækisins. Billy vill forða frá því að svo fari. Hann leggur allt undir og sest aftur á skólabekk með smábörnum til að geta tekist á við hlutverk sitt. Aðalhlutverk: Darren McGavin, Adam Sandler og Bridgete Wilson. Leikstjóri: Tamara Dav- is. 1995. 14.40 Oprah Winfrey (e). 15.30 Fyndnar fjölskyldumyndir (7:30) (e). 15.55 Eruð þið myrkfælin? 16.20 Meðafa. 17.10 Tímon, Púmba og félagar. 17.35 Glæstar vonir. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Nágrannar. 18.35 Sjónvarpskringlan. 19.00 19>20. 19.30 Fréttir. 20.05 Melrose Place (22:32). 21.00 Kristall (19:30). 21.40 Tveggja heima sýn (5:23) (Millenium). 22.30 Kvöldfréttir. 22.50 í lausu lofti (6:25) (Nowhere Man). 23.35 Gjald vináttunnar (e) (Rockford Files: Godfather Knows Better). Nú er Jim Rockford kominn á kreik á ný. Að þessu sinni þarf hann að takast á við erfiðan son vinar síns. Drengurinn er guðsonur Rockfords og er sakaður um morð. Rockford notar innsæið til að komast að hinu rétta í málinu. Aðalhlutverk: James Garner og Stuart Margolin. Leikstjóri: Tony Wharmey. 1996. 01.05 Billy Madison (e). 1995. 02.35 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 18.00 NBA-tilþrif. (NBAAction). 18.30 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.45 Ofurhugar (e) (Rebel TV). Kjarkmiklir íþróttakappar sem bregða sér á skíðabretti, sjóskíði, sjóbretti og margt fleira. 19.15 Tímaflakkarar (e) (Sliders). Uppgötvun ungs snillings hef- ur óvæntar afleiðingar í för með sér og nú er hægt að ferð- ast úr einum heimi í annan. 20.00 Kaupahéðnar (16:26) (Traders). 21.00 3 Ívítahring. (12:01) Lífið hjá Barry Thomas er sannkölluð martröð því hann upplifir sama daginn aftur og aftur. Leik- stjóri: Jack Sholder. Aðalhlutverk: Jonathan Silverman, Helen Slater, Martin Landau og Nicoias Surovy.1993. 22.35 Jerry Springer (19:20) (The Jerry Springer Show). 23.15 Rangar sakir (Falsely Accused). Áhrifamikil kvikmynd um konu sem missir ungt barn sitt. I ofanálag er hún ranglega sökuð um að hafa myrt barnið. Er í fangelsi kemur er það eina huggun konunnar að hún er þunguð á ný. En er ein- hver leið út úr svartnættinu? Leikstjóri: Noel Nosseck. Að- alhlutverk: Lisa Hartman, Christopher Meloni og Peter Ju- rasik.1993. 00.50 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 kck Englar og skordýr (e) (Angels & Insects). 1995. Bönnuð börnum. 08.00 Undirheimar (Underworld). 1997. 10.00 Ástin og aðrar plágur (Love and Other Catastrophes). 1996. 12.00 Englar og skordýr (e). 14.00 Undirheimar. 16.00 Ástin og aðrar plágur. 18.00 Týson. 1995. Bönnuð börnum. 20.00 2 Traustið forsmáð (Broken Trust). Bönnuð börnum. 22.00 Gullauga (Goldeneye). 1995. Bönnuð börnum. 00.05 Tyson. 02.00 Traustlð forsmáð. 04.00 Gullauga. Dagskrá kynnt síðar. VH-1 6.00 Power Breakfast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best 13.00 Greatest Hits Of... 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @ five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Happy Hour 19.00 VH1 Hits 20.55 Beautiful North Week 21.00 Greatest Hits Of... 22.00 Pop-up Video 23.00 American Classic 0.00 The Nightfly 1.00 VH1 Spice 2.00 VH1 Late Shift THE TRAVEL 12.00 Snow Safari 12.30 On the Horizon 13.00 Travel Live 13.30 Out to Lunch With Brian Tumer 14.00 The Flavours of Italy 14.30 Travelling Lite 15.00 Dominika's Planet 16.00 Stepping the World 16.30 Joumeys