Skólablaðið - 01.02.1990, Page 15
The boy fn
(Do not read this, unless you understand how lies can save the world, and huild a better one.
This is my word of warning. 555.)
Look:-^- A triangle by a lake.
i. is this triangle the immage of thyself?
ii doest thou long to be that triangle?
iii is that triangle just a normal triangle, or is it somthing utterly sinister?
iv how far will you go?
v it is not a triangle, but a lock, into the next dimension!
Look at the boy in the sink, then answer theese questions.
lst. What does the boy symbolise in the objektive reality?
2nd. Is the sink a gate to the 5th dimension?
3rd. Why isn’t the boy drinking Tab?
„Only the correkt answer will open the golden door!“
Ef ég fæ ekki 10 á þessu prófi
þá hef ég gert eitthvað vitlaust!