Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.04.1981, Blaðsíða 16

Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands - 01.04.1981, Blaðsíða 16
Geothermal Reservoir Testing based on Signals of Tidal Origin by Gunnar Böðvarsson, School of Oceanography, Oregon State University, and Jonathan M. Hanson, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, University of California * INTRODUCTION The theory of pressure and water lev- el osciallations of tidal origin in Darcy type aquifers and petroleum reservoirs has been discussed in a number of re- cent publications (see for example, Bredehoeft, 1967; Bodvarsson, 1970, 1977, 1978a, 1978b; and Arditty et al., 1978). There is a general agreement that observational data on the tidal pressure phenomena may be applied to obtain useful estimates of important reservoir parameters such as the permeability. A SIMPLE BASIC MODEL In the simplest setting involving a single open well connected by a small spherical cavity to a large homogeneous and isotropic reservoir, the mechanism of the tidal well test is easily com- prehended on the basis of the model il- lustrated in Fig. 1 below. Let the permeability of the porous medium be k, the density of the fluid be p, its kinematic viscosity be v and hence the fluid conductivity of the medium be c = k/v- Moreover, let s be the hydraulic capacitivity or storage coefficient of the medium and the diffusivity therefore a = c/pis = k//ts where /r is the absolute viscosity of the fluid. The skin depth of the medium at an angular frequency u is then d = (2a/u)'/2 (Bodvarsson, 1970). For the present purpose, concentrating first on cases where boundary effects can be ignored, we assume that the skin depth of the reservoir material at tidal frequencies is smaller than the extent of the reservoir including the depth of the well. In other words, the reservoir can be assumed to be infinite as viewed * Paper given at the Fourth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, December, 1978, Stanford University, Stanford, California. from the well-cavity. Introducing a spherical coordinate system with the radial coordinate r and with the origin placed at the center of the cavity, the fluid pressure field p(r,t) in the porous medium is governed by the diffusion equation (Bodvarsson, 1970). 3 tp - a|arr + (2/r)ar]p = -( s/s)3tb 0) where t is time, b(t) the tidal dilatation of the medium and e is the formation matrix coefficient. Let rQ be the radius of the cavity, f the cross section of the well and g the acceleration of gravity. The boundary condition at r = rQ is then (f/g)3tp - Fc3rp = O, (2) where F = 47tr02 is the surface area of the cavity. The expression for the oscillations of the water level in the well in response to the dilatation is obtained by solving the equation (1) with the boundary condi- tion (2) and deriving the pressure at the cavity which is equal to the pressure at the well bottom. To simplify our results without any appreciable loss of generali- ty, we can in most cases assume that the skin depth of the medium is much larger than the dimensions of the cavity, that is, d >> rQ. Assuming therefore an in- finite medium and that b and p « exp (iut), the solution of (1) in terms of amplitudes is (Bodvarsson, 1970) p = (B/r)exp|-(l+i)r/d| - ( Fb/s), (3) where B is a constant to be determined by the boundary condition (2). Inserting (3) into (2), we finally obtain for the amplitude of the water level in the well h = -K eb/Pgs)T/(l+T), (4) where b is the dilatation amplitude and T is the tidal factor, T = -4ingcr0/fu (5) Gunnar Böðvarsson lauk f.h. prófi I vélaverkfrœði frá TH í Miinchen 1936, verkfrœðiprófi í stœrðfrceði, kraftfrœði og skipavélfrœði frá TH í Berlín 1943. PhD-próf frá California Inst. of Technology í Bandaríkjunum 1957. Verkfrœðingur hjá vélsmiðjunni Atlas /4S 1 Khöfn 1943-45, hjá Rafmagnseftir- liti ríkisins í Rvík 1945-47. Yfirverk- frœðingur við Jarðboranir ríkisins og jarðhitadeild Raforkumálaskrifstofunn- ar 1947-61. Fór á vegum Sþ, til Santa Lucia í Vestur-Indíum 1951, Mexíkó 1954, Costa Rica 1963, fjölmargar ferðir til El Salvador, Guatemala og Nicaragua 1965-76, Chile 1972, Islands 1972 og Kína 1981 til að athuga mögu- leika á vinnslu jarðvarma. Námsdvöl við Cal. Inst. og Technology 1955-57. Meðstofnandi ráðgefandi verkfrœði- fyrirtækisins Vermis sf. og starfaði við það 1962-64. Prófessor í stærðfrœði og jarðeðlisfræði við Oregon State Univer- sity í Bandaríkjunum frá 1964. An elementary potential theoretical argument shows that the steady state admittance or conductance of the cavity A = 47tcr0, (6) Figure 1. Single well model. 28 — TÍMARIT VFÍ 1981


Tímarit Verkfræðingafélags Íslands

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