Around the World 17.00 Reel World 17.30 Around Britain 18.00 Out to Lunch Wrth Brian Tumer 18.30 On Tour 19.00 Snow Safari 19.30 On the Horizon 20.00 Travel Live 20.30 Stepping the World 21.00 Dominika's Planet 22.00 Travelling Lite 22.30 Joumeys Around the World 23.00 On Tour 23.30 Around Brítain 0.00 Closedown NBC Super Channel 5.00 Market Watch 5.30 Europe Today 8.00 Market Watch 13.00 US CNBC Squawk Box 15.00 US Market Watch 17.00 Europe Tonight 18.00 US Power Lunch 19.00 US Street Signs 21.00 US Market Wrap 22.30 Europe Tonight 23.30 NBC Nightly News 0.00 CNBC Asia Squawk Box 1.30 US Market Wrap 2.00 Trading Day 4.00 US Business Centre 4.30 Lunch Money Eurosport 7.30 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 8.30 Nordic Skiing: World Championships in Ramsau, Austria 9.30 Nordic Skiing: World Championships in Ramsau, Austria 10.30 Nordic Skiing: World Championships in Ramsau, Austria 11.00 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 12.30 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 14.00 Biathlon: World Cup in Lake Racid, USA 15.15 Tennis: ATP Toumament in London, Great Britain 16.30 Nordic Skiing: World Championships in Ramsau, Austria 17.00 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 18.30 Motorsports: Magazine 19.00 Tennis: ATP Toumament in London, Great Britain 20.30 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 22.00 Athletics: Ricoh Tour Final - IAAF Indoor Meeting in Stockholm, Sweden 23.00 Boxing: International Contest 0.00 Motorsports: Magazine 0.30 Close HALLMARK 7.15 Lonesome Dove 8.05 Forbidden Territory: Stanley's Search for Livingstone 9.40 Harlequin Romance: Magic Moments 11.20 Laura Lansing Slept Here 13.00 Survival on the Mountain 14.35 Tidal Wave: No Escape 16.10 Road to Saddle River 18.00 My Own Country 19.50 Veronica Clare: Slow Violence 21.25 Harlequin Romance: Out of the Shadows 23.05 Laura Lansing Slept Here 0.45 Survival on the Mountain 2.15 TKlal Wave: No Escape 3.50 Lonesome Dove 4.35 My Own Country Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 Blinky Bill 6.00 The Tidings 6.30 Tabaluga 7.00 The Powerpuff Girls 7.30 Dexter's Laboratory 8.00 Sytvester and Tweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 Flintstone Kids 9.30 The Tldings 10.00 The Magic Roundabout 10.15 Thomasthe Tank Engine 10.30 The Fruitties 11.00 Tabaluga 11.30 Yo! Yogi 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.30 Looney Tunes 13.00 Popeye 13.30 The Flintstones 14.00 The Jetsons 14ÁJ0 Droopy 15.00 Taz-Mania 15.30 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 16.00 The Powerpuff Girls 16.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 17.00 Ed, Edd 'n' Eddy 17J0 Cow and Chicken 18.00 Animaniacs 18.30 The Flintstones 19.00 Tom and Jerry 19.30 Looney Tunes 20.00 Cartoon Cartoons 20.30 Cult Toons 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 The Powerpuff Giris 22.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23.301 am Weasel 0.00 Scooby Doo 0.30 Top Cat 1.00 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 1.30 Swat Kats 2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Bill 3.30 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 The Leaming Zone 6.00 BBC WorkJ News 6.25 Prime Weather 6.30 Playdays 6.50 Smart 7.15 Aliens in the Family 7.