Læknablaðið - 01.10.1968, Side 49
Shields Warren, M.D.:
From the Cancer Research Institute, New England Deaconess
Hospital, Boston, Massachuselts, U.S.A.
(Niels Dungal Memorial Lecture — University of Iceland,
July 26, 1968)
May I express my thanks for the honor of delivering this
Niels Dungal Memorial Lecture.
Nearly two thirds of Dr. Dungal’s life was spent in advancing
the control of cancer and in developing the field of pathology
particularly with regard to the special problcms encountered in
Iceiand. His initial interests in microbiology and immunology
were of great service in his important steps to eradicate a number
of contagious diseases from Iceland. His postgraduate experience
in Scandinavian and German medical lahoratories enhanced his
determination to apply his medical knowledge to the needs of his
native land. This early interest in infectious disease processes
led to special attention to the control of infectious disease both
in man and his important domestic animals. Dr. Dungal’s studies
of pulmonary disease in slieep did much to impi’ove the health
of tlie local flocks as well as to advance comparative pathology.
As his growing stature in the University led to his becoming
first Director of the Institute of Pathology, then Dean of the
Medical School, and then President, his concern with medical and
scientific education develojxed, and he played important parts iu
several world conferences on medical education.
Dr. Dungal was greatly impressed hy the high incidence of
cancei' ol’ the stomach in Iceland and sought for factors which
might explain it. His search for these factoi's, including the
detection of polycyclic hydrocarbons in smoked food, attracted
international attention. It is perhaps appropriate that another
jxathologist interested in carcinogcns, although physical rather
* This investigation was supported by U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission Contract AT(30—1)—3777 with the New England Dea-
coness Hospital and by U. S. Public Health Service Grant CA 06930