Tímarit lögfræðinga

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.10.1989, Qupperneq 12

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.10.1989, Qupperneq 12
treatment and long-term educational efforts in closed institutions. Instead of this, new ideas have become effective in criminal policy. As imprisonment has been recognized to have many harmful side effects for the prisoner, for the social environment of the inmates and for society as a whole, a new doctrine has become more influential. It claims that imprisonment and even criminal sanctions as a whole should be used only as “ultima ratio”. Icelandic criminal law has made this doctrine its own as early as 1940. The Explanatory Statement, which accompanied the Bill for the new Criminal Code, states that punishment should be used only “as a necessary last resort”. In this country the primary task of the administration of criminal law does today consist in doing justice to the delinquent. Only by doing so will it influence public opinion in the direction of general prevention. In this line of reasoning the most important claim today is that all criminal sanctions should be primarily proportionate to the gravity of the crime and to the guilt of the offender. The theory of culpability can be deduced also from the General Part of the Criminal Code of Iceland. Article 18 states that only intentional or negligent acts are punishable, and that negligent behaviour is punished only, if the statute makes it expressly punishable. Article 19 deals with increased punishment for special serious consequences produced by the crime: the perpetrator may be so punished only if, with respect to these special consequences, he may be charged with at least negligence. Thus strict liability is excluded in the Criminal Code of Iceland. As results of the crisis of criminal policy the following ideas may be cited: In so far as a criminal sanction cannot be avoided completely by social means — which is preferable — alternatives to deprivation of liberty such as fines or community service shall be used. The long- term indeterminate sentence with non-judicial boards deciding upon the release-date has lost ground to the determinate sentence which shall be as short as possible. If appropriate, it shall be suspended and dependent on conditional release after one half of the term has been served. New forms of imprisonment have been tested and sometimes introduced in order to avoid as far as possible harmful side effects on the personality and social links of the prisoner. These include such strategies as open institutions, work release, furloughs, weekend im- prisonment, night detention, detention by fractions of time and other modifications. All these devices are particulary akin to the present 154
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Tímarit lögfræðinga

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