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.15 Style Challenge 8.40 Change That 9.05 Kilroy 9.45 EastEnders 10.15 Antiques Roadshow 11.00 Madhur Jaffrey's Far Eastern Cookery 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Nature Detectives 13.30 EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.40 Style Challenge 15.05 Prime Weather 15.15 Playdays 15.35 Smart 16.00 The Wild House 16.30 Nature Detectives 17.00 BBC WorkJ News 17.25 Prime Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 EastEnders 18.30 The House Detectives 19.00 Are You Being Served? 19.30 Victoria Wood 20.00 Available Light 21.00 BBC World News 21.25 Prime Weather 21.30 Floyd on Fish 22.00 Doctors To Be 23.00 Common as Muck 0.00 The Leaming Zone 4.30 The Leaming Zone NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 11.00 Scarlet Skies 11.30 Bali: Island of Artists 12.00 Man Eaters: the Siberian Tiger - Predator Or Prey? 13.00 Ron Haviv: Freelance in a World of Risk 14.00 Biker Women 15.00 On the Edge: the Last Wild River Ride 16.00 Extreme Earth: Flood! 17.00 Man Eaters: the Siberian Tiger - Predator Or Prey? 18.00 Biker Women 19.00 The Love of Falcons 19.30 The Eagle and the Snake 20.00 Man Eaters: Komodo Dragons 21.00 Extreme Earth: Avalanche! 21.30 Extreme Earth: Right from the Volcano 22.00 On the Edge: Tsunami - Killer Wave 23.00 Ocean Workls: Survival on the lce 0.00 Ocean Worlds: Ocean Drifters 1.00 Extreme Earth: Avalanche! 1.30 Extreme Earth: Flight from the Volcano 2.00 On the Edge: Tsunami • Killer Wave 3.00 Ocean Worids: Survh/al on the lce 4.00 Ocean Worids: Ocean Drifters 5.00 Close Discovery 8.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing Adventures 8.30 The Diceman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man 9.30 Walker's Worid 10.00 The Dinosaurs! 11.00 The Driven Man 12.00 Top Guns 12.30 On the Road Again 13.00 Ambulance! 13.30 Disaster 14.00 Disaster 14.30 Beyond 2000 15.00 Ghosthunters 15.30 Justice Files 16.00 Rex Hunt’s Fishing Adventures 16.30 Walker's Worid 17.00 Wheel Nuts 17.30 Treasure Hunters 18.00 Wildlife SOS 18.30 Superhunt 19.30 The Elegant Solution 20.00 Discover Magazine 21.00 Science Frontiers 22.00 Super Structures 23.00 Forensic Detecth/es 0.00 Super Structures 1.00TreasureHunters 1.30WheelNuts 2.00Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 11.00 MTV Data 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 US Top 20 18.00 So 90’s 19.00 Top Selection 20.00 MTV Data 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 Altemative Nation 1.00 TheGrind 1.30 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 News on the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.30 Your Call 15.00 News on the Hour 16.30 SKY Worid News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY Worid News 22.00 Primetime 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30SKYWorkJNews 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Fashion TV 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 Global Village 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 CBS Evening News CNN 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Insight 6.00 CNN This Morning 6.30 Moneyline 7.00CNNThis Moming 7.30 Worid Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 8.30ShowbizToday 9.00 LarryKing 10.00 World News 10.30 WorkJSport 11.00 Worid News 