Árdís - 01.01.1958, Blaðsíða 39

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Blaðsíða 39
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 37 Coming to camp is a thrilling experience which holds in store many new and exciting things. First and foremost camp life is very difference from the life at home. We share our bedroom with 20 other girls and can you imagine if the dining room at home crowded 50 to 60 or more people around the table for mother to feed. Second comes the exciting experience of meeting new compan- ions with whom we share our experience and become the best of friends. These new friendships are wonderful, serving to broaden our outlook on life. No school or university can compete with this form of education. Camp life is informal and everyone is expected to take part in all planned activities, whether they be devotional, handicrafts or sports, everyone has to be on time for all these and also the meals. It is well known that we cannot all be equally good at every activity but every camper has a chance to display his or her talent. Water safety is taught and practiced at camp. We are taught to swim undir the Buddy System. This means that evry camper has a partner and they stay close together while in the water. The campers are under a competene instructor taught by the Red Cross. While our camping period is short the routine has proved bene- ficial to health. We sleep under warm bedding with windows open and wake with a hearty appetite, each day is planned. At first the rest periods are not appreciated but we certainly learn to value them as time goes on. As a leader at camp I learned even more, under the valuable in- struction of the camp director, then as a camper. A leader must be tolerant and avoid favoritism and must in all things set an example for the campers. She must instill the will to do things properly and the desire to return to camp next year. As I look back to my stay at Sunrise Lutheran Camp I feel that what impressed one most was the feeing of the nearness of God at all times. The loveliest of all was singing His praise under the stars at close of day. If you ever visit Sunrsie Camp you will be impressed by the outside Altar and the services held there. I will always cherish the opportunity of being able to attend camp and my experience will long be dear to me. Many thanks to the wonderful camp director and all the staff for their fine leader- ship.
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