Tíminn - 26.06.1970, Side 12

Tíminn - 26.06.1970, Side 12
w The strength of onr accounts reflects the broad base of our business!’ Mr. Jocelyn Hambro reports to shareholders. I am pleased to be able to report that in a difficult year we can show improved profits. Our disclosed profit figure is £2,217,973 against £1,920,215 last year - an all-time record. We are paying an increased final dividend of 20| per cent. on the £10 and 5s. shares, to be paid on an increased capital following our acquisition of the Allied Group of Unit Trusts last August. Dividends will cost us £1,358,055 this year against £1,203,164 last year. This increase is matched by an increase in the underlying cover. BANKING BUSINESS The past year was one of many vicissitudes. The French franc was devalúed and the Deutschmark upvalued. These and other currency uncertainties produced inevitable problems which were made more difficult by unhealthily high intemational interest rates throughout most of the year. Our own banking business has become increasingly accentuated away from sterling towards the ■ Eurodollar and other Euro-currencies. The ceilings imposed by the Bank of England have restricted our sterling business, but we have nevertheless taken full advantage of every opportunity to grant sterling facilities within these hmits. BROADLY BASED The strength of our accounts reflects the broad base of our business .We do not concentrate on one particular facet of the financial scene. We range over the whole Spectrum of banking, including acceptances, currency operations, mergers, take-overs, funfls management, unit trasts, registration and direct investment. All of them contribute to the results. INVESTMENT BANKING Our Department of Industrial Services this year experienced a decline in activity in take-overs and mergers of quoted companies, and therefore a dechne in income from that source. There was however a significant increase in the number of mergers arranged between private and unquoted companies. There was also an increase in the wliole range of activities by the department outside the United Kingdom, in non-U.K. business issues, take-overs, advice oncorporate finance and most particularly in special situations and the provision of venture capital. UNIT TRUSTS The market setback has caused some disappointment for many unit trast holders— especially those who were entering the field of equity investment for the first time. To those people it should be said that there have been market reverses before and will be again; nevertheless, if they hold on they may reasonably expect to see not only a good capital gain in the future but also a rising level of income from their unit investment. Despite the reduction in the flow of money to the funds our unit trust interests have continued to expand satisfactorily. We are now involved with Funds of some £180,000,000 which puts us in the top three of the entire industry. I consider this very satisfactory progress in view of the fact that we did not enter the movement until the end of ig66. EUROPEAN ACTIVITIES Overseas it has been a year of continued expansion. Our representatives throughout the Continent have been extremely active, so much so that although Britain is not yet in the Common Market we at this Bank already'fáj - very much a part of it. In Italy our traditional relationship with the entire banking community continues to expand and to be strengthened by new tiés. In France we have continued to do a great deal to help U.K. companies to enter or to extend their business in the French market. We have also given advice and assistance to French companies operatihg in other countries. HAMBRO INTERNATIONAL Development of Hambro Intemational N.V., Amsterdam, has fully hved up to our expectations and the Company has out- performed all other investment companies quoted in Amsterdam. The two ship mortgage companies, Ship Mortgage Intemational (Norway) N.V., and Ship Mortgage International (Sweden) N.V. have got off to a splendid start and in their first year, which ends on 3oth June, 1970, we estímate they will have a combined portfolio of $70 million. These two companies are becoming a significant factor in the extensive and continuing financial assistance which we provide to our Scandinavian shipping customers. EXPANSION IN IRELAND Allied Irish Investment Bank Limited acliieved further substantial growth during 1969. Total resources of the bank, reflecting the rapid expansion of the Irish econbmy, grew by 125 per cent. The bank played a prominent role in the financing of both Irish and international industry and also played a more activé role in the Eurodollar market. GHANNEL ISLANDS In Jersey there has been a good increase in business in a.ll departments.Wé have recently introduced current accounts for selected customers and this service will be extended when we move into our new premises at 13 Broad Street, which are now nearing completion. Our Guernsey subsidiary has also strengthened its business during the past very active year. PROGRESS IN MALTA In Malta, where together with Barclays Bank DCO, we formed Investment Bank of Malta two years ago, business has developed in a satisfactory way. The new bank is currently financing shipbuílding, horticulture, light industry, tourism and building development. MIDDLE EAST In the Middle East we were instrumental in setting up a new merchant banking operation - Dubai Bank Limited. We expect considerable developments in the merch^gj banking field in the Middle East, whe^t^V interests are growing. SOUTH AMERICA Our activities in South America expanded and we are now represented in Brazil by Cia. Metropohtana De Credito, Financiamento e Investimentos in which we have taken a 20 per cent. interest. HAMBRO AMERICAN In our financial year ended on 3ist March, 1970, Haníbro American Bank & Trust Co. has made a profit of over $1,000,000 after all taxes and provisions. Conditions in the U.S.A. have been far from easy for a young organisation such as HABATCO, but in spite of exceptionally high • interest rates and athoroughly depressed stock market, HABATCO continues to grow in a most encouraging way. Of particular importance to us during the past year has been the co-operation of HABATCO with our Medium Term Department in London, in raising funds for U.S. corporations. In London, Westem American Bank (Europe) Limited, in which we have a substantial shareholding, has paid its first dividend after two successful years of trading. Tlie bank carries on an intemational banking business with special emphasis on medium tojonger-term loans for major internatiónal companies and Government agencies. Its total assets have doubled over the past year to neariy £205 milhon. THE FUTURE At this time one can only foresee a difficult year ahead. Wall Street has fallen to its lowest point since 1962 and many Governments, including our own, are wrestling with the problem of wage inflation. Providing extemal conditións permit I am, however, confident that the Bank will show continued progress during the carrent year. HAMBROS BANK CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT as at 3ist March, 1970. 1 1969 1970 í í 26,145,000 Paid-Up Capital and Reserves 29,895,000 4,200,000 Loan Capital 4,200,000 378,605,000 Current, Deposit and Other Accounts 462,215,000 853,000 Proposed Final Dividends 980,000 57,938,000 Acceptances for Customers 60,763,000 467,741,000 558.o53.ooo 78,596,000 Balances with Banks, at Call, Cash and Bullion 118,809,000 119,984,000 Short Term Loans to Banks and Local Authorities 96,162,000 15,867,000 Bills discounted and Bank Certificates of Deposit 16,199,000 20,629,000 Current Investments 36,843,000 161,521,000 Loans, Advances and Other Accounts 213,018,000 57,938,000 Customers’ Liabilities for Acceptances 60,763,000 13,821,000 Fixed Investments 11,960,000 (615,000) Goodwill on Consohdation 4,299,000 467,741,000 558,053,000 1,203,000 Dividends Paid and Proposed 1,358,000 717,000 Transfers to Reserves 860,000 1,920,000 PROFIT FOR THE YEAR 2,218,000 The foregoing is from the annual statement to shareholders of Hambros Bank Ltd. by the Chairman, Mr. Jocelyn líambro M.C. The fifty-eighth Annual General Meeting of the companv was held at the offices of the bank, 41 Bishopsgate, London EC2 on Thursday, 25th June, 1970. Hambros Bank: our business is to help yours. 1 i • i 1 " 1 í 1 I • / f 1 ? ( :; f r L i ; í 1 r ’



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