11.15 American Edition 11.30 BizAsia 12.00 Workl News 12.30 Science & Technology 13.00 Worid News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 Worid Report 14.00 World News 14.30 Showbiz Today 15.00 World News 1530 World Sport 16.00 WorkJ News 16.30 CNN Travel Now 17.00 Larry King 18.00 World News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 WorkJ News 19.30 WorkJ Business Today 20.00 World News 20.30 Q&A 21.00 Worid News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 22.30 Worid Sport 23.00 CNN Worid View 23.30 Moneyline Newshour 0.30 Showbiz Today 1.00 Worid News 1.15 Asian Edition 1.30 Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.00 World News 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 Worid News 4.15 American Edition 4.30 Worid Report TNT 5.00 The Scapegoat 6.45 The Champ 9.00 Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 11.00 God is My Co-Pilot 12.30 Julius Caesar 14.30 Love Me or Leave Me 16.45 The Champ 19.00 On the Town 21.00 Butterfield 8 23.00 The Postman Always Rings Twice 1.15 The Giri and theGeneral 3.00 ButterfiekJ 8 Anlmal Planet 07.00 Pet Rescue 07.30 Harry's Practice 08.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 08.30 Lassie: The Great Escape 09.00 Totally Australia: Resourceful Rainforest 10.00 Pet Rescue 10.30 Rediscovery Of The Worid: New Zealand 11.30 All Bird Tv 12.00 Australia Wild: Wombats, Bulldozers Of The Bush 12.30 Animal Doctor 13.00 Horse Tales: Shettand Grand National 13.30 Going Wild: Lords Of Atlas 14.00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer: Rhino 14.30 Australia WikJ: Window On The Wild 15.00 Wildlife Er 15.30 Human / Nature 16.30 Harry’s Practice 17.00 Jack Hanna's Zoo Life: Zimbabwe, Africa 17.30 Animal Doctor 18.00 Pet Rescue 18.30 Australia Wild: A Very Particular Parrot 19.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19.30 Lassie: Lassie Comes Home 20.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid 21.00 Animal Doctor 21.30 The Blue Beyond: Storm Over Albuquerque 22.30 Emergency Vets 23.00 Deadly Australians: Forest 23.30 The Big Animal Show: Scavengers 00.00 Wild Rescues 00.30 Emergency Vets 01.00 Zoo Story Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer's Guide 17.15 Masterclass 17.30 Game Over 17.45 Chips With Everyting 18.00 Blue Screen 18.30 The Lounge 19.00 DagskrBriok Omega 17.30 Krakkar gegn glæpum. 18.00 Krakkar á ferð og flugi. 18.30 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 Þetta er þlnn dagur með Benny Hinn. 19.30 Samverustund. (e) 20.30 Kvöldljós með Ragn- ari Gunnarssyni. Bein útsending. 22.00 Líf í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 22.30 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hlnn. 23.00 Líf í Orö- inu meö Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). föstudagur 26. febrúar 199 11.30 Skjáleikur. 16.45 Leiðarljós (Guiding Light). Bandarískur myndaflokkur. 17.30 Fréttir. CinMuiDBtn 1735 Auglýsingatími - Sjónvarpskringlan. 17.50 Táknmálsfréttir. 18.00 Rússneskar teiknimyndir. Hundurinn og Samloka kóngs- ins (Masters of Russian Animation). 18.30 Úr ríki náttúrunnar. Norsk fræðslumynd. 19.00 Gæsahúð (16:26) (Goosebumps). Bandarískur mynda- flokkur um ósköp venjulega krakka sem lenda í ótrúlegum ævintýrum. 