

Ægir - 01.04.1958, Blaðsíða 9

Ægir - 01.04.1958, Blaðsíða 9
ÆGIR 99 Annað Síldar- frysting kg Síld og annar fiskur unninn í verksmiðjum kg Samtals Janúar1958 kg Samtals J anúar1957 kg Samtals Janúar1956 kg. Samtals kg 80 43.120 13.310 18 1 — — — 6.170 3.640 17 2 — — 30 — 3 — — — 30 — 4 • — 370 — 5 30*895 — 136.845 56.130 7.140 6 37.740 25.370 140.110 11.020 7 '4.630 — — 9.822.873 10.656.520 9.334.370 8 493.620 — — 3.978.618 2.013.250 635.378 9 — — 541.342 160.530 2.726 10 9.220 — 11.710 319.150 124.940 100.846 11 2.100 — 9.000 892.560 363.070 292,061 12 — — 1.260 852.056 595.920 318.622 13 10.640 — 1.910 755.181 52.110 77.466 , 14 — 1.065.825 1.065.825 — 15 3.750 — 83.540 88.260 485.420 362.360 — 16 462.675 1.198.615 18.642.540 — — — 152.570 84.450 _ 14.335.860 132.996 — 177.087 — — | 11.131.004 — — The lcelandic Fish Catch January 1958. ’lhe total Icelandic fish catch in January 1958 amountecl to 18.643 tons, ^pf which 6460 tons were caught by trawlers and the remaining 12.243 tons by cutters and smaller craft. The cor- responding figures for January 1957 are: Total: 14.536, trawlers: 7.461 and cutters: 7.075 tons. The catch in .1 anuarv 1958 has been utilized as follows: ‘1- Groundfish: 1- Fresh on ice, exported directly 2- Filleting snd freezing...... 3- Stockfish (dried, unsalted) .. 4- Salted...................... 5. Reduction.................... 6- Other uses................... Heildaraflinn 31. janúar 3.439 tons 8.971 tons 1.614 tons 2.943 tons 133 tons 477 tons 17.577 tons suncLurliðast þannig: 1958 1957 kg. kg. Bátafiskur . . . . . .. 12.242.152 7.074.530 Togarafiskur .. . . .. 6.400.388 7.461.330 Samtals - .. 18.642.540 14.535.860 not be taken as an indieation of the trend for the fishing season, as the main catch is always in Mareh and April of each year. The main species liave been cauglit in the following quantities ín J anuary 1958 and 1957: 1958 1957 Cod .... 9.823 10.657 Haddoek .. .. 3.979 2.013 Ilerring .... 1.066 0 Redfish .... 893 363 Herring: Reduction..........■................. 1.066 tons The catch in Jnnuary 1958 showed a consider- able increase over January 1957, but this should In the above summary all weights which are given in metric tons, indicate the quantity of gutted fish, with the exeeption of herring, for wliicli the live weight is given.



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