Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 45

Árdís - 01.01.1958, Síða 45
Ársrit Bandalags lúterskra kvenna 43 Sigurbjorg Julius Sigurbjrog Julius was born in Iceland May 17, 1877. Her parents, Gudrun and Thorvardur Swanson, came to Winnipeg in 1887 and be- came members of First Lutheran Church. The young congregation was building their first church on Pacific and Sherbrook and it was a happy Christmas when they moved in, that Christmas of 1887. The Swanson’s like other Ice- landic pioneers, soon aquired their own home on Pacific Ave., and it became like so many others, a meeting place for friends and relatives — young and old. This was the enviroment that surroun- ded Sigurbjorg Swanson during her formative years, and helped to mould her character and that of her brothers and sisters. Regular attendance at church and stability and independence were characteristics of the Swanson family. Sigurbjorg and I became friends, closer as the years went by and we both married. She married C. B. Julius in 1898 and resided for many years at 1288 Downing St. Her husband died in 1934, 69 years of age. The surviving children are: Clarence Arnor, Churchill, Man.; Norma, Mrs. W. Graham, Stonewall; Jon Christian, Winnipeg, and Eleanor Margaret, Mrs. R. Neil. Another daughter, Amelia Gudrun, who was a member o fthe school teaching staff for years, died in 1946, 41 vears of age, in Ninette Sanatorium. A crushing blow was dealt this mother, and from that time her health began to fail, and she died Nov. 8, 1957, 80 years of age. Her six grandsons acted as Pallbearers. She had lived a long and for many years, useful life. A very faithful attendant at her church, a member of the Ladies’ Aid and secretary for several yeai's, she followed the pattern set by her parents. These things are not for- gotten, and we, who are left, give thanks for having known and loved her. Good bye, dear friend. —Margaret Stephensen.
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