Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.06.1918, Blaðsíða 9

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.06.1918, Blaðsíða 9
TÍMARIT V. F. í. 1918 23 endless chain. — The piles were rammed down in pairs without difficulty; the depth of the water was only about 1 m, and, as the piles had to be rammed down to about 7 m, tliey were driven 6*/= m through a layer consisting of loose sand. — On an average 3 pairs of piles were ratnmed down a day, and each pair required altout 450 strokes, but in one single case even 1800 strokes. After the excavation the wall was examined by a diver, but he could not find any untight places or other irregularities. — While being rammed down, the pier was grappled to 80 blocks of rein- forced concrete, which had been moulded during the pre- ceding jrear and which were brought into place by the lloating masting sheers at low tide; thereafter at higli tide shingles were tipped over the blocks from the self-unload- ing prams, but the remaining space was filled in with gravel from land. The dredging machine, which was used for excavating, had been built in 1915 on Monberg’s slip in Copenhagen, but its delivery was delayed on account of difíiculties wilh the malerial; it arrived liere during autumn 1915 and was erected on a slip at Effersey. It is a usual dredger, 27 X 6 in and willi a draught of l'/» nt. It has 40 shovels, each with a capacity of 340 liters, its total weight is about 200 tons and it is able to dig down to 101/2 metres below water-level. — The excavating work was begun during March 1916 and the excavated material was transported in 3 self-unloading prants of a capacity of 50 cbc. m, whrch were towed by a motorboat with a 25 Hl\ Dan-engine to Engej'-reef, where thej' were unloaded. Before tlie excava- tion was completed, the main shaft of the dredger’s en- gine cracked and it took almost half a year, to get a new shaft; then the dredging work could be íinished during the sumrner 1917. The Effersej'- and Batterj'-Moles terminate in mole-heads, each of which consists of a caisson of reinforced concrete with a diameter of 8 m and a height of 13 rn'. On the slip at Efiersey, where the dredger liad been erected, the cais- sons were built up to a height of 3 m. After that they were launched, towed to the corner of Eflersej'-Mole and sunk at a depth of 1,8 m; there they were brought to a height of 6 m, then pumped out and held fioating, while they were brought to a height of 8 m. Subsequently they were towed to their place, which had been excavated to 9'/a m, but then filled up by shingles and levelled at 6 m below water-level. — There the caissons were built up to their full lieight of 7 m above water-lcvel and provided with fenders, railings, and a lighthouse, outfitted with a petroleum-lamp. In 1914 a very extensive examination of the bottom in the harbour was carried out, in order to establisb, how much there had to be excavated underneath the moles. The holes were drilled by a common earth-drill as well as with a tube- drill with water-llushing arrangement, and on several places in the Elfersey-Mole artcsian bores were sunk down to the solid ground. -■ Unfortunately- the resulls of these examina- tions were lost, when my office burnt down during April 1915. However I am able to point out, that the solid ground under- neath the moles and in the middle half of the harbour lies at a deptli of 10,5—11 m below water-level and consists oí solid »móhella« and lava. — Towards west the solid ground is steadily ascending, to about 3 m below water-le- vel at the old Grandi and consists of »móhella«, towards south-east the solid ground ascends very steeply to 2 m below water-level and consists of lava. During the building of the harbour the Iowest water- line we observed, was + 0,4 m, the highest water-line + 5,7 m, so tllat the variation in the water-level should be about 5,3 m. Of course the building of the harbour has been much hampered by the war, partly by the irregular and difficult connection with foreign countries, partly by local condi- tions; for the exorbitant rise of the price of fish made it very difficult to keep the people working at the harbour, if one was not able to pay as high wages as the fishery could allord. — The work, which should have been finished on October 16th 1916, could therefore not be completed before October this j'ear and was delivered on Novem- ber lGtli 1917. With the exception of several specialists mentioned be- fore there were exclusively employed Icelandic working- people, foremen and craftsmen as well as labourers. There was paid in wages: °/i of 1913: Kroner 101 297.43 1914: — 1915: — 1916: — of-1917: — 132 550. 93 147 029.14 232 216. 39 140 282. 78 753 376. 67 and the number of liands employed was on an average: in 1913: 111 men - 1914: 106 — - 1915: 109 — - 1916: 140 — - 1917: 86 — Mr. Thorarinn Kristjánsson was assistant engineer, until in April 1916 he entered the town’s service as municipial and harbour-engineer; thereafter Mr. Aksel Pelersen acted as assistant cngineer. There did not happen any serious accident, but some of the minor ones I am going to mdition: In November 1913 the superstructure of the scallold-bridge for the Grandi- Mole together with the track was thrown into the harbour by the waves during a western storrn, when the transporta- tion of stone was almost finished; as mentioned before once a pile of the same bridge was broken and the whole train fell into the water. Finally we had several derail- ments and onee the mast-pram capsized, during the laying out of the anchor-buoj'. During the excavation-work the main crank-shaft of the engine and the shaft of the hoist- ing-drum broke, whicli caused a very disagreeable delay. — 18 accidents were reported; 3 of them were deadlj', while by one of them the workman became invalid for life. The other accidents were of a lighter kind. The insurance against accidents had to pay about 12 000 Kr. for indem- nities. The control of the building of the harbour was in the liands of Mayor Zimsen (M. E.), who during the last l‘/» year was assisted by Mr. Thorariiui Krisljánsson. The town had to pay about 1 800 000 Kr. for the completed harbour, not included the plant, for which 550 000 Ivr. were charged.


Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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