

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1968, Side 61

Læknablaðið - 01.10.1968, Side 61
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 219 DEATHS IN AMERICAN RADIOLOGISTS < LU CC UJ Q- — PERCENT DUE TO LEUKEMIA — - (MARCH) _ (WARREN) 1 1 i i i l l i i i U.S.MALES AGE 25 *—« i l l l i l l 1 1 i 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 Fig. 4. Percentage of all deaths of radiologists caused by leukemia in the period 1940—1960. The figures of March and Warren are contrasted. Note the decrease as better precautions were taken against occupa- tion.al radiation. Among the heavily exposed survivors of the atomic l)lasls at Hiroshima and Nagasaki there has heen an excess of leukemia,14 mostlv of acute myelocytic type. Tlie j)eak incidence occurred ahout 10 years after the bombing, and at the present time the number of cases is only moderately in excess of that iu the Japanese population as a whole. Tnterestingly enough, myelocvtic leukemia is the more prevalent type in the Japanese than in Caucasian ])opulations, \\here the lymphocytic form is also quite common. About five per cent of the most heavily exposed survivors have developed leukemia, whereas only a slight excess ahove the incidence in the Japanese population as a whole (Fig. 5) has heen found in the least exposed. Most of these survivors had receivcd whole-hody or nearly whole-body radiation from barely sublethal amounts, in the vicinity of 400 or more R, ranging down to exposures hardly more than those at the level of natural background radiation. It is difficult to estimate the exposure received by some of the pioneer radiologists who developed leukemia, hut from the
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