19.27 Kolkrabbinn. Fjölbreyttur dægurmálaþáttur þar sem fjall- að er um mannlíf heima og erlendis, tónlist, myndlist, kvik- myndir og fþróttir. 20.00 Fréttir, veður og íþróttir. 20.45 Stutt i spunann. Umsjón: Eva María Jónsdóttir. Spuna- stjóri: Hjálmar Hjálmarsson. 21.25 Gettu betur (3:7). Spurningakeppni framhaldsskólanna. í þriðja þætti átta liða úrslita eigast við lið Fjölbrautaskóla Suðurlands, Selfossi, og Menntaskólans á Egilsstöðum. Spyrjandi er Logi Bergmann Eiðsson, höfundur spurninga og dómari illugi Jökulsson og Andrés Indriðason stjórnar upptöku. 22.35 . Maverick (Maverick). Bandarísk bíómynd frá 1994 um fjárhættuspilarann Bret Maverick og ævintýri hans í vill- ta vestrinu. Leikstjóri: Richard Donner. Aðalhlutverk: Mel Gibson, Jodie Foster, James Garner, James Coburp, Gra- ham Greene og Alfred Molina. 00.45 Útvarpsfréttir. 00.55 Skjáleikur. lSTðO-2 13.00 Þorpslöggan (17:17) (e) (He- artbeat). 13.50 60 mínúturll. 14.45 Ekkert bull (13:13) (e) (Straight up). 15.10 Handlaginn heimillsfaðir (11:25). 15.35 Kellur í krapinu (Big Women). 16.25 Gátuland. 16.50 Tímon, Púmba og félagar. 17.10 Orri og Ólafía. 17.35 Glæstar vonir. 18.00 Fréttir. 18.05 Sjónvarpskringlan. 18.30 Kristall (19:30) (e). 19.00 19>20. 19.30 Fréttlr. 20.05 Fyrstur með fréttirnar (10:23) (Early Edition). 21.00 Batman og Robin. Litlu munar að illa fari fyrir Bat- man og Robin þegar Frosti hinn illi slæst I lið með klækja- kvendinu Poison Ivy og ætlar sér að frysta Gothamborg og íbúa hennar. Aðalhlutverk: Amold Schwarzenegger, Geor- ge Clooney og Chris O'Donnell. Leikstjóri: Joel Schumacher. 1997. 23.10 Reikningsskll (Ghosts of Mississippi). Héreráferð- inni sannsöguleg mynd um morðið á mannréttindaleiðtog- anum Medgar Evers og réttarhöldin sem fylgdu I kjölfarið. Aðalhlutverk: Alec Baldwin, James Woods og Whoopi Goldberg. Leikstjóri: Rob Reiner. 1996. 01.20 Kongó (e). 1995. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 03.05 Lestin til Peking (e) (Bullet to Beijing). Stranglega bönn- uð börnum. 04.50 Dagskrárlok. Skjáleikur. 18.00 Heimsfótbolti með Western Unlon. 18.30 Taumlaus tónlist. 18.45 Sjónvarpskringlan. 19.00 Iþróttir um allan heim (Trans World Sport). 20.00 Fótbolti um víða veröld. 20.30 Alltaf I boltanum. Nýjustu fréttirnar úr enska boltanum. Spáð er I viðureignir helgarinnar og knattspyrnuáhugafólk tippar á leikina. 21.00 Bergnuminn (Bedazzled). Aðalsöguhetjan er ráð- villtur kokkur sem er bókstaflega að deyja úr ást. Hann er gagntekinn af þjónustustúlku en miðar lítt áleiðis. Leikstjóri: Stanley Donen. Aðalhlutverk: Dudley Moore, Raquel Welch, Peter Cook og Eleanor Bron.1967. 22.50 Vítisraunir Jasons (Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday). Hrollvekja. Fjöldamorðinginn Jason Voorhees er ekki dauður úr öllum æðum. Enn fer hann um og hrellir saklausa borgara, líkt og hann hefur gert um árabil I mynd- unum Friday the 13th. Nú er komið að leiðarlokum og það er engin leið aftur til baka. Eða hvað? Leikstjóri: Adam Marcus. 1993. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 0.30 NBA - leikur vikunnar. Bein útsending frá leik Orlando Magic og Indiana Pacers. 2.55 Dagskrárlok og skjáleikur. 06.00 Krakkalakkar (Kidz in the Wood). 1994. ® ^ 08.00 : Örlagavaldurinn. (DestinyTurns on the WlJfVlf Radio). 1995. rn |1J ípj 10.00 icki- Frí I Vegas (Vegas Vacation). 1997. 12.00 *.« ^*111'' Alræðisvald (Absolute Power). 1997. 14.00 Örlagavaldurinn. 