

Ægir - 15.10.1958, Side 13

Ægir - 15.10.1958, Side 13
ÆGIR 355 i^a sild, sem er vegin upp úr sjó, Annað kg Síldar- frysting kg Síld og annar fiskur unninn í verksmiðjum kg Samtals l.-31.ág. 1958 kg Samtals jan.-ág. 1958 kg Samtals jan.-ág. 1957 kg Samtals jan.-ág. 1956 kg Nr. 7.653 110 43.885 505.345 802.820 372.971 1 — — — 25.450 113.676 937.920 303.612 2 — — — 115.110 245.308 101.050 114.724 3 — — — 17.715 106.150 70.820 57.805 4 2.566 — — 2.566 19.024 420 6.710 5 10.668 — 1.107 24.243 604.827 502,660 283.270 6 21.361 — 287 21.713 580.951 154.620 149.070 7 51.747 — 71.605 5.355.123 215.556.761 178.557.240 199.096.885 8 45.164 — — 306.423 13.722.446 14.489.450 11.740.410 9 — — 1.040 42.592 2.944.599 2.288.390 2.664.599 10 8.093 — 29.290 725.058 9.177.004 8.303.310 4.888.682 11 20.837 — 900.423 17.857.154 46.948.297 38.813.880 37.205.203 12 23 — 213.434 1.084.004 9.057.114 7.490.900 12.035.595 13 — — 3.689 28.591 4.141.029 2.721.160 2.753.613 14 — — 11.172.782 22.276.354 77.841.575 100.319.630 1.503.859 15 4.985 952.922 122.032 129.101 977.891 1.649.960 81.027.930 16 952.922 173.097 12.515.799 48..055.082 — — — 5.429.600 3.331.360 35.874.663 382.541.997 5.920.200 2.224.740 75.922.590 — 357.204.230 — 6.880.800 2.428.445 41.960.513 — — 354.204.938 The Icelandic Fish Catch Jarmai’y lst. — August 31.st. 1958. Thc total Ieclandic fisli catch in the nionths of January/August 1958 amounted to 382.542 tons. Of this fish catch 127.108 tons were cauglit by trawlers, and the remaining 255.434 tons by cutters and smaller craft. The corresponding fi- Heildaraflinn janúar—ágúst 1958 og 1957 skiptist þannig: 1958 1957 kg kg Bátafiskur........... 255.433.540 244.463.720 Togarafiskur .. .. 127.108.457 112,740.510 Samtals kg. 382.541.997 357.204.230 gures for the same period of last year are as follows: Total fish catch 357.204 tons, thereof 112.741 tons eaught by trawlers and 244.463 tons by eutters and smaller craft. The catch in January/August 1958 has been utilized as follows: A. Groundfish: 1. Fresh on ice, exported directly 6.055 tons 2. Filleting and freezing........... 182.452 tons 3. Stockfish (dried, unsalted), .. 39.249 tons 4. Salted............... ............ 70.357 tons 5. Reduction.......................... 3.201 tons 6. Other uses......................... 3.390 tons 304.701 tons B. Herring: 1. Reduetion..................... 32.674 tons 2. Freezing....................... 5.429 tons 3. Salting........................ 39.738 tons 77.841 tons The main species lmve been eaught in the following quantities in January/august 1958 and 1957: 1958 1957 Cod.................. 215.557 tons 178.557 tons Haddock................ 13.722 tons 14.489 tons Herring................ 77.842 tons 100.302 tons Redfish................ 46.948 tons 38.814 tons In the above summary all weights, which are given in metric tons, indicate the quantity of gutted fish, with the exception of herring, for which the live weight is given.



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