16.00 Frí I Vegas. 18.00 Alræðisvald. 20.00 Góðkunningjar lögreglunnar (Usual Suspects). 1995. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 22.00 Hh Leiftur (Foxfire). 1996. Stranglega bönnuð börnum. 00.00 Krakkalakkar. 02.00 Leiftur. 04.00 Góðkunningjar lögreglunnar. Dagskrá kynnt síðar. VH-1 6.00 Power Breakíast 8.00 Pop-up Video 9.00 VH1 Upbeat 12.00 Ten of the Best 13.00 Greatest Hits Of... 13.30 Pop-up Video 14.00 Jukebox 17.00 five @ five 17.30 Pop-up Video 18.00 Something for the Weekend 19.00 Greatest Hits Of... 19.30 Talk Music 20.00 Pop-up Video 20.30 VH1 Party Hits 20.55 Beautiful North Week 21.00 The Kate & Jono Show 22.00 Greatest Hits Of... 23.00 VH1 Spice 0.00 The Friday Rock Show 2.00VH1 LateShift THE TRAVEL 12.00 Snow Safari 12.30 Ribbons of Steel 13.00 Travel Live 13.30 Gatherings and Celebrations 14.00 The Flavours of Italy 14.30 Joumeys Around the World 15.00 On Top of the Worid 16.00 Go 2 16.30 On the Loose in Wildest Africa 17.00 Ribbons of Steel 17.30 Snow Safari 18.00 Gatherings and Celebrations 18.30 On Tour 19.00 Secrets of the Choco. 20.00 HolkJay Maker! 20.15 Holiday Maker! 20.30 Go 2 21.00 On Top of the Worid 22.00 Joumeys Around the Worid 22.30 On the Loose in Wildest Africa 23.00 On Tour 23.30 Reel Worid 0.00 Closedown NBC Super Channel 5.00 Market Watch 5.30 Europe Today 8.00 Market Watch 13.00 US CNBC Squawk Box 15.00 US Market Watch 17.00 Europe Tonight 18.00 US Power Lunch 19.00 US Street Signs 21.00 US Market Wrap 22.30 Europe Tonight 23.30 NBC Nightly News 0.00 Europe This Week 1.00 Working with the Euro 1.30 US Street Signs 3.30 US Market Wrap 4.00 US Business Centre 4.30 Working with the Euro Eurosport 7.30 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 8.30 Biathlon: World Cup in Lake Placid, USA 9.30 Nordic Skiing: Worid Championships in Ramsau, Austria 11.30 Nordic Skiing: World Championships in Ramsau, Austria 1250 Luge: Natural Track Worid Cup in Aurach, Austria 13.00 Motorsports: Magazine 13.30 Snowboard: FIS Worid Cup in Asahikawa, Japan 14.00 Biathlon: WorkJ Cup in Lake Placid, USA 15.30 Tennis: ATP Toumament in London, Great Brítain 17.00 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 18.30 Tennis: WTAToumament in Paris, France 20.00 Tennis: ATP Tournament in London, Great Britain 20.30 Football: European Futsal Championship 1999 in Granada, Spain 22.00 Nordic Skiing: Worid Championships in Ramsau, Austria 23.30 Xtrem Sports: YOZ Action - Youth Only Zone 0.30 Close HALLMARK 6.25 Veronica Clare: Slow Violence 7.55 Comeback 9.35 Hariequin Romance: Out of the Shadows 11.15 The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 13.05 Pack of Lies 14.45 Ellen Foster 16.20 The Marriage Bed 18.00 Double Jeopardy 19.35 The Love Letter 21.10 The OkJ Curiosity Shop 22.40 The Okl Curiosity Shop 0.15 The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman 2.05 Pack of Lies 3.45 Ellen Foster 5.20 The Marriage Bed Cartoon Network 5.00 Omer and the Starchild 5.30 Blinky Bill 6.00 The Tidings 6.30Tabaluga 7.00 The Powerpuff Giris 7.30 Dexter’s Laboratory 8.00 Sytvester and Tweety 8.30 Tom and Jerry Kids 9.00 Rintstone Kkls 9.30 The Tidings 10.00 The Magic Roundabout 10.15 Thomas the Tank Engine 10.30 The Fruitties 11.00 Tabaluga 1150 Yo! Yogi 12.00 Tom and Jerry 12.30 Looney Tunes 13.00 Popeye 13.30 The Flintstones 14.00 The Jetsons 14.30 Droopy 15.00 Taz-Mania 15.30 Scooby and Scrappy Doo 16.00 The Powerpuff Girls 16.30 Dexter's Laboratory 17.00 Ed, Edd ‘n’ Eddy 17.30 Cow and Chicken 18.00 Animaniacs 18.30 The Flintstones 19.00 Tom and Jerry 19.30 Looney Tunes 20.00 Cartoon Cartoons 20.30 Cult Toons 21.00 2 Stupid Dogs 21.30 Johnny Bravo 22.00 The Powerpuff Girts 22.30 Dexter's Laboratory 23.00 Cow and Chicken 23.301 am Wease! 0.00 Scooby Doo 0.30 Top Cat 1.00 The Real Adventures of Jonny Quest 1.30 Swat Kats 2.00 Ivanhoe 2.30 Omer and the Starchild 3.00 Blinky Biil 350 The Fruitties 4.00 Ivanhoe 4.30 Tabaluga BBC Prime 5.00 The Leaming Zone 6.00 BBC World News 655 Prime Weather 650 Noddy 6.40 Blue Peter 7.05 Run the Risk 755 O Zone 7.45 Ready, Steady, Cook 8.15 Style Challenge 8.40 Change That 9.05 Kilroy 9.45 EastEnders 10.15 Flightpaths to the Gods 11.00 Floyd on Fish 11.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 12.00 Can't Cook, Won't Cook 12.30 Change That 12.55 Prime Weather 13.00 Wildlife 13.30 EastEnders 14.00 Kilroy 14.45 Style Challenge 15.10 Prime Weather 15.15 Noddy 1555 Blue Peter 15.50 Run the Risk 16.10 O Zone 16.30 Wildlife 17.00 BBC World News 17.25 Prime Weather 17.30 Ready, Steady, Cook 18.00 EastEnders 18.30 Looking Good 19.00 Are You Being Seived? 19.30 Victoria Wood 20.00 Casuaity 21.00 BBC Worid News 2155 Prime Weather 2150 Uter with Jools 22.30 Kenny Everett's Television Show 23.00 The Smell of Reeves and Mortimer 23.30 Is It Bilt Bailey? 0.00 Dr Who: Underworid 0.30 The Leaming Zone 4.30 The Leaming Zone NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC 11.00 The Love of Falcons 11.30 The Eagle and the Snake 12.00 Man Eaters: Komodo Dragons 13.00 Extreme Earth: Avalanche! 13.30 Extreme Earth: Flight from the Volcano 14.00 On the Edge: Tsunami - Killer Wave 15.00 Ocean Worids: Survival on the lce 16.00 Ocean Worlds: Ocean Drifters 17.00 Man Eaters: Komodo Dragons 18.00 On the Edge: Tsunami - Killer Wave 19.00 A Lizard's Summer 19.30 Alchemy in Light 20.00 The Shark Files: Shark Attack Rles 21.00 Friday Night WikJ: Amate 22.00 Friday Night WikJ: Puma - Lions of the Andes 23.00 Friday Night Wild: Animal Er 0.00 Friday Night Wild: Elephant Journeys 1.00 Amate 2.00 Puma: Lions of the Andes 3.00 Animal ER 4.00 Elephant Joumeys 5.00 Close Discovery 8.00 Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures 8.30 The Diceman 9.00 Bush Tucker Man 9.30 Walker’s World 10.00 What If? 11.00 Weapons of War 12.00 Top Guns 12.30 On the Road Again 13.00 Ambulance! 13.30 Disaster 14.00 Disaster 14.30 Beyond 200015.30 Justice Rles 16.00 Rex Hunt's Rshing Adventures 16.30 Walker’s Worid 17.00 Wheel Nuts 17.30 Treasure Hunters 18.00 WikJlife SOS 18.30 Ways of the WikJ 19.30 The Elegant Solution 20.00 Outback Adventures 20.30 Uncharted Africa 21.00 Miami Swat 22.00 Birth of a Salesman 23.00 Weapons of War 0.00 InskJe the Glasshouse 1.00 Treasure Hunters 1.30WheelNuts 2.00Close MTV 5.00 Kickstart 6.00 Top Selection 7.00 Kickstart 8.00 Non Stop Hits 11.00 MTV Data 12.00 Non Stop Hits 15.00 Select MTV 17.00 Dance Floor Chart 19.00 Top Selection 20.00 MTVData 21.00 Amour 22.00 MTVID 23.00 PartyZone I.OOTheGrind 1.30 Night Videos Sky News 6.00 Sunrise 10.00 News on the Hour 10.30 SKY Worid News 11.00 News on the Hour 12.00 SKY News Today 14.30 Your Call 15.00 News on the Hour 16.30 SKY Worid News 17.00 Live at Five 18.00 News on the Hour 19.30 Sportsline 20.00 News on the Hour 20.30 SKY Business Report 21.00 News on the Hour 21.30 SKY World News 22.00 Primetime 0.00 News on the Hour 0.30 CBS Evening News 1.00 News on the Hour 1.30 SKY Worid News 2.00 News on the Hour 2.30 SKY Business Report 3.00 News on the Hour 3.30 Week in Review 4.00 News on the Hour 4.30 Fashion TV 5.00 News on the Hour 5.30 CBS Evening News CNN 5.00 CNN This Moming 5.30 Insight 6.00 CNN This Moming 650 Moneyiine 7.00 CNN This Moming 7.30 Worid Sport 8.00 CNN This Moming 850 Showbiz Today 9.00 Lariy King 10.00 Worid News 10.30 Worid Sport 11.00 Worid News 11.15 American Edition 11.30 Biz Asia 12.00 Worid News 1250 Earth Matters 13.00 Worid News 13.15 Asian Edition 13.30 World Report 14.00 Worid News 1450 Showbiz Today 15.00 Worid News 15.30 Worid Sport 16.00 World News 16.30 Inside Europe 17.00 Larry King 18.00 Worid News 18.45 American Edition 19.00 Worid News 19.30 Worid Business Today 20.00 Worid News 2050 Q&A 21.00 Worid News Europe 21.30 Insight 22.00 News Update/ Worid Business Today 22.30 Worid Sport 23.00 CNN Worid View 2350 Moneyline Newshour 0.30 Showbiz Today 1.00 Worid News 1.15WorkJNews 150Q&A 2.00 Larry King Live 3.007Days 3.30 CNN Newsroom 4.00 WorkJ News 4.15 American Edition 4.30 Worid Report TNT 5.00 The Swordsman of Siena 6.45 The Citadel 8.45 Young Tom Edison 10.15 The Last Time I Saw Paris 12.15 MGM: When the Lion Roars Pt1 13.15 Million Dollar MermakJ 15.15 The Mask of Dimitrios 17.00 The Citadel 19.00 Scaramouche 21.00 WCW Nitro on TNT 21.00 How the West was won 23.35 Marlowe 23.35 WCW Thunder 1.15 Demon Seed 3.00 Operation Crossbow Animal Planet 07.00 Pet Rescue 07.30 Harry’s Practice 08.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 08.30 Lassie: Lassie Comes Home 09.00 Horse Tales: Shetland Grand National 09.30 Going Wild: Lords Of Atlas 10.00 Pet Rescue 10.30 Rediscovery Of The WorkJ: New Zealand 11.30 WikJlife Er 12.00 Australia Wild: Window On The WikJ 12.30 Animal Doctor 13.00 The Blue Beyond: Storm Over Albuquerque 14.00 Nature Watch With Julian Pettifer: Wild Horses 14.30 Australia Wild: A Very Particular Parrot 15.00 Wild Rescues 15.30 Human / Nature 16.30 Harry's Practice 17.00 Jack Hanna's Zoo Life: Columbus Zoo, Ohio 17.30 Animal Doctor 18.00 Pet Rescue 18.30 Australia Wild: Which Sex? 19.00 The New Adventures Of Black Beauty 19.30 Lassie: Swamp Thing 20.00 Rediscovery Of The Worid: Lilliput In Antarctica 21.00 Animal Doctor 21.30 Animal X 22.00 Ocean Wilds: Yap Island 22.30 Emergency Vets 23.00 Mysteries Of The Ocean Wanderers 00.00 Vet School 00.30 Emergency Vets 01.00 Zoo Story Computer Channel 17.00 Buyer’s Guide 18.00 Chips With Everyting 19.00 DagskrBrlok Omega 1750 Krakkaklúbburinn. 18.00 Trúarbær. Barna-og unglingaþáttur. 1850 Líf f Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 19.00 Þetta er þinn dagur með Benny Hinn. 19.30 Frelsiskallið með Freddie Filmore. 20.00 Náð tll þjóðanna með Pat Francis. 20.30 Kvöldljós. Ýms- ir gestir. 22.00 Lif í Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 22.30 Þetta er þlnn dagur með Benny Hinn. 23.00 Lrf f Orðinu með Joyce Meyer. 23.30 Lofið Drottin (Praise the Lord). 26 f Ó k U S 19. febrúar